Monday, June 20, 2011
punched in the gut by perspective
I have been a hairdresser for 10+ years and in those years if I had a dime for every woman that said "I wish my hair was...thicker, thinner, straight, or curly" I'd be retired and living on the shorelines of Tahiti. The response that I have adopted, would have made me just as rich..."stick around here for the day and you will love your hair". You see, the way they look at their hair is because of their perspective.
If a perfectionist walked into my house right now, they would be disgusted by the lack of order...but on the other hand, if a hoarder walked in, they would be frightened by the open space and lack of clutter. They would be seeing my home based on their own perspective. Let me ask this, which one would be right???
My kids think I'm tall, my husband thinks I'm short. Based on their perspectives, who is right???
Donald Trump would think my home is a shack...the woman who lives in Uganda in a mud hut would think I live in a mansion. They would be seeing the same house but basing their opinion on their own perspective. So again, which one is right??
Ever have those moments where you have to take a good look at "deep" things? Well it happened to me this week and this is the "punch in the gut by perspective" part, so I'll quickly move onto my like the quickly part, don't you! Based on our own perspectives, we judge others. Let me soften that because I hope we all try not to judge...we make assessments and assumptions about people.
Lets say we see a tall, totally put together, gorgeous blond, we assume that she has a happy life, feels great about herself and lives a completely self absorbed, judgmental existence.
On the other hand, lets picture a 5'2" brunet (which I happen to like because I am those things ;)) wearing sweats, a big old t-shirt, and no makeup. We assume she doesn't like herself, she is probably lonely and would be relatable and sweet to talk to.
Notice something...with both scenarios, I listed what might be assumed on the positive side and the negative side...any guess why??? Because depending on your own perspective we would look at these two women totally differently! My point is this. I can't simply look at someone and think I know anything about them. We do make assumptions about others based on our own perspective. OK, so maybe its just me, but I doubt it ;)
I want to have more grace by not setting standards for others based on the standards I set for myself. I expect things from myself that I never want to expect from others. I talk a lot around here about food and health, and sometimes in the process I forget that others don't have the same ideals for their own lives. And that is so totally OK, because it would be so boring would it be if we were all the same! You may relate to me sometimes, and sometimes not...but what I want you to know is that I never want any of you to think I am being judgy or purposefully insensitive. I am not the best at communicating what I am feeling, and I have a tendency to be a bit too black and white. What I love is the variety of women that are hanging out here! We love you and we love your input. I have so much to learn, and I learn from you all. I hope for us all, this blog can be a place we all love to be. Sometimes you may want to punch me (never Linz though because she is way too cool!) but I hope that you will understand that I come from a place of just wanting to grow and figure stuff out, and I hope you are along for the ride.
I know that I strayed a bit from our theme this month of "get off your butt and get healthy" so I'm going to end this today by saying lets all have a "healthy" perspective toward each other, because we can never look at someone and assume things that we can't really know...(how do you like that deep thought!)
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Facebook Login Labels: acceptance, aha moments, being judged, perspective

punched in the gut by perspective
acceptance|aha moments|being judged|perspective|
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