Wednesday, March 9, 2011
Greenify your family in 8 small steps {pssst...If I can do it, anyone can!}
I am relatively new to the whole "green" scene. I have recycled for years, but honestly that's only because the garbage company brings big recycle bins right to my door and it saves on our trash bill. It hasn't been until we started developing our eco-friendly line at Earth Monkeys that I started to be aware of just how UN-GREEN I really am. I had three in diapers for years... so cloth diapers were out... don't you roll your eyes and judge me, I know I'm not alone in this! And the whole "greeny", "eco-friendly","recycley" lifestyle always seemed too expensive and too difficult. If I'm being really honest (brace your selves, I can't find my filter this morning) even now, when I visit environmentally friendly websites or blogs, many feel stuffy and judgmental and can almost carry an air of superiority. Sometimes I feel like the new kid in church... like the guy up front is going to call me out because I'm not good enough to be in this crowd. (Consequently that is exactly how I felt when I became a pastors wife... and it's not a good feeling.) Anywhoo, I tend to be a bit of a rebel... I don't like to conform and snobby superiority makes me want to do just the opposite no matter what the cause is... immature?? Probably, but it's kind of what has kept me from making changes in my lifestyle until now... right wrong or otherwise.
Gena and I are both still a work in progress when it comes to being green and running an eco-friendly household. I am passionate that taking baby steps is the key to making lasting, effective change, so that's what I'm doing. My life is chaos 98% of the time... my three boys areexhaustingly high maintenance high energy, and trying to run a successful business, blogging, cleaning, laundry, cooking... like all of you my list goes on... I don't want to add one more thing to my plate. If faced with the decision between eco-friendly and convenience my choice will vary on any given day... that's just how it is. What I have realized though, is that there are so many things that I can do that aren't hard and even save me money. The more I do them the easier it gets and the less I have to think about making the right choice.
So.... here are 8 THINGS YOU CAN DO RIGHT NOW TO "Greenify" your family and probably even save you money in the process...
Gena and I are both still a work in progress when it comes to being green and running an eco-friendly household. I am passionate that taking baby steps is the key to making lasting, effective change, so that's what I'm doing. My life is chaos 98% of the time... my three boys are
So.... here are 8 THINGS YOU CAN DO RIGHT NOW TO "Greenify" your family and probably even save you money in the process...
- Stop using paper towels/plates... Gena
shamed me into"encouraged" me to just buy a costco pack of those white towels and use them instead ... and I decided to just start washing dishes instead of using paper plates for breakfast and lunch... I made the swtich about 9 months ago and it's not that bad:) - Turn your lights off and unplugged the stuff you're not using... my mom will laugh that I wrote this because I am still really working on this one... it's extra hard when you're the only person in the house who doesn't think every single light needs to be on 24/7.
- Replace your light bulbs with energy efficient ones... they're a little more spendy upfront but save on the electric bill big time!
- Check out A Simple Switch by Philips on Facebook... they have great tips and challenges on making small changes.
- Stop Using Plastic Bags... Either bring your own or use paper bags ( I shred the paper bags and use them as filling for Earth Monkeys gift bags... so don't give me that finger wave:) Gena's the pro at this... I've got the grocery store down but I always forget my bags at like Target or other stores... I then have to do the "walk of shame" hoping Gena's not lurking around the corner waiting to bust me:) hehe
- Put on some socks... My house is old and drafty... we're talking all original 1958... I can feel breeze through my windows... it's bad. And while I should replace them with new energy efficient ones, I don't have $20K to fork out right now. Sooo instead of cranking up the heat to 85 to make-up for the cold, we just bundle up 1) Because a $500 power bill isn't fun to pay and 2) Because it's an easy energy saver!
- Join the Reuse Revolution on our Earth Monkeys website! Make the pledge not to buy disposable bibs and changing pads... you don't have to use our stuff... but choosing to use washable reusable products does make a difference. CLICK HERE to join!
- Find a favorite Green Moms Blog to follow... My personal favorite is Secret Mommy... she's a real mom with crazy monkeys who does her best to live a green lifestyle. I have never felt judged or less than by anything she's written... only encouraged and inspired!!
This is a journey for me... it's deciding daily to have the mindset to make good decisions and to become a good example for my kids. Not because it's trendy and popular to be green, but because I want to be a good steward and respect the beauty of the creation God entrusted to us... That said mama's still got a long way to go... if you have any EASY tips to green-up PLEEEAAASSEE let us know... leave a comment below... one EMM blog follower will get a little Earth Monkeys treasure for your idea!! Have such a great wednesday!!
Facebook Login Labels: eco-friendly family, recycling

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We had curbside recycling in Hawaii and that made it super easy for me. Now....not so much. We don't have it now and it's a huge effort to actually TAKE the recycling somewhere. I need to figure it out....
It is like pulling teeth to get my husband to recycle, but I do it mainly because it saves a lot of room in my garbage can!
Girl, I just adore you! :) Thanks for the shout-out. And I agree...judgey ain't good. I for one, still make a LOT of mistakes, (or have non-green products in my life I don't yet seem able to part with...) but the little things we each do add up. And I agree that the things that save us time, energy or money are the easiest and best places to start!!! :) Smooches.
thanks for calling me out...again!!! hehehe (this is Gena..)
I like to use reusable snack bags for on the go, but if I do use Zip-Locks (gasp) I re-use them as much as possible! Is that gross ???:)
Something that I see lots of moms do (I have done it as well) but we tend to use wipes to clean up our kids. I try to use a wash cloth more than wipes. It's hard to remember though!!
I suggest taking small steps and not getting overwhelmed I started with one thing at time, I have replaced household cleaners and products with ones safe for the environment slowly replaced all the light bulbs (yes it really does save money) I too reuse Grandma has always washed them...we now buy the recycled paper towels for emergencies you know the ugly brown ones which it's good they are brown my kids think they are gross and and dirty plus i use these things a lot less because they are a bit spendy, I also suggest making it a game to turn things that use power off when you leave, My kids love it... Plus just being observant of what you really do use and WASTE can really be an eye opener I'm not going to lie separating my trash annoys me.....but I'm tryin to do maybe my kids will do it too and add to the cycle of recycling
Thanks so much for sharing girls!!! I put all of your names in a bowl and had my hubby draw one:):) And Keegan gets the Earth Monkeys prize:) Woohoo!! love you girls! You're awesome!!!
I know I'm late to win...heck..didn't even know I could get a prize if I had read this earlier and not slacked, but just had to say that your blog resonates loudly to me! That is so me. I am a rebel. I'm a believer and a rebel...the two just don't mix too well all the time. :) I am not completely into the "greeny" thing, but am willing and wanting to do a few little things. Thanks for the encouragement. :)
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