Friday, September 16, 2011
Hands off your peeper...and a few other things we never thought we'd oldie but goodie!!
I'm sitting here trying to write some snappy paragraph to lead you into the reason why I am copping out and posting "an oldie but goodie" and not posting one of our Earth Monkey special contributors, but honestly I am so crazy tired, I can hardly here it goes...I reached way back for this one but I though we could all use a little laugh...All of the Extreme Home Makeover stuff with surface again, but tonight, stick a fork in me because I am done!
I still cant believe most of the things that come out of my mouth on a daily basis...amazing the crazy things that kids do that make you say things like.....
DONT drink's been sitting in the car for 3 days! Ok, so maybe I'm the only one that has ever said that, but I have to be honest that it is not uncommon to find a half drank chocolate milk floating around in my car! Oh how I wish I didn't have to admit that!
Because I said so….Honestly this is the one I REALLY cant believe that I actually do say. I thought I would be the parent that would calmly explain the reason for everything I ever said…now I fully realize that there was no possible way I could ever give enough of an explanation to my children to satisfy them. … Ever!
Stop touching your peeno (dont ask me where that name came from) seriously boys, how in the world do you come out with an instant obsession with that little thingy hanging between your legs??????? Can it really be THAT exciting! sheesh!!!
I said…..I just knew that my children would be so well behaved that there would never be a time that I would have to ever repeat myself. (oh come on you used to think that the mom that couldn’t get her kids to listen to her the first time was a looser too!!) But I will admit that maybe once or twice a day (ok maybe 103 times) I do have to say “I said…” But I’ m sure when they are teenagers, I’ll only have to say things once! (Riiiiight)
No one can know the down and dirty of being a parent…until you become a parent… sometimes throughout the day I stop and think to myself…”did those words really just come out of your mouth?” They are words that form sentences I never imagined anyone saying…
Forks Aren’t For Stabbing…Maybe it’s just my kids…but they can turn anything into a weapon and often try to shank each other…
We Don’t Touch Poop… I still remember the day Sawyer came down the stairs proudly yelling ewwe poooop… he had pooped on a toy cell phone and brought it down proud to show us his accomplishment… that was the day the poop war was waged in the McPhail household and we battle on even today…
Don’t Drink the Bath Water… your butt is in that water….Stop drinking it!!! What is the draw?? Seriously, I can’t imagin what is so thirst quenching about merky soapy butt water?? But still they drink…
Hands Off Your Peeper… (I know peeper sounds I little creepy but I can’t say penis or wiener…) If you have boys, you have to be familiar with this one. day or night rain or shine, they have to make sure their friend is still attached… apparently it will be that way until the end of time…
Is That My Toothbrush In The Toilet??? Oh the glamorous life of a mother…
Please, please add yours below!!! Remember,we love it when you make us feel normal!!!
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Let us not forget "I'm going to count to three! One....two...."
I have 2 girls, 1 boy and I know this might sound weird, but I hate the word vagina. Don't know why, just do, so we call it peeperdinkle. Came from my mom in law, because apparently she didn't like the proper anatomical term either. You should have seen the look we got when we were out in public one day and my daughter who was 4 at the time came up to me and said, "Mom, my peeperdinkle is really itchy!!!!!"
I couldn't believe myself just a few weeks ago when my son was crying over the smallest thing and I actually said "you better stop crying now before I give you something to cry about". Ha! And evidently I use "how many times do I have to tell you" quite a bit because now my son is using the line on me.
Too bad so sad go call your Dad is what I say; now my 5 year old says it to me! :( Grrr!
"God made dirt and dirt don't hurt!"
We call butt cheeks, "bunny bunnies"... that evolved from toddler talk... we still use it!
Rebecca Cate
"If you keep pulling on that, it's going to fall off!"
My son is not one of those children who goes in search of his "stuff" but when he does get the chance to "let it all hang out", he uses it for anything from a guitar to what I can old describe as some sort of slinkie.
"Don't pick things up off the ground"
He is also a collector and he likes to examine every scary little treasure he can find. Wherever we go I'm constantly mortified as I catch him reaching for a piece of old chewing gum or half eaten baked potato wrapped in shiny tin foil (not kidding it's really happened). I've become so aware of his habit that I can actually spot these horrible little treasures before he does...Thank God.
I am a new fan and just read this today for the first time! I LOVE that I am not the only mom who says the things you two shared. I swear I have said everything both of you posted (with different names for things, my sons "stuff" is called his fish because apparently thats what he started calling it in the bathtub one night when he was about 18 months old. Maybe from his angle thats what it looks like!) and now I don't feel like my son is the only one out to hurt his siblings! I comfinscated a padded bat from him, and he is 4 by the way, because I looked up from doing the laundry in time to see him take a nice, long, calculated swing at his 14 month old sister! Thanks for keeping it so real for us!
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