Wednesday, March 16, 2011
I'm a "Happy Hooker" {fighting my secret addiction}
I HATE it when people give me a hard time about how often I'm on the computer or my phone... 1) because 99% of what I do for work is online and 2) because I know they're right and I hate being called out... it's annoying people!! Hey at least I can admit it. I know I need to get it together. I know I need to fill my free time ahahahahaha with somthing other than work... even if that means, dah-dah-dah... shutting off the computer for a day. (Insert horror movie scream here)
For the past two weeks I have signed of off facebook Sunday morning with the intention of spending the day with my family. I was actually pretty shocked when I realized it was WAY harder than I thought it would be. I get anxious and irritable and I find myself organizing my thoughts as if they are facebook posts... WHAT IS WRONG WITH ME??? The ding of my phone when I've got an new e-mail or the little chime I get when someone posts on my wall are like crack to me. I can't resist them... I AM ADDICTED to the internet!
I decided I need a hobby that doesn't include staring at a screen and telling my kids "I'll be right there" 1500 times while I finish "one last thing." I have been trying to think of something for months that I would like to do in my spare time... (besides cyber stalking and thinking of clever wall posts...yes, I know that's sad). Even sadder, is the fact that I can't really even think of anything I would like to do... maybe go pee by myself???

My point is not to just replace one idle task with another... I don't want my family to feel snubbed by my kick arse crocheting ability anymore than I want them to resent my time on the computer. I do know I need something just for me though, and honestly I'm hoping this sassy little craft book will be like "the patch" for facebook. It might be wishful thinking, but until they come out with the real thing, I need to get through the urge to check my mail and facebook newsfeed 700 times an hour.... one step at a time. And if being a "happy hooker" can help with that... I'm game!

Facebook Login Labels: addictions, crochet, facebook, funny, hobbies, kids, life, parenthood, stitch 'n bitch, WAHM, working

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My addiction is crocheting & making headpieces for girls... well actually anything with crafts :)
My secret addiction: horribly wrong reality t.v.! It's sad to admit that Rock of Love is not airing anymore...
I write novels. I've been working on six novels for the past seven years. I hope one day to actually stop revamping, and to actually finish and publish them. I hope to be able to bring an income with it someday.
It's a pipe dream. A huge, ridiculous vision.
But yes, it's something I absolutely love to do.
And it's painful to admit.
My most recent addiction is making girly tutus! Before that it was making Jamie's ridiculously cute and addictive bracelets. I must have at least 50 of them.
I would have to say my secret addition would be Reality TV---Love love love the Housewives of pretty much ANYWHERE :-) and im definetly addicted to facebook--!!!!
My addiction is being on FB and checking everyones statues and updates ALL THE TIME!!! No lie!!! My fiancé said that we won't get married until I kick the habit! Lol!! Also, I read the twilight books over and over again!! Sad I know but I love these books!! Lol!! O and one more, I'm always reading US weekly, people magazines, ok!, and life and style!!
I'd have to say that I'm addicted to being addicted to something! I'm on FB ALL the time (dosent help that it's on my pone) I watch reality TV (I want to be in the Bad Girls Club), and I check on my ex's, my ex's ex's and my soon to be ex's ex's! Texting....yep!! I wait for that reply like the world is ending...Text me back already! And the worst thing is that I do it all while eating chocolate! Love Love my chocolate!
Facebook and Fiber are my addictions. I have the fb app on my phone so I can check it when I'm not near a comp & I can't go into a yarn shop without making a purchase ... sigh ...
*stands & says* my name is Jasmine. I have a FB & Fiber Addiction! ;)
ps: The woman who wrote The Happy Hooker explains things very well and quite thoroughly! I have been crocheting for years, but wanted to learn to knit. Since my mom is "severely" left-handed, her teaching me wasn't working out too well for me, so I picked up a copy of The Knitter's Handbook and was knitting rather nicely in a couple of days! :) Good luck to ya on your crochet adventure :)
Well, I'm like you! I am hopelessly addicted to Facebook, much to my husband's dismay. He doesn't see the point of it. But, I've gathered so many amazing fellow autism moms around me that I love the support and community it brings me in a virtual way. It's rewarding to learn their triumphs and it's educational to learn their struggles. I learn SO MUCH from my virtual family that I can't be gone from Facebook very long. It's become an important part of my day.
I guess it's a good thing that I don't use Twitter, I don't have a smart phone, and my cell is old school which makes texting difficult. Otherwise, I might be talking about more stuff on this comment!
Oh, and I have a slight (um, major) addiction to coffee. There's a reason I call myself the Caffeinated Autism Mom, after all! ;-)
hi my name is Erin and I am a facebook addict. hahahaha. I am and proud to admit it. Before I had my son I was WAAAAYYYYYY worse. I am now able to only get on during his naps and sometimes I skip a day. I also looooove the real housewives.
Another great post Lindz!!! I know I can always count on you for a pick me up!! :)
So I love the post, laughed several times and started thinking if there is anything that I can't stop doing. I'm too busy these days to have an addiction but.... The reality is I fantasize about a smoking addiction. Crazy I KNOW!(insert P.C. disclaimer here) But smokers have all that alone time outside where no one wants to be right up on them. No, "Mom can you get me this.." or "Honey can you help me with that...". Just solitude in a quiet deserted corner. If it weren't for that death thing I would be such a smoker!
I would like to stand up and join FA as well...Facebookers Anonymous. I also have a huge problem with it. I think it's a SAHM thing...a complete and total "escape" outlet. I also am addicted to making hair flair. :)
Man I love you girls!! I can always count on you to let me know I'm not alone... and I may have peed myself a little reading Christina's... HILARIOUS!
So in our ultra scientific way of determining a winner... (aka my husband choosing a number) Number 7 was chosen and Jennifer L wins the Earth Monkeys Gift certificate:) yahoo!! Congrats I just sent you a facebook message. ~Linz:)
Yay!! Thanks soo much!! I'm excited!!!
Fun post. :) I'm a Twitter addict. I thought it was dumb until I actually tried it...I love me a good Tweet. :)
Thanks for joining my Weekend Bloggy Reading party. :) Hope you'll stop by Serenity Now again soon!
Wow, I thought I wrote this post. It took me a second to realize you weren't talking about me.
I learned to knit from Stitch and Bitch! They are great books. And don't be surprised if one day you are crocheting some lovely lacy little thing to cover your toilet paper rolls. It is that addicting.
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