Saturday, November 13, 2010

Big and Chunky...

So I'm doing to "Game On Diet" and Saturdays are my free days... before noon today I had almost put myself into a sugar induced coma... it was so bad that I had to go take a nap.. and I NEVER take naps. So to make up for my sinful ways, when I got up the kids and I cranked the tunes and had a little dance party... I now feel 47% better and the urge to puke with the slightest movement is gone... Here was our favorite dance party song today because... There's Nothing Wrong With Lovin Chunky...

PS Before you get your panties in a bunch it's G rated and from the Madagascar 2 soundtrack:)

Will.I.Am - Big And Chunky 


Earth Monkey Moms said...

Nice!!! Danced with Hunter since he is the chunky butt here!

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