Monday, June 6, 2011

You might be a junk food junkie if....25 signs you might need a change!

    In keeping with the theme of "get off your butt and get healthy", I feel like I (the food Nazi) need to come clean...Saturday was spent in celebration of my nephews college graduation with family, fun, and of course food. I'm going to get right to the point and start off with the good...salad, fruit, water; now move to the bad...a hamburger, chips, artichoke dip; and now the ugly...lemon bars, chocolate chip cookies and pepsi.  (did I just hear Linz gasp??)  I'm admitting to this for two reasons, 

1) to let you all know that my philosophy is NOT to eat so clean all of the time that you miss out on any good splurges (what is the point!) 

2) to let you know that I felt like CRAP!  

    Our afternoon was filled with chasing kids around, laughing, and lots of volleyball.  Normally when we play volleyball, I'm the last one standing, barely able to see because the sun is gone, begging everyone for one more game.  Not today.  My energy was zapped and I even noticed my attitude was totally bla!

     So here are my deep thoughts for today...If you find yourself often feeling like crap, with no energy, and a bad attitude, you might just want to look at what you are eating.  I promise you it makes a difference!!!  So thats it for my hounding today...(I know, hard to believe!)

     I  set up a little test below to see if you might need to look at your eating habits.   
So here it goes... 
You might be a funk food junkie if...

-You put whipped cream on your Starbucks triple mocha...and on your vegetables, and your salad and your chicken, and your...

-You eat donuts before your work out because you thing a sugar high will help you run faster

-Your pantry looks you just came home from  a 10 cent top roman sale

-Your neighbors complain about the noise from your homemade cotton candy machine

-You think a farmers market is a place where they sell farms

-The last time you saw a piece of lettuce was when you passed by it in route to the fried chicken at the buffet

-You think "fast" food is actually a food group

-The only "fruit bowl" you have is the one where the fruit is painted on it

-The only fish you eat has "fillet of..." in the name

-You think chips are a health food because you dip them in salsa a guacamole (hey those are vegetables right??)

-Your kids think "fruit roll ups" are actually fruit

-Everything you eat has en expiration date of May 2095

-Your family would starve if you misplaced the can opener

-You pull up to the Taco Bell drive through and order "the usual"

-Your bread is the color of your husbands freshly bleached undershirts 

-You count french fries as your daily vegetable

-Your salad looks more like a piece of lettuce swimming in a pool of white ranch dressing

-Your late night snack closely resembles an all you can eat buffet

-When making your own trail mix, you leave out everything except the M&M's

-Lunch consists of a glass of wine and a snickers bar...(wine and chocolate are healthy...right?)

-You think potato salad, pasta salad and Jello salad are actually salads!

-Aunt Jemima,  The Pillsbury dough boy, Ronald, and Tony the tiger are your best friends

-The largest muscles in your body are in the hand that carries around that 64oz soda

-Your energy level is similar to that of a sloth

-You take the saying "life is short, eat dessert first" literally

Make sure to take a moment and let us hear from you...are you making any changes this month?  Whats going on in your pantry and your fridge?  Need to admit anything..or celebrate something???  Let us know in the comments below.

...and once more begging asking you to make sure you are following us and please share us with your friends.  Thanks lovely ladies!