Monday, March 14, 2011
With tragedy, along comes, lets make some changes...
Occasionally I get a chance to browse through other blogs. I love the ones that either make me laugh, pull on my heart strings, or even the ones that teach me something all Martha-ish (that I will never do of course!). But the one feeling I almost always walk away with, is one of complete and utter inadequacy.
It is hard for me to write in this blog. I am not a writer, I am not overly wise, funny or experienced in all areas of life. Most of the time, what I really want to write is something that will make you all cry with laughter, and of course we know that rarely happens. So, I try to be real. Today I have been struggling with writing this post. Once again, I have fallen into the trap of wanting to make you all laugh. I thought about sharing how my daughter and I rode our new scooter cars down the hill outside of our house and hit about 20! We did it over and over, and had some great laughs! I put together a few "life lessons" to share about taking time with your kids, laughing and enjoying life; I thought about some wise marriage advice since we are celebrating our 8 year anniversary tomorrow...(like I have any of that) but somehow, none of it feels right...
When I was in high school, there were two separate times that a student was killed in a drunk driving accident. These were obviously tragic times!! If there was anything good that came out of these horrible incidents, it was that the rest of us students snapped into reality and realized that none of us were immune to this kind of tragedy. I think for about a month, everything changed. Ya, a month. That is about the amount of time that it took for us to forget and start drinking and driving again...Shame!! Funny thing is, that as adults, I'm not convicted that we are much different. Soldiers die in wars, and we are moved; yet we still argue with our husbands that are alive and well. New Orleans has a massive flood, people die, homes are lost; and still we complain about laundry and the traffic on the way to work. Japan has an earthquake that has potentially killed tens of thousands; and yet we spent the day frustrated because our car broke down, the kids broke a vase, and we were late for church.
I'm sure I lost a "friend" this last week when on my FB wall someone had said something like "I had a really bad day"; I had just gotten off the phone with my sister in law who's family currently lives in Japan; and I just couldn't handle that remark. So call me a mean girl, but I commented "unless you are living in Japan, it probably was not THAT bad of a day". My "overly-sensible" husband made a good point that something very bad could have happened to her, but I guess that was just a "straw moment" for me. (that is what I call those moment where you just snap). I'm just over us overly spoiled Americans sitting around complaining about our bosses, our kids, our sinks full of dishes, and everything else that is only complicated because we overfill our plates (literally a figuratively). Can I just say just so you don't all think I'm a raging !$%&#...I know life can be challenging on a daily basis. I am a work from home mom of two, I have a part time job as well, and I do not have someone that shows up to cook my dinner or do my laundry...I know it's frustrating...and I do complain sometimes...(I think I just heard Linz say "thats for sure!!!")...but it's our attitudes I'm talking about here.
I am hoping and praying that we will be able to watch this tragedy that is going on right now, even as you read this post, and remember it. In a month, a year, a decade...and let it change us all. If you are reading this, you are most likely sitting in a warm house or office, or even reading it on some fancy schmancy really, really REALLY...what do we have to complain or gripe about!!!
I have recently committed to changing my attitude...big time!!! I am sticking to it...big time!!! It is changing my home, my kids, and my marriage. I have NOTHING to complain about. Oh, I could believe me, my life is not perfectly smooth sailing. And just turn on the news if you are not convinced that you could make a list a mile long of all of the great things in your life too!
I am sorry to be on such a rampage. No, actually I am not. If you don't need to change your thinking, or your attitude in any way, I am sorry that I waisted your time. But if you do, I am asking you to put on your big girl panties and be brave...Please comment below and share an area that you have been wasting time on being negative about, then tell us how you are going to change it. If you "follow" us, and comment, one brave person will win an Earth Monkey bib!!
And please, take a moment to lift up the people of Japan, Haiti (we seam to have forgotten about them already) and our brave soldiers who risk their lives daily for us. Thanks for letting me be honest with you....
...And one quick side note. We all need a friend that gets us; that gets that we love our lives (for the most part) but that we can be honest with. It is ok to share frustrations, hurts, and just a bit of complaining with. Oh and when you see us do it here or on our FB page try not to judge; because we are real...OK, now I'm done, for real. .
Facebook Login Labels: appreciation, attitude, bad attitude

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Gena: I'm so glad you wrote this! This is a subject I go over and over with in my head and talk about (over and over) with my husband. 4 months ago we had a baby. It's changed our life! It is amazing, it is a life I have chosen. I've also chosen to keep working full time as a teacher. Working full time and trying to be a full time mommy/wife is tough, and I've found myself complaining about how overloaded I am. But, really what I should be doing is rejoicing! I have a healthy baby, a warm house, a working car, a great husband, a loving church family...I could go on. I am making a change. I am going to LOVE the #$%& out of the piles of work I've got on my plate!! And for the record...I LOVE the fact that EMM write the truth!
Well... it's funny cause that person could have been me on facebook. (It wasn't, but it could have been). I have had a really bad year. A really bad past few months, and this past week was the kicker. And I'm not just talking little, petty things... but about genuine tragedy. I lost my mom suddenly, my dad remarried very quickly, and through it all our extended family has seemed to fall apart. It's hard to face so much life-changes on the heels of grieving my mother. This week someone confronted me with more problems they have about me, and that was the straw that broke my back. I had a horrible week. But not because big stuff. But because a bunch of little hurtful arrows punched me in the spine- a spine that was already wounded.
BUT---- yesterday I pulled myself up my boots and I said "no more." I can either let the outside circumstances drain my ability to be a good mother, and lash out to my husband like a wounded animal.. OR I can open up my eyes and see the abundance of blessings sitting right in my living room. That's why the Bible says, "I lift my eyes up to the hills where my help comes from!" Because sometimes we are too close to the forest to see the trees. Sorry this is so long, but Gena you echoed what I was already feeling. Sometimes we just need to stop, take a breath, and look around. Let the gifts around us just soak in and heal those wounds that the world inflicts. Cause sometimes we have bad bad days and we just feel beaten up. But God's faithfulness is always always present. Even to these ones in Japan, we cannot judge the way that God may be working inside of them, carrying them through this awful, awful tragedy. A tragedy that did add much sudden perspective when I found myself picking a fight with the love of my life last night. All it took was one look at yahoo for me to apologize and shut my mouth.
Such a great post and terrific reminder for all of us. (I should start out by addressing your very beginning and say that you ARE a good writer AND wise AND funny!) Over the last month or so I have vowed to be more patient. I hate when I hear myself getting naggy with my kids about picking up toys or not splashing bath water or being messy at lunch time. I keep reminding myself that 25 years from now I will be looking back on these days as the happiest of my life. And the ones that lasted far too briefly. It surely also helps to think of all the things we have that others don't, which right now includes our family and our homes when compared to those in places like Haiti and Japan. Thanks again for reminding us all to be thankful.
Sigh. Yes, this is something that I needed to hear this morning. I have one sick kid that went to the E.R. yesterday and another one getting sick this morning. I made the offhanded remark about wanting to shoot myself!!!!! Then, I thought of the story my dad read me last night about a mother who's baby was swept out of her arms during the tsumani as she was trying to hold on to him.
Yeah, my babies might be snotty, but they are alive and in my arms. It can' be that bad.
Wow, you took the words right out of my mouth. When our power went out yesterday people would complain about having no power for an hour and I couldn't help but think of the people in Japan who have no food, water, homes....I just wanted to put a mirror in front of their face and say, "really, you are really complaining about this."
What I am taking from this horrible tragedy is that we need to appreciate all that we have. Cherish every moment we have with our friends and family and to not let the little bumps in life bring us down. It's something that we should already practice in our lives and through our relationships and hopefully we can put those thoughts into actions.
Your honesty is truly appreciated Gena and such an inspiration to us all!
I love this post! I so like my soap box- I get up on it and I complain about others attitudes all the time! How others aren't living their lives how I am. How the choices their making are harming others around them and the Earth. How my kids are just so ungrateful and their attitudes about everythin bring me down. But you know where they get it- of course from ME!
Not only do I have to change my attitude to one of gratitude but I have to change how I'm putting it out I can set a better example. For them, for me or for the stranger reading my blog or over hearing my conversation. I can be all negative and judgemental but really I shouldn't I just need to stop and find the joy that's there everyday.
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