Friday, April 29, 2011
{DYI Jewelry Box} Gift it -or- keep it for yourself!
Jamie... Jamie's husband and three kids are the most amazing influences in her life - they are her rock, and make her laugh everyday! Creating! This one word shapes up a life that has been shaped by designing, drawing and crafting. Jamie began creating jewelry in the evenings and selling pieces to boutiques to make a little extra money. Her dream came true when she took a leap of faith and started designing full time. 

Shadow boxes are no longer just for hanging collectables in... Here's a fun new way to display your jewels!!!
Project Materials:
Shadow Box (with a pre-existing backing)
Fabric of choice
Spray Paint Color of choice
Screw Driver
Masking Tape
Hot Glue Gun
{1}Shadow boxes come in a variety of shapes, sizes, and prices, so pick one that works best for the space you intend on keeping it and your budget. (I found mine for $10!)
{2}Remove screws, hinges, and inside cardboard backing. Mask off both sides of the glass with masking tape. Now you're ready to spray paint your jewelry box!
[editor's note: MMMM...YES PULLEASE... I will take each Bohemian Jones piece in the example..wowsa... mommy like!]
{A giveaway with a purpose!}
My giveaway this feature is connected to the "Thew Family's Uganda Adoption". Bohemian Jones has teamed up with the Thew Family in their efforts to raise $30,000 in their journey to adopt a deserving baby in Uganda, Africa! There are now TWO Bohemian Jones pieces up for grabs with your generous $5 donation to Baby Thew's adoption! Read more about the Thew Family on their blog at the link provided below!
To donate and be entered into the giveaway, click here:
Both winners will be announced on Bohemian Jones Facebook page on Sunday, May 1st!
Wednesday, April 27, 2011
Surviving a Strong Willed Child...
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Photography by Maria Alexandra Photography |
All I could do was tell her I was sorry... judgmental
By now you know that I don't know anything about anything so this is not a post of great tips to conquering your strong willed child... but I do have an arsenal of sanity savers to survive the sometimes years of butting heads that come with raising
- And this is the most important.... when your child starts throwing one of those "that's not really my child" tantrums in public... Stop what you're doing... Keep your head down and get the HELL out.... I think I might stitch that on a pillow... (eye contact with other adults is bad... very very bad... it's almost an invitation for unsolicited
criticismadvice and looks of horror.) - Have something you look forward to everyday... Sticking to your guns and feeling like the bad guy all the time can be rough on a mama. Constantly having to be on top of the strong willed culprit and ready with EXHAUSTING... so after my monkeys are in bed (at 7pm on the dot... cause I'm mean like that) I always try to have something to look forward to. Usually a date with my friend Merlot... but sometimes a bath and some ice cream are just the trick...
- Let go of the guilt... When Gena and I talk on the really rough days... we know we're safe with each other to say... we don't want to do this anymore... {Gasp... yes I said it.} Of course we aren't serious and it's only a little true... but there's a huge weight of guilt that surrounds those feelings. Even if that thought is only a fraction of a percent true, it feels yucky and I beat myself up over it. Especially about a half hour after they're all asleep for the night and I go in and they look like little angels... I wonder how I could have ever been so frustrated with such perfect little men... but then a new day starts and with it comes the "stares of doom" where if they could talk I know they be saying... "Oh, sorry... did you really think you're in charge here... because I'm pretty sure I'm going to ignore you and do what I want." I think the point is... when you know you love your child more than life... it's ok to have the split second feelings of "I don't want to do this anymore".... I think if we're honest... most of us have felt that way at one time or another. So let it go... You're not alone.
- Focus on the bright side... The really exceptionally great thing about having strong willed children is that they are in fact strong. They are decisive and persistent and not afraid of a fight. Those are great qualities to have as an adult... those things alone make a person great and will allow them to do amazing things in life ... that could be my own little fairy tale I tell myself... but hey it helps me sleep at night:)
- Learn from other people's mistakes... I have to say in my journey as a mother of special needs and very strong willed children there's one thing I wish no mother would ever have to experience... and that's the judgemental comments and stares from people who haven't walked in my shoes. It's about the crappiest feeling ever to be on the receiving end of harsh criticism on top of having to deal with a meltdown or stand off... it hurts... and it stays with me for days. You would think that alone would keep me from EVER uttering "I would never..." or giving a disapproving look at someone parenting differently than I do... but honestly I've done it... and today I am making a pact to stop. We have to stop beating each other up or the cycle will never end!
Don't Forget to {Go Blue} for autism awareness month.. Check out these amazing mother warriors and do your part to spread awareness about autism this month!
Monday, April 25, 2011
I think I have a personality...but which one???
So I have to admit to something...If I tried to sit down and write any kind of anything that any of you would want to spend more than 10 seconds reading, I would bomb. It's 9:00 PM, I have a to do list sitting in front of me crazy long, dishes that have been there since yesterday morning (not kidding), neither one of my kids had clean jammies tonight, and no thief will be able to break in to my house because I finally got everything out of my car and it is now blocking my front I am pulling out an;
"OLDIE, BUT GOODIE..." Enjoy!!!

So when I first started thinking about all of this "personality stuff", I decided to give it the benefit of the doubt and REALLY think about it.
Of course for me, that means dragging my husband into it as a guinea pig and then helping him to learn. (by this I mean telling him all the ways that he is wrong and I am right). But for real, what is hitting me all of a sudden, is that we are all different. WOW you say, big revelation!! Maybe this is not earth shattering to you, but for me, it kind of is...
We are all different, not wrong, not right, just different.
We should all be able to read that a couple of times, and I should end here, but the Lion in me just cant do it...Sorry.
I like to be right. (again that pesky Lion!) I have a hard time admitting that I am wrong (big surprise to my husband...the analytical Beaver!) This is not a great trait!! I don't like to talk on the phone, I don't like a lot of information. I like to make a decision and be done. I sound like a real ?&*#% hu? But you know what?? I am crazy compassionate, I will have your back no matter what. I would give anything up for my family, and I would do anything for a friend. I take on your grief, and your sorrow, and I would give you the shirt off my back!! Am I redeemed yet???
So I guess what this all means is that we all have great weaknesses, and even greater strengths, it is all in how we use them....and...those around us have different strengths and weaknesses, and we should appreciate them! And really, thank goodness for this fact! How ridiculously boring would this world be if we were all the same. How cool would it be if we all could encourage each other instead of being so judgmental and self serving. I want to lean on my husband for his strength where I am weak, and give Lindsay control when I don't know what the heck I am doing! Also, I am going to stop beating myself up for not having it all together. I am designed to be a certain way and I am beginning to understand me. Cool. Now, what I am not saying is stay the who you are...HMMMM let me see if I can say this WHO you are, but a gentler, softer version of you. If you are a "go get em and kill everyone who gets in your way" type person, CHILL...if you are a door mat, TOUGHEN UP...if you are so worried about being liked that you stifle your logic, SPEAK OUT. You get what I am saying?? Use your strengths in a productive way, and recognize your weaknesses and grow from them. We need to back up off those around us, and I think our kids should be included in this. Just because they do things differently, does not mean they are wrong. Lets all understand and appreciate one another instead of thinking we are right and everyone else is wrong...or is that just me???
What are your greatest strengths, and obvious weaknesses??? We want to know!!!
And please share us with your friends...unless they are perfect, we just wont be cool enough for them!
Friday, April 22, 2011
ReUse Revival... taking the {green} plunge
I've never been a really "crunchy" or "granola" type mom... in fact I've never used those words to describe anything about me... except as the food I so very much like to eat:) I've shared before that when faced with the choice between "green" or convenient, if I'm being honest, I don't always choose green.... (insert judgmental gasp here) This probably isn't the trendiest confession to make on Earth Day... it's not very green of me... but it is the truth.
As I navigate this "Great Green Transition"... much like with weight loss and spiritual health... I have to remind myself daily that it's not about the guilt of not being good enough or backsliding... it's about making small choices everyday to be who I need to be...
I live in a 1958, all original, cinder block home... I drive a 2002 dirty old mini-van with a door that will only shut if I put all 160 pounds of me into closing it. My kids live in hand me downs and almost every large purchase we've made (including a house) has come from from craigslist. "USED" is the name of the game at our house... I wish I could brag that we chose this lifestyle because we are urban chic and so "reUsey"... well no I don't that would just be annoying. This is how we live out of necessity... and the cool thing is that it's "Green" by default. The truth is I think we are programmed to buy too much of stuff we don't need. Our lives are filled with excess and waste which then inundates our landfills with huge amounts of packaging and too many disposable products that have been chosen for convenience over eco-friendliness. (I'm talking to me... not preaching at you... I promise:)
So, whether you're a "green" beginner like me, or a seasoned crunchy, granola mom, Earth Monkeys has come up with a challenge for us all. One convenience that Gena and I have given up (for obvious reasons) is to stop using disposable bibs and changing pads. We are well stocked with our own Earth Monkeys Gear and because they are lightweight and compact there is really no reason to buy the disposable products.
Today we're asking you to join the Earth Monkeys ReUse Revival and commit to not using disposable bibs and changing pads... This isn't a sales pitch... Use our stuff or use your own faves... but today in celebrating the beautiful creation we've been blessed with... take a small step with us and sign up to be a part of the revival. Small steps do make a difference!
Here's the thing... There can be no revival if no one knows about it... so today in honor of Earth Day I will be doing three random giveaways for people who take the ReUse Revival Pledge.... And here's a bonus if you take the pledge and share this post we will send you two bibs OR changing pads OR paci packs (you can choose what would work best for your monkey) 1 for you and one for a friend. CLICK HERE to take the pledge now!
But wait there's more.. ahahaha... no this isn't an infomercial... just a way for us to say thank you for being so great and we love you... Today on our Earth Monkeys Facebook page every hour on the hour until 8 PM tonight we will be posting amazing discounts and deals on all Earth Monkey Gear... Each deal will only be good for that hour... We are really proud of the fact that our gear is made from recycled plastic bottles... we're taking old "trash" and making it something useful... it's our small step to make a positive impact on our beautiful planet. Happy Earth Day!
Wednesday, April 20, 2011
{How to dress your Monkeys for Pictures}
Alex... was born in Lima, Peru. When she was sixteen when she moved to Central Point, Oregon. A few years after graduating high school she met, fell in love with and married her husband. Together they have two very active girls. She is an amazingly creative photographer, and we are excited to have her share her "brilliance" with us!!
{1} Decide what type of "feel" you want for the shoot. ( most photographers will help you with this ) for example if your family loves nature maybe a more natural setting would be great. Or if your family loves the city maybe a city like setting would be your choice. If you like them both just think of what you prefer to have up in your wall that better represents the child etc.
{2} Try looking online first to get up to date or just simply to get and idea for what you are wanting to go for. For example : wanting a country earthy feel, Urban look, Boutique style etc
{3} When shopping for and outfit... (this applies to what you already have in your child's closet if you already have what you need there) Try not go to stores and pick random pieces hoping to match it later on with something else. This does not always work so well ... Unless you have the eye for it or are a personal stylist. This wont work most of the time. I see moms ending up with a bunch of random stuff that does not really go with most of the clothes they already have. Instead shop by outfit.
When I walk into a cute children clothing store, I shop by outfit. No I don't always buy everything at one store. Most of the time I need something else to complete the look- like a specific color of lets say tights or something that the store I am in does not have. Something I am sure I will find later.
Some stores do a really good job at putting outfits together. I tend to grab clothes from all over the store. I will grab an item from the "Red collection" and a scarf from the "Purple collection" just to give an example ... and put most of my outfit together there. Then you can go by memory when most of your outfit is put together and decide if you have the right shoes, undershirt, hat, hair piece, tights etc. at home already.
{4} You do not need to spend a lot of money... You do not need to shop at a super high end children store to get a great look. You can get great children's clothing at target, old navy, even Thrift stores etc some super crafty of you may even one to sew one up ( I was not blessed with any sewing skills ) It is all about how you put it together. If you decide you want to buy a really cute more high end dress for your little one then maybe get the tights at target. I love clothes and buying them but it is always a good thing to make wise purchases.
{5} Try to think outside the box a little. We are not trying to make all of our kids look like Cindy Lopper But then again ... If that is what you are going for. It could be really fun :) Just make sure it matches your child's personality and that they love it too if they are old enough to care ;)
{6} Try not to over accessorize refer back to my good friend Jamie Fish owner of Bohemian Jones' post on "how to accessorize" the same applies to kids. Less is more sometimes. Try not to over do it. A nice hair piece, a cute little necklace, or hat for a little boy with a fun outfit is usually perfect. There may be props being used for the shoots so too much will distract from the child and they should be were the eye goes.
I am not really a fan of matching everything perfect. I love exploring with different textures, colors and patters. So have fun with it. Just make it your own :)
So for this post I picked this super cute two and a half year old, little blond girl named Brooke. I knew she would bring it and boy did she ;) This little one is full of personality. She is a little bit country and a little bit glam ;) A little bit sweetness a little bit sass. She comes to her mom and dad randomly all dressed and points her little finger to the side and says "Youze not princess !! I princess"... I'm sorry but that is funny !!
Anyway I picked and outfit with fun colors that represent her personality with her cute zebra rubber boots and a hair piece designed specially for her by Me ... Here she is :)
Go to Earth Monkeys and Maria Alexandra Photography's facebook pages and click "like" if you haven't already THEN comment "I want it" under the picture of little Brooke (both will be in the same picture Brooke on one side and a close up of the hair piece.) One winner will be picked randomly and get the hair piece.
Don't Forget to {Go Blue} for autism awareness month.. Check out these amazing mother warriors and do your part to spread awareness about autism this month!
Monday, April 18, 2011
I have a dream...(and it involves you and a lot of monkeys)
It's funny how dreams go...some take years to cultivate while some spring up in an instant. Some are shared and encouraged by others and then there are those that make people laugh at you. They can live inside of you and never surface, or they can be lived out in every day life.
I've had many of them. Some reaching back as far as my childhood and dreaming of that special toy, my first car, a prom date, my first love. Going to beauty school to live out my dream as a hairdresser, and rebuilding my life after a devastating divorce. Now my dreams involve showering ALONE, listening to MY music in the car, drinking my coffee HOT and raising my children to be compassionate, loving, successful adults all while being a perfect wife. Phew! I'm tired just thinking about it.
I want to share with you today one of those dreams that "sprung up in an instant."

That being said, I am going to step out on a limb with another touch of honesty.
We need you.
There are not enough thank you's in the world that we could use to express how grateful we are to everyone who has commented, encouraged, shared and "followed" us. We are excited and appreciative of every order we have sent out and we are forever indebted and appreciate every single on of you!!! But...We need you
First of all let me ask you...Do you know about our products? Do you know that they are "key chians" that turn into a bib, a changing pad, and a pacifier holder...Do you know they are made out of bpa free recycled plastic bottles...Do you know we donate 1% of our profit to children's charities...Do you know we sell them for around $10!...Do you know we we gift wrap?...Do you know we are the blood, sweat and tears behind this entire company? We do it all! Two crazy moms with two crazy lives, working our butts off to bring you the worlds most revolutionary on the go products that every mom needs!
Without all of your support, our dream, well our dream does not die, but it struggles.
We hope you will be with us here forever.
We love you all; and We need you.
Today only
we are offering free shipping to you all...
($5 savings!!)
and simply enter number1friend at the checkout for your free shipping!
Thank you, Happy shopping and as always, we love it when you share us!!!
Friday, April 15, 2011
{DIY Toys} Secret Mommy Moment... on EMM

I make toys. I never set out to be a toy-maker. But through a process of parenting evolution, I became one. Every other week we receive a delivery of organic produce and it comes in a cardboard box. I usually found a use for these boxes, but when I didn’t they just got broken down and put in the recycling bin. I think it first happened that my oldest son and I made a robot out of one of the boxes. And then a few months later we made a “car” for him to sit in and watch his favorite movie about some pretty well-known talking vehicles. And then one day I challenged myself to add a bit more skill to my cardboard-box-toy-making adventure and I made an obstacle course for his little toy cars. That project lit the fire (for me AND the boys) and now I make a new toy every week. They are usually (but not always) made of cardboard. It’s a plentifully available material, it’s relatively easy to work with, it’s quite durable (especially when reinforced by my FAVE toy-making item…colored duct tape!) and it recycles when we’re done with it. We have a lot of fun making them and even more fun playing with them!
This toy started with a box that shipped our new oven racks. It’s large and thin – sorta like a big pizza box. I also had an oatmeal container, an empty iodized salt container, and a few paper-towel tubes. I cut my box down the sides so that it would open like a pizza box. (I also shortened the top about 6 inches.) Then I used colored duct tape to cover the raw edges. This makes the toy look nicer and makes it sturdier. I also needed to reinforce the flaps at the back “hinge” with a little hot glue.
I wrapped and covered my oatmeal, salt and paper-towel tubes in different colors of duct tape. I used 2 of the paper-towel tubes to reinforce the box into an open position. I am always VERY liberal with my hot glue. I made a rather large-ish puddle on either side of the bottom of the box and sat the towel tubes in it. I held them at an angle toward the back for a few seconds while the glue set. Then I flipped the box and repeated that on the top.
I wrapped and covered my oatmeal, salt and paper-towel tubes in different colors of duct tape. I used 2 of the paper-towel tubes to reinforce the box into an open position. I am always VERY liberal with my hot glue. I made a rather large-ish puddle on either side of the bottom of the box and sat the towel tubes in it. I held them at an angle toward the back for a few seconds while the glue set. Then I flipped the box and repeated that on the top.
Continue your liberal use of hot glue as you glue the oatmeal container (oh yeah, I removed the bottom with my box knife) to the “backboard” area of the box. More liberal hot glue as you make big puddles in the bottom to set your salt container and tube. These two items are for the “ring toss” part of your game board. (I made tossing rings with loops of colored duct tape.) The oatmeal container is for shooting baskets, as in basketball. I added an orange duct tape square above the oatmeal “basket” for looks (and aiming purposes, of course!) The excessive use of hot glue is quite key to making cardboard box toys. When I’ve tried to be stingy with the glue the toys come apart more easily and don’t last as long. When they are solidly adhered with puddles of glue they last WEEKS!
I made duct tape squares on the bottom of the box for a bean-bag-toss area and was planning to make some homemade bean bags to use there. If you chose to use paint instead, you could make regular round “target” looking spots. Before I even got the toy done, my 3 yr. old was using plastic bottle caps from our craft cupboard to toss onto the #’s. He kept tossing them (kind of like skipping rocks…) and if they landed on a square he’d say, “OOohh! I got a number! I don’t know what it is, but I got a number!” I originally thought to number the “scores” 5, 10, 15, 20, etc., but when he started saying that it made me think this could be an opportunity for him to learn what the little number’s LOOK like. (He knows how to count to 5, but doesn’t recognize them in printed form…) So I wrote out #’s 1 through 5 and after only a half hour or so of playing and going over and over the numbers he recognized number 3! (Cheap, easy AND EDUCATIONAL! Win-win!)
The boys using the bottle caps made me think of making some type of small baskets on the “backboard” that they could try tossing the caps into AND that would hold the caps for storage when not in use. So I grabbed a couple of clean, empty yogurt containers, duct taped the outside for looks, then glued them in place.
My philosophy on toys like this is to go crazy! And if, after they’ve played with it a few hours or a few days, you think of something fun to add? ADD IT! That’s what I do. One of the things I like best about cardboard box toys is that if it gets broken, I either fix it or throw it in the recycle! No more fretting over the $30 that was spent and now the toy is a big pile of plastic trash…
So that’s it, Earth Monkey Moms! Go forth and make cardboard toys for your monkeys!
So that’s it, Earth Monkey Moms! Go forth and make cardboard toys for your monkeys!
Check out Kimberly's Secret Mommy Blog at and "like" her on facebook HERE!
Don't Forget to {Go Blue} for autism awareness month.. Check out these amazing mother warriors and do your part to spread awareness about autism this month!
Wednesday, April 13, 2011
The Big "O" {I'm talking about being OVERWHELMED... sheesh!}
We talk a lot here about the joys, and challenges that come with being a mom... wife... house keeper... bill payer... butt wiper... business owner... oh yeah and a woman. The truth is, this morning I am so -O-verwhelmed with life I have nothing to offer anyone... not a drama... "I don't know how I'm going to get through the day"... overwhelmed... but more of a I can't finish a thought or sentence... I have no emotion left... exhausted... just going to lay on top of the 15 loads of laundry on my couch and watch hulu on my computer instead of facing the day... overwhelmed. Do you feel me? Have you been here??
I am totally dry... void of anything funny or inspiring to say... there's just nothing here. I thought about reposting an "oldie but goodie" post from the past to save face... but then I just thought I'd be honest with you. I think it's so important for us to be real and admit when we fall short... when we not only don't have it all together... but don't have even two pieces of the puzzle together. So here I am bearing it all for you this morning.
I know part of the reason I'm a mess today... is because my son's IEP is coming up tomorrow and it's fairly stressful (an IEP is a team meeting with teachers and specialists to decided placement for next year for special ed students...)
We are trying to get Sawyer mainstreamed... (meaning out of a self contained special ed classroom) and to start next year off in a class of typical peers... where he will most likely be a little disruptive ... he will most likely make people feel uncomfortable... he will most likely make more work for the teacher of 35 other students... but where he will also add to a culture of tolerance and acceptance. Where he will be able to teach others about celebrating small victories and not taking the little things for granted. Where he will be a great friend to any child who will give him a chance... where he will light up the room with his smile and the love and unconditional acceptance my sweet boy gives to absolutely anyone who will give him the time of day.
It's amazing to me that in an era when our society is fighting so hard to prevent bullying in schools and to create a culture of tolerance and acceptance of different lifestyles, beliefs and religions... that the special needs community tends to be left behind. Our kids are showered with "services" and we're told that separating them from their peers is what's best for them. We're told not to force our expectations on them... and to appreciate them for who they are... which is of course true with any child. But with special needs kids there is an "assumed incompetence" ... we are encouraged to push them and challenge them... but no too hard, lest we be accused of not accepting their situation... or who they are in life. After all... they do have autism... down's syndrome, CP... the list goes on... we shouldn't really expect too much right??
Today I am thinking of all of the mama's out there who are getting ready for their IEP's. Who are so tired and overwhelmed with fighting the "system" and playing the stupid games. Whether fighting for much needed services or fighting for someone... anyone... to see the value and gifts their child has to offer... that they're not just a drain and extra work and something to be dealt with... and that they don't need to be shoved aside in a separate class. I know this is a controversial subject and not every parent is for inclusion. With integration comes bullying and mean comments and the fear that their self esteem will be damaged... but if we don't teach kids how to be tolerant of differences and accepting of all people now... how are they going to be tolerant accepting adults? I think about what schools must have faced in the hight of the civil right movement in the 60's... what if nothing was ever done about segregation because it would have been too hard for the teachers, because it would cause disruption and require flexibility and patience from everyone... where would we be as a nation if an entire people group were left behind because it was just easier for everyone to keep things how they had been for years and years. That thought process wasn't acceptable then... and it's not now.
Think about taking time today to talk to you child about the kids in their school who experience disability... saying hi to someone who seems different... inviting them to play on the play ground or join them for lunch could make such a difference in that child's life AND in your child's life as well...
Here's a short video I made for a school who came along and partnered with Sawyer last year... they are proof that 7th and 8th graders do have the capacity to affect change and show true compassion...
Facebook Login Labels: acceptance, autism, bullying, IEP, integration, life, overwhelmed, special education, tolerance

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