Wednesday, April 20, 2011

{How to dress your Monkeys for Pictures}

Alex... was born in Lima, Peru. When she was sixteen when she moved to Central Point, Oregon. A few years after graduating high school she met, fell in love with and married her husband. Together they have two very active girls. She is an amazingly creative photographer, and we are excited to have her share her "brilliance" with us!! 

I get so many of my clients asking me how they should dress their little ones for our photo shoot. Even though this is all based on personal taste here is my approach on it.  Aside from my family Photography is my first love :) But I also love Fashion and being crafty :) I love putting outfits together - making them look original fun and fresh by adding a little personality to the whole look.

{1} Decide what type of "feel" you want for the shoot. ( most photographers will help you with this ) for example if your family loves nature maybe a more natural setting would be great. Or if your family loves the city maybe a city like setting would be your choice. If you like them both just think of what you prefer to have up in your wall that better represents the child etc.

{2} Try looking online first to get up to date or just simply to get and idea for what you are wanting to go for. For example : wanting a country earthy feel, Urban look, Boutique style etc

{3} When shopping for and outfit... (this applies to what you already have in your child's closet if you already have what you need there) Try not go to stores and pick random pieces hoping to match it later on with something else. This does not always work so well ... Unless you have the eye for it or are a personal stylist. This wont work most of the time. I see moms ending up with a bunch of random stuff that does not really go with most of the clothes they already have. Instead shop by outfit.

When I walk into a cute children clothing store, I shop by outfit. No I don't always buy everything at one store. Most of the time I need something else to complete the look- like a specific color of lets say tights or something that the store I am in does not have. Something I am sure I will find later.

Some stores do a really good job at putting outfits together. I tend to grab clothes from all over the store. I will grab an item from the "Red collection" and a scarf from the "Purple collection" just to give an example ... and put most of my outfit together there. Then you can go by memory when most of your outfit is put together and decide if you have the right shoes, undershirt, hat, hair piece, tights etc. at home already.

{4} You do not need to spend a lot of money... You do not need to shop at a super high end children store to get a great look. You can get great children's clothing at target, old navy, even Thrift stores etc some super crafty of you may even one to sew one up ( I was not blessed with any sewing skills ) It is all about how you put it together. If you decide you want to buy a really cute more high end dress for your little one then maybe get the tights at target. I love clothes and buying them but it is always a good thing to make wise purchases.

{5} Try to think outside the box a little. We are not trying to make all of our kids look like Cindy Lopper But then again ... If that is what you are going for. It could be really fun :) Just make sure it matches your child's personality and that they love it too if they are old enough to care ;)

{6} Try not to over accessorize refer back to my good friend Jamie Fish owner of Bohemian Jones' post on "how to accessorize" the same applies to kids. Less is more sometimes. Try not to over do it. A nice hair piece, a cute little necklace, or hat for a little boy with a fun outfit is usually perfect. There may be props being used for the shoots so too much will distract from the child and they should be were the eye goes.

I am not really a fan of matching everything perfect. I love exploring with different textures, colors and patters. So have fun with it. Just make it your own :)

So for this post I picked this super cute two and a half year old, little blond girl named Brooke. I knew she would bring it and boy did she ;) This little one is full of personality. She is a little bit country and a little bit glam ;) A little bit sweetness a little bit sass.  She comes to her mom and dad randomly all dressed and points her little finger to the side and says "Youze not princess !! I princess"... I'm sorry but that is funny !!

Anyway I picked and outfit with fun colors that represent her personality with her cute zebra rubber boots and a hair piece designed specially for her by Me ... Here she is :)


Go to Earth Monkeys and Maria Alexandra Photography's facebook pages and click "like" if you haven't already THEN comment "I want it" under the picture of little Brooke (both will be in the same picture Brooke on one side and a close up of the hair piece.)  One winner will be picked randomly and get the hair piece.

Don't Forget to {Go Blue} for autism awareness month.. Check out these amazing mother warriors and do your part to spread awareness about autism this month!