Monday, April 18, 2011

I have a dream...(and it involves you and a lot of monkeys)

     It's funny how dreams go...some take years to cultivate while some spring up in an instant.  Some are shared and encouraged by others and then there are those that make people laugh at you.  They can live inside of you and never surface, or they can be lived out in every day life.

     I've had many of them.  Some reaching back as far as my childhood and dreaming of that special toy, my first car, a prom date, my first love.  Going to beauty school to live out my dream as a hairdresser, and rebuilding my life after a devastating divorce.   Now my dreams involve showering ALONE, listening to MY music in the car, drinking my coffee HOT and raising my children to be compassionate, loving, successful adults all while being a perfect wife.  Phew!  I'm tired just thinking about it.

     I want to share with you today one of those dreams that "sprung up in an instant."

     It started on a warm summer day as Lindsay and I were packing up our 5 monkeys and leaving the growers market.  Our kids were all covered in sludge (this is nothing out of the norm) when Linz was struck with a moment of brilliance and yelled out "we need a bib that fits onto our keychains so we always have it with us".  I said "that is an awesome idea!" And this is the "springing" part...9 months later, we had designed from scratch our first 3 products...found a manufacturer, got a patent, set up complete social networking, set up web sight (and when I say "we", I mean MOSTLY Linz) designed logos, set prices, researched till the cows came home, (and that is just the tip of the ice burg)  Within 3 months of releasing our products, we are in 5 stores, and selling online.  We write this blog, we keep in touch with friends on FB and have become passionate about connecting and sharing with other women.  We are driven to help other women succeed.  We love buying from other women, sharing them with others and supporting them in their ventures and hopefully encouraging you all in the process.  We love you all!!!

     That being said, I am going to step out on a limb with another touch of honesty.

We need you.   
     There are not enough thank you's in the world that we could use to express how grateful we are to everyone who has commented, encouraged, shared and "followed" us.  We are excited and appreciative of every order we have sent out and we are forever indebted and appreciate every single on of you!!!  But...

We need you
     First of all let me ask you...Do you know about our products?  Do you know that they are "key chians" that turn into a bib, a changing pad, and a pacifier holder...Do you know they are made out of bpa free recycled plastic bottles...Do you know we donate 1% of our profit to children's charities...

Do you know we sell them for around $10!...Do you know we we gift wrap?...Do you know we are the blood, sweat and tears behind this entire company?  We do it all!  Two crazy moms with two crazy lives, working our butts off to bring you the worlds most revolutionary on the go products that every mom needs!

    Someday when Angelina, Jennifer, Jessica, and Mariah are caring around their Earth Monkey gear,  we want you to be able to say "I had mine fist!" here is the scoop;  We have given away tons of our product just to get them out there and now we are asking you to support these two tired moms and go buy some.  (did I just hear a gasp?...oh that was me!).  A wise person once told me "the worst thing people can say is no" that is why I am asking you.  You can say no, but I think that you now all know that our products are as rad and necessary as we have told you!

Without all of your support, our dream, well our dream does not die, but it struggles.

We hope you will be with us here forever.   
We love you all; and We need you.  

     The dream for Earth Monkeys??? To someday employ women from all walks of life.  Have our own manufacturing plant, our own shipping location (not my spare bedroom),  and have marketing, and development departments ran by women.  Please help us achieve this goal by passing us around.  If you have little ones, please, pick up Earth Monkey gear for yourself, if you know someone with little ones, find something special for them.  With mothers day and Easter just around the corner, the timing is perfect!  This is all we ask; for your support and love!   If you have been waiting for just the right moment to get your Earth Monkey on the go gear, now is the time!

  Today only 
we are offering free shipping to you all...

($5 savings!!)

     Now all you need to do is click Earth Monkeys to go shopping 
and simply enter number1friend at the checkout for your free shipping!

Thank you, Happy shopping and as always, we love it when you share us!!!