Friday, July 29, 2011
Because I said so...our favorite EM grandma dishes up some good kick in the butt!
Some "mom-isms" of my mother
and words I SWORE I'd NEVER say
to my own children went something like this:
and words I SWORE I'd NEVER say
to my own children went something like this:
* "Stop that crying before I give you something to cry about."
* "Do that again and it will get you a damn good whipping."
* "Big girls don't cry."
(Seriously she said that, and anyone who knows me understands the irony of saying those words to me because I am both big AND a cryer)
(Seriously she said that, and anyone who knows me understands the irony of saying those words to me because I am both big AND a cryer)
But my personal favorite would come right after I would take a
major face plant that would include pain, fear and blood, sometimes
much blood. My mother's standard reply to such an occasion:
*"Get up, you aren't hurt."
I truly hope I have been successful at keeping those particular one-liners, warm and fuzzy as they are, out of my vocabulary.
My own kids must have had one of those sibling pow-wows (behind my back) and came to some kind of unanimous conclusion that they would never say one of my own (unoriginal) one liners: "Because I said so!". I used to have a picture hanging in my kitchen of a mother hen with a lot of babies under her wings and the caption read: "I'm the mommy that's why." They didn't give me grief over that one but evidently they really disliked 'because I said so.' Who knew?? I'm fairly sure when your little ones grow up they too will throw some of your mommy-isms back at you. I, for one, am hoping they do. :o)
Parenting is rough. And the bummer is, kids have the ability to remember. Right now, while it is hard, they are building memories. Now I don't mean to throw a big ol' guilt trip on you but what are your child's memories today, last week? What will they remember about this summer? A young man I have known all his life with a family of his own, made a comment that he wasn't camping with his family because it was too hard. (editors note: crap...I say this! arg!) This was a boy that I personally accompanied on countless camping trips throughout his childhood. His mom and I worked really hard to pull off those trips. Camping isn't fun! The Children's Festival isn't fun. Going to the fair and riding rides.... guess what? Isn't fun!!...Unless you are a kid. Times are hard and going and doing the simplest things can be a monumentally expense; but a blanket and some clothes pins can make a tent in the backyard, or if your'e a big chicken it also makes a great tent in the living room. It doesn't matter what you do, just do something with your kids that includes laughing together. Make them know you want to hang out and play with them. Don't send them out the door with a popsicle, grab one for yourself and sit in the wading pool with them. Make a memory. Why? you ask... Because tomorrow will be too late and..... Because I said so!
This is a sweet video about "mamas" that will bless your heart!
Grab the kids and dance (I dare you not to cry!)
So...what are you going to do with the kids this weekend??? Let us know below in the comments! Blessings!
Earth Monkeys is always lucky to have the amazing, stunning, super duper fab. EMG...our very own Earth Monkey Grandma! ! Aka...the lady that shows up and gives us a big dose of kick in the butt. Cindy is a wife, self titled "farm girl", the mama of our own Lindsay (and a handful of others) and grandkids galore. Her "advice" is compelled by "been there done that", so hold on for a good ride!! or at the very least, a good laugh!
Earth Monkeys is always lucky to have the amazing, stunning, super duper fab. EMG...our very own Earth Monkey Grandma! ! Aka...the lady that shows up and gives us a big dose of kick in the butt. Cindy is a wife, self titled "farm girl", the mama of our own Lindsay (and a handful of others) and grandkids galore. Her "advice" is compelled by "been there done that", so hold on for a good ride!! or at the very least, a good laugh!
Wednesday, July 27, 2011
Things No One Should Ever Say To A New Mom... EVER...
Do you really remember the first days of having your first little monkey??? Mine are honestly a blur. I do remember cussing out my cousin in the middle of the night some time in the beginning because she told me that getting up during the night wasn't hard at all and she could barely wait to see her little one ready to eat. It was all I could do to pry my very damaged... never to be the same again... hoo-hoo out of bed only to have to fumble with a nipple shield so I could make a mess and ruin perfectly good PJ's and then end up a crying puddle with a hungry, crying baby and a husband who was probably thinking about making a run for it. :):)
It's hard enough having to deal with hormones and emotions and a precious little monkey that you suddenly realize you have the power to totally screw up... wait, I'm hyperventilating just reliving it... OK I'm better now... What's worse though is the things people say to new moms... Here is my list of things you should NEVER say to a new mom... BECAUSE, even us veteran mom's forget and say very very stupid things!!
- "Oh, when are you due??" The teller at the bank forever scarred me when I walked up BABY IN ARMS as he asked when I was due... I was like When am I do you little punk??? I just spent 13 hours pushing this watermelon headed kid out!!!
- "Wow You Look Tired!" Do I even need to explain... never say this to anyone... EVER... it's code for you look like s
hcrap and everyone knows it! - "Don't worry breast feeding will take off your extra weight."Well maybe it did for you, but I quite literally ate everything but the kitchen sink and it didn't work for me... don't give tired, strung out mamas false hope:)
- "Don't worry his cone head will go away..." Hey maybe I like his little pointy head... I just pushed a human out of me... A HUMAN CAME OUT OF MY INSIDES!!! His misshapen head is my badge of victory!:)
- Look at him/her and say"Is it a Boy or a Girl...?" Seriously just don't... no matter what... don't... it could push a hormonal new mama right over the edge:)
As always if you're looking for the perfect shower gift or just really great green baby gear for your own little monkey... check out our Earth Monkeys site... all of our stuff is made from recycled plastic bottles and folds up small enough to hook to your keys... PLUS it's SUPER affordable!!
Facebook Login Labels: breast feeding, funny, healing, moms, new moms, recovery, things people say

Monday, July 25, 2011
Lessons we have learned from our children...from patience to pooping..
I dont necessarily like to hear myself talk...although those closest to me may have just spit their coffee out their noses from laughter at that statement. But it's true...I have figured a few things out in my 39 years, but I have a long ways to go! I am amazed at the lessons that my kids teach me every day, IF I pay attention! I got to thinking the other day about all of the crazy cool things I have learned from them. I really think that because of their simple lives (aka: I do everything for them!) that they actually have an amazing set of priorities...mainly play, laugh, eat, relax and of course do what we can to drive mommy crazy! So back to the "hearing myself talk part"...Today, I filled my post with things YOU have learned from your children and added a few of mine at the end. But today, if you are gonna read this, you have to add your lessons from your children under the comments below (although no one will hunt you down if you dont!)
Mindy: little things like cata-pitters and moths and rolly pollys are really awesome.. those little things mean so much to them, and now me too :)
Katie: Realizing that every moment is a teaching moment... which means also recognizing that all moments need not be "teaching moments". Sometimes, we just need to let things go and move on.
Stacie: Choosing your battles-realizing that dressing up like a princess (or whatever) almost daily is just a phase yet so very important to her little being and expressing herself, how she sees herself right now!
Tiffany: My 4yr old niece has taught me that with the right amount of confidence you can totally pull off a pink tutu, green tights and snow boots in the spring! (I especially love this one!)
Lisa: Every day is a new day, wipe the slate clean each evening at bedtime....having 2 kids with Asperger's/Bipolar Disorder and one with Down Syndrome I have to start each day fresh. LOL!
Jennifer: That sometimes it's ok to let them have something like microwave popcorn or ice cream for long as mommy gets to have some too ;)
So here we go...I asked
"what lessons have you learned from your children?
Mindy: little things like cata-pitters and moths and rolly pollys are really awesome.. those little things mean so much to them, and now me too :)
Katie: Realizing that every moment is a teaching moment... which means also recognizing that all moments need not be "teaching moments". Sometimes, we just need to let things go and move on.
Stacie: Choosing your battles-realizing that dressing up like a princess (or whatever) almost daily is just a phase yet so very important to her little being and expressing herself, how she sees herself right now!
Tiffany: My 4yr old niece has taught me that with the right amount of confidence you can totally pull off a pink tutu, green tights and snow boots in the spring! (I especially love this one!)
Lisa: Every day is a new day, wipe the slate clean each evening at bedtime....having 2 kids with Asperger's/Bipolar Disorder and one with Down Syndrome I have to start each day fresh. LOL!
Jennifer: That sometimes it's ok to let them have something like microwave popcorn or ice cream for long as mommy gets to have some too ;)
Emilie: Tonights lesson from Parker is entitled, Why I won't eat fish. "Number one: Fish eat worms. Number two: People eat fish. But since I don't like to eat worms, I won't eat fish.". That was one of those, choose your battle moments. I chose to let the logic of my 5 year old win tonight. :)
Lina:it's definetly ok to be silly wherever you are cause to my kids nothing is embarrasing so why should it embarass me!! they are constantly reminding me to laugh, be silly, have fun and just enjoy life.....i need to look through their eyes more often!:)
Shauna: That when your tummy hurts, it is full and forcing more food down "just doesn't make sense....(she went on to explain how when she was young they ate too much because they didn't know when there would be more, so eating everything was essential)
Erin: Make every moment special with your kids... it could be the last time you see each other! Even with the discipline and lessons to be learned everyday make them with love!
Tiffany: Everything doesn't have to be perfect! The stickers on the toys can be sideways, you can color a picture all one color, etc, etc.. Cause that's what makes HIM happy and that's really all that matters. (Im still working on this one! )
Dagmar: The "Silver Rule" - "don't go in outer space unless you're an astronaut!" courtesy of #1Son, age 4 (this is super important! :) )
Lina:it's definetly ok to be silly wherever you are cause to my kids nothing is embarrasing so why should it embarass me!! they are constantly reminding me to laugh, be silly, have fun and just enjoy life.....i need to look through their eyes more often!:)
Shauna: That when your tummy hurts, it is full and forcing more food down "just doesn't make sense....(she went on to explain how when she was young they ate too much because they didn't know when there would be more, so eating everything was essential)
Erin: Make every moment special with your kids... it could be the last time you see each other! Even with the discipline and lessons to be learned everyday make them with love!
Tiffany: Everything doesn't have to be perfect! The stickers on the toys can be sideways, you can color a picture all one color, etc, etc.. Cause that's what makes HIM happy and that's really all that matters. (Im still working on this one! )
Dagmar: The "Silver Rule" - "don't go in outer space unless you're an astronaut!" courtesy of #1Son, age 4 (this is super important! :) )
Me...1. Sleeping in is overrated (I think). I have learned that the most beautiful time of the day is early in the morning, of course, after coffee, it's even better!
2. Rocks, shells, and flowers can actually be very beautiful if you take time to inspect them closely!
3. Even checking the mailbox can be an adventure! Its amazing what treasures you can find along the way. Even bugs can be super cool!
4. It's ok to poop in public bathrooms! Hey when you gotta go, you gotta go!
5. It's totally possible to have a knock down, drag out fight with someone one moment then forgive and love them like crazy the next!
So thats it for us, but I know you have a ton more you are just dying to add...please do in the comment section below...and as always, can you share us please! Muchas Gracious!
Facebook Login Labels: kids, life lessons, things kids say

Friday, July 22, 2011
Bohemian jones presents...Cheap Chic! Making finding treasures a breeze!
Call them what you want, vintage, antique, flea market, second hand, grandma’s house…. They’re all full of treasures! Some of you may scrunch your noses up at the thought of using or wearing someone else’s goods, but that’s okay because it leaves more amazing pieces for the rest of us!

There is something exciting and glamorous about wearing a piece from “yesteryear”!!! If it’s not the idea of owning a piece of history that gets you, then maybe it’s the fact that you’ve found a piece no one else has… what’s better than owning a one of a kind!
So the next time you pass an antique shop, a yard sale, or charity shop, I dare you to stop in… once you find your first score it’s an addiction from there!
*Wearing Vintage: The best way to wear your new treasure is to mix it in subtly with your modern day look. Example: A vintage cuff pairs perfect with your trendy stackable bracelets or try a vintage clutch in place of your over the shoulder bag!
*Embrace the Hunt: Thrift stores consistently carry of-the-moment trendy pieces, but be ready to shop around. Be patient, it’ll be worth it once you find what you’re looking for!
*The Price is Right: Check over the item you’re looking to purchase… if it’s tattered and needs a little pick-me-up you may be able to work with the shop owner over the price. If the piece is in good condition or a known brand name, chances are you have a true vintage piece on your hands. The price tag may be high, but chances are it’s a third of the price of something in a department store.
*Be Creative: Upgrade a 1940’s coat into the latest trend by changing out the buttons, turn a small brooch into a hair pin or pendant, re-finish outdated furniture, or use old saucers as cute jewelry organizers. The possibilities are endless!
*Off the Beaten Path: Because vintage has become so popular, some of the well known or large city shops can get picked over quickly. Some of my best finds have come from hole in the wall locations! The next time you’re out of town visiting family check out their local antique shop!
Last but not least, *LOVE the piece you’re buying! Make sure it’s something you’ll wear and not just tucked away for “someday”. Be realistic about repairs and please, WASH your new purchase. ;)
Check out my Bohemian Jones Facebook page for my latest one of a kind, limited edition, and vintage jewelry and accessories! (and of course for all of the inspiration us mama's need to spruce up those not so stylish moments!)
What kind of treasures have you found in unexpected places??? Let us know in the comments below!
And please remember to share us with your friends! We appreciate you!
There is something exciting and glamorous about wearing a piece from “yesteryear”!!! If it’s not the idea of owning a piece of history that gets you, then maybe it’s the fact that you’ve found a piece no one else has… what’s better than owning a one of a kind!
So the next time you pass an antique shop, a yard sale, or charity shop, I dare you to stop in… once you find your first score it’s an addiction from there!
Here are a few styling and purchasing
guidelines along your journey!
*Wearing Vintage: The best way to wear your new treasure is to mix it in subtly with your modern day look. Example: A vintage cuff pairs perfect with your trendy stackable bracelets or try a vintage clutch in place of your over the shoulder bag!

*The Price is Right: Check over the item you’re looking to purchase… if it’s tattered and needs a little pick-me-up you may be able to work with the shop owner over the price. If the piece is in good condition or a known brand name, chances are you have a true vintage piece on your hands. The price tag may be high, but chances are it’s a third of the price of something in a department store.
*Be Creative: Upgrade a 1940’s coat into the latest trend by changing out the buttons, turn a small brooch into a hair pin or pendant, re-finish outdated furniture, or use old saucers as cute jewelry organizers. The possibilities are endless!
*Off the Beaten Path: Because vintage has become so popular, some of the well known or large city shops can get picked over quickly. Some of my best finds have come from hole in the wall locations! The next time you’re out of town visiting family check out their local antique shop!
Last but not least, *LOVE the piece you’re buying! Make sure it’s something you’ll wear and not just tucked away for “someday”. Be realistic about repairs and please, WASH your new purchase. ;)
Check out my Bohemian Jones Facebook page for my latest one of a kind, limited edition, and vintage jewelry and accessories! (and of course for all of the inspiration us mama's need to spruce up those not so stylish moments!)
What kind of treasures have you found in unexpected places??? Let us know in the comments below!
And please remember to share us with your friends! We appreciate you!
Wednesday, July 20, 2011
Just Be YOU... No, not that YOU... that YOU Sucks!
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{Photo By: Maria Alexandra Photography} |
I am a verbal vomiter... I am... I think it's genetic because my mom suffers from the same disease. I say the wrong thing at the wrong time, I think I'm being funny ...when I'm not and I think people always need to hear my passionate opinions... when they don't. And let me tell you, it's a hard road to recovery when you're a verbal vomiter. It's a road filled with apologies and broken pleas for forgiveness. Up until now I've never really seen the intense repercussions of being a "V.V."... up until now I've either had friends just tell me I'm full of crap or roll their eyes when they think I'm not looking and chalk it up to me being me.
I keep replaying recent events in my mind and wondering what it is that makes me act so foul sometimes... and what it is that keeps me from forgiving and being able to move on when I feel judged and hurt.
The hard part about being a "V.V." is when you're wrong... and then you put yourself out there to admit your immaturity and horribleness... when you plead with a broken heart after learning how much you offended a friend... and then you're rejected and further humiliated. The problem is you were the one who was wrong first so you don't get to whine and cry and say how hurt you are by the humiliation you feel... you just have to suck it up... you have to realize this is a consequence for your immature, thoughtless words... heart broken and emotionally empty, you have to chalk it up to the fact that the "real" you just sucks sometimes...
I stand up and preach that we all need to be "real"... that God loves us for who we are right now, ugliness and all... and that we should love, accept and have grace for one another too, and it's true... but what do you do when you realize there are large parts of the "real" you that just suck. That part of me... the part of me that really sucks... wants to say screw it all... I don't need this drama in my life, I have enough on my plate... I want to be who I am and not have to tip toe around people. BUT the big girl in me, the me that loves God with all that I am and knows what He says about grace and forgiveness for others and ourselves... says I have to do the right thing. I have to love and grow and repair damaged relationships. It's so difficult it hurts my core, I hate the feeling of being humbled, judged, reprimanded, and insulted... and I hate it even more when it's justified. But honestly, I'm stubborn and passionate and extremely hard headed so unfortunately things like this are almost the only way for me to see how desperately I need to grow.
For me, now all I can do is start chipping away at this ugly side of myself... Consciously try to verbally vomit on people less. To bite my tongue until it bleeds if I need to... to go back to the kitchen where it all started... humbled, humiliated, embarrassed and broken and start growing the parts of me that don't suck as much. In doing this I'll just have to hope and trust that grace and love can rule over everything... that forgiveness and peace can trump hurt feelings and stupid words.... that I can give my friends the benefit of the doubt and not act on what I think they're thinking... and that they will do the same for me. How many times will I have to pull these big girl panties up before I stop and think BEFORE I speak???
If you're brave enough share with us a time that you've had to be a big girl and pull up those panties and do the right thing... when you really didn't want to??
Facebook Login Labels: conflict, forgiveness, friends, growth, humility, perspective, real

Monday, July 18, 2011
Glamour 101...more like Glamour 911!!
I headed out on saturday with the family on a little jaunt to a local park feeling pretty good about myself...Not because I had done anything too amazing that day, but because I had showered, washed my hair, and even dried it! Crazy hu?
I sat on my little patch of grass while my daughter was on a swing, and my son ran in the water and as I did, I saw a vision of angels! Across from me sat two beautiful mommies, in beautiful dresses, with beautiful hair, and beautiful smiles. One had the glow of an expectant mother under her perfectly placed makeup and curls to die for! Her flowy top that perfectly covered her growing baby bump, blew in the breeze as she laughed with her equally "glowy" friend in the sassy red dress, and perfect french twist in freshly colored hair! As I looked down at my much less impressive wardrobe, all of my pride from this mornings shower was completely gone! My brown khakis, white tank and tennies started to look more like prison garb! My hair that I managed to leave free from its usual bond of a tight rubber band, was driving me nuts and if weren't for the fact that my lip gloss was long gone, my hair probably would have been stuck on them! As I started to become very jealous and down on my frumpy self, it hit me...they only had one child each! Oh.....flash back time...

Need another flash back or are you already rolling your eyes??? Well you get one anyway!
Lindsay and I, PRE-KIDS, were out walking one day as I told her about my "mom" hair clients that were driving me crazy wanting to keep their long, boring hair because "all they ever do it pull it back in a pony tail!" I can't believe I am admitting this, but I seriously used to tell them "you can surely find 10 minutes to do your hair!" REALLY! I said that! Now, I have become that mom...I start with good intentions by washing my mop, and as I pull out the drier to plug it in, I am undoubtedly summoned by a "mom, he is pulling my hair..ahhh he is biting me!!" Hence, the tight pony that has become part of my daily uniform!
I remember going to the grocery store in heals with my new baby on my arm, taking time to curl my hair into perfect pieces. Lipstick was my favorite accessory, and my outfits were imaginative and fun. My fingernails stayed polished, and my makeup stayed fresh. My jewelry was well thought out and I actually worried about what other people thought. But here's the deal...I had time, I had different priorities and I cared about different things. I know that some women can have it all together all of the time and do it flawlessly, but that is just not me.

Wanna hear the latest, coolest news from Earth Monkeys??? We have started a cool new "baby shower gift club" for all of you that love to give us as gifts...its easy to sign up and recieve monthy specials on the coolest on-the-go baby and toddler gear on the planet (and its good for the planet too!) Click on Earth Monkeys to sign up for exclusive this months "buy one gift set get one set FREE!" Yep, I think we are a bit crazy too! See you there!
And one more thing..we love to hear your stories and comments below...and could you share us with your friends?? We love ya for it!!
Facebook Login Labels: acceptance, Beauty, challenges, fun, glamour, kids motherhood

Friday, July 15, 2011
7 steps to make your friends jealous...or at least make a headband they will want to steal!
Earth Monkeys is excited to have Valerie with us today because we need all the help in the crafty department as we can get! Val is mom, wife, business owner and sewer extraordinaire (if there is actually such a thing) and with all this talent, comes gobs of beautiful things you just have to see to believe! Check out Vali D. Designs on FB or visit her adorable store inside the Candy Shoppe in Jacksonville.
Val is showing us a simple step by step way to make these adorable headbands!
{Supplies needed:}
Scrap of fabric 16” X 2 ½”
6" of 1/4" elastic
Basic sewing supplies
{Cut fabric to 16” X 2 ½”. Cut elastic to 6”}
{Fold each end of the fabric over ¼” towards the wrong side of the fabric, press. Fold the folded edge up another 1/4”, press.
Repeat at other end}
{Fold fabric in half, right sides together, press}
{Sew down the long edge of fabric with a ¼” seam allowance to form a tube. Be sure to back stitch at start and end of seam}
{Take a larger safety pin and attach it to one end of the fabric.
Feed safety pin through the tube you created.}

Repeat for the other side. }
Clip strings, put in hair and ENJOY!!!!
These would be cute with fabric flowers,
buttons and other fun things added!
I have also made these for my newborn daughter (matching of course) and my deminsions were:
Fabric- 12” X 2”
Elastic- 4 ½”
These can be adjusted bigger for a bigger kid, have fun with it.
Say thanks to Val by checking her out on
Valli D Designs FB page!
And remember to share us with your friends!!!
Fabric- 12” X 2”
Elastic- 4 ½”
These can be adjusted bigger for a bigger kid, have fun with it.
Say thanks to Val by checking her out on
Valli D Designs FB page!
And remember to share us with your friends!!!
Facebook Login Labels: accessories, DIY, headband, Vali D designs

Wednesday, July 13, 2011
{Forks aren't for stabbing} (Oldie But Goodie:)
OK Today I have to admit that I'm fried.... I have tried to write a serious post and then a funny post and ended up deciding to delight you with one of my favorite oldie but goodies... I'm a mess, my man's a mess, my house is a mess and my children are only not a mess because I finally gave them a bath today and they are now sleeping... but they will be a mess 5 nano seconds after they wake up cause that's how we role here:) Happy Wednesday!
{Oldie But Goodie}
No one can know the down and dirty of being a parent…until you become a parent… sometimes throughout the day I stop and think to myself…”did those words really just come out of your mouth?” They are words that form sentences I never imagined anyone saying…
Forks Aren’t For Stabbing…Maybe it’s just my kids…but they can turn anything into a weapon and often try to shank each other…
We Don’t Touch Poop… I still remember the day Sawyer came down the stairs proudly yelling ewwe poooop… he had pooped on a toy cell phone and brought it down proud to show us his accomplishment… that was the day the poop war was waged in the McPhail household and we battle on even today…
Don’t Drink the Bath Water… your butt is in that water….Stop drinking it!!! What is the draw?? Seriously, I can’t imagin what is so thirst quenching about merky soapy butt water?? But still they drink…
Hands Off Your Peeper… (I know peeper sounds I little creepy but I just can’t say penis or wiener…) If you have boys, you have to be familiar with this one. day or night rain or shine, they have to make sure their friend is still attached… apparently it will be that way until the end of time…
Is That My Toothbrush In The Toilet??? Oh the glamorous life of a mother…
What Crazy things have you caught yourself saying as a mom that you never thought would come out of your mouth?!?!? We want to know:)!!
Just in case you're new around here I thought I'd introduce myself.... I'm the scattered crazy Earth Monkey Mom Lindsay:) And this is my family. My kids never have clean faces, my house is always dirty and I always have 3-15 loads of unfolded laundry sitting on my couch. I post here on Wednesdays ... Gena the "with it" organized but still whacky EMM posts on Mondays... and then each Friday We have a different guest contributor... always a mom... sometimes funny sometimes inspiring and always real. We're glad you're here and we hope you'll stick around... More than anything we want you to know that none of us have it all together... and wether your kids are 40 or 4 you're not alone in your journey through motherhood!
{Oldie But Goodie}
No one can know the down and dirty of being a parent…until you become a parent… sometimes throughout the day I stop and think to myself…”did those words really just come out of your mouth?” They are words that form sentences I never imagined anyone saying…
Forks Aren’t For Stabbing…Maybe it’s just my kids…but they can turn anything into a weapon and often try to shank each other…
We Don’t Touch Poop… I still remember the day Sawyer came down the stairs proudly yelling ewwe poooop… he had pooped on a toy cell phone and brought it down proud to show us his accomplishment… that was the day the poop war was waged in the McPhail household and we battle on even today…
Don’t Drink the Bath Water… your butt is in that water….Stop drinking it!!! What is the draw?? Seriously, I can’t imagin what is so thirst quenching about merky soapy butt water?? But still they drink…
Hands Off Your Peeper… (I know peeper sounds I little creepy but I just can’t say penis or wiener…) If you have boys, you have to be familiar with this one. day or night rain or shine, they have to make sure their friend is still attached… apparently it will be that way until the end of time…
Is That My Toothbrush In The Toilet??? Oh the glamorous life of a mother…
What Crazy things have you caught yourself saying as a mom that you never thought would come out of your mouth?!?!? We want to know:)!!
New To The EMM Blog?

Facebook Login Labels: family, funny, kids, motherhood

Monday, July 11, 2011
7 reasons why family vacations are so fun (only for those that can sense the sarcasm in the title)
Vacations are a glorious thing! We save for months, plan for what feels like ages, and go on them, with high hopes, big dreams and chaos in tow! Reality sets in usually within 23 min of a car ride in our world of "vacationing"....

I'm sorry but I have to quickly detour and go back a few years "pre-child" to get the full pict. I have so many great memories of places like, Florida, England, Israel, Mexico, ski trips, backpacking trips, Hawaii, and disneyland a 100 times over...Ya, now those are vacations....Now lets fast forward to recent in the past few years more resemble a family of ten moving across country, ya know, by the time you pack strollers, porta cribs, back packs, costco size diaper boxes and 8 changes of closes per person per day! And the term vacation, well lets just say I'm sad to report that staying on a cold, windy beach where the drive is within 3 hours because we can't make it any further, that is now vacation!
I alway try to look at the positive though, so today I have come up with a list of why "vacations with babies and toddlers really are a great thing". Please make sure to add to the list that I have started, we would love to know how much you love traveling with littles ones too!
My kids learn new vocabulary "moron, and idiot" (in reference to people who drive white Cadillacs and swerve around cars lined up 13 deep on narrow forest roads!) Ya, some guy just did that...I thought it was so cool that he was willing to risk all of our lives so that he could get there 3 min faster! Moron! Oops...said it again!
Gourmet food for every meal! Oh how I love Red Robin and Applebees for days on end! Lets get real here, people don't like kids in any other restaurant and to try to enjoy a decent meal, means being in a decent restaurant, and we all know how fun that is with little ones!
Swimming, swimming and more swimming. Now this in itself is actually a pretty fun event, but honestly paying $163 a night at a hotel so they can swim for countless hours and never want to leave to go do anything else, well that is crazy! (Unless your a kid who thinks everything is free!)
Countless hours of rest and relaxation! And by this I mean having to sit in a dark hotel room for two hours mid day trying to force naps, and turning lights out by 8:30 PM because the kids go to bed then. It's so fun sitting in the dark staring out the window at the other adults out for an evening on the town, while you sit in silence so your kids don't wake up!
Coffee! Ok so this is a great thing for real...hotel lobbies that have coffee on 24/7, now that is my kind of vacation!
Movies, movies and more movies. I have to preface this one by saying that when I was young, we didn't have to wear seat-belts and so mom and dad would throw us kids in the back of the wood paneled station wagon and cruse the 12 hours to Southern Cali with no problem. Now, my children have to be strapped in car seats like nascar drivers and since they don't have the option of building tents while we drive, they get to watch more T.V. ! Here's the thing, cartoons can get on my nerves, but when I can only hear them? oh this is enough to drive me freakin crazy! Especially the time they watched a cartoon with Roseanne Barr as the main "cow" character...I think I might have thrown that one out the window!
Money....lets face it, when it comes to vacationing, there is no way to put a "positive spin" on this one! Does anyone else think that it is totally ludicrous (thank goodness for spell check!) that you have to practically refinance your home to take a family of 4 to a theme park, museum, water park, or zoo? Seriously, do the people who run these places sit down and think "how can we get people to have to steal from their kids college fund in order to get them here??" And all of that money just to have to leave within 2 hours because jr. peed his pants, sissy is cold, daddy is grumpy from lack of food and mommy was in charge of packing everything for everyone for the entire week with no freaking help from anyone because she is always in charge of everything no matter if she is at home or half way across the %&^*#@* country!!!! (insert throat clearing and shirt adjustment here)
ok, so enough about my vacations...
Lets hear about yours!!!
We will even give a set of
"travel essential"
Earth Monkey gear to a random commenter with a great addition to this post!
Bring it home sisters! (literally!)

I alway try to look at the positive though, so today I have come up with a list of why "vacations with babies and toddlers really are a great thing". Please make sure to add to the list that I have started, we would love to know how much you love traveling with littles ones too!
My kids learn new vocabulary "moron, and idiot" (in reference to people who drive white Cadillacs and swerve around cars lined up 13 deep on narrow forest roads!) Ya, some guy just did that...I thought it was so cool that he was willing to risk all of our lives so that he could get there 3 min faster! Moron! Oops...said it again!
Swimming, swimming and more swimming. Now this in itself is actually a pretty fun event, but honestly paying $163 a night at a hotel so they can swim for countless hours and never want to leave to go do anything else, well that is crazy! (Unless your a kid who thinks everything is free!)
Countless hours of rest and relaxation! And by this I mean having to sit in a dark hotel room for two hours mid day trying to force naps, and turning lights out by 8:30 PM because the kids go to bed then. It's so fun sitting in the dark staring out the window at the other adults out for an evening on the town, while you sit in silence so your kids don't wake up!
Coffee! Ok so this is a great thing for real...hotel lobbies that have coffee on 24/7, now that is my kind of vacation!
Movies, movies and more movies. I have to preface this one by saying that when I was young, we didn't have to wear seat-belts and so mom and dad would throw us kids in the back of the wood paneled station wagon and cruse the 12 hours to Southern Cali with no problem. Now, my children have to be strapped in car seats like nascar drivers and since they don't have the option of building tents while we drive, they get to watch more T.V. ! Here's the thing, cartoons can get on my nerves, but when I can only hear them? oh this is enough to drive me freakin crazy! Especially the time they watched a cartoon with Roseanne Barr as the main "cow" character...I think I might have thrown that one out the window!
Money....lets face it, when it comes to vacationing, there is no way to put a "positive spin" on this one! Does anyone else think that it is totally ludicrous (thank goodness for spell check!) that you have to practically refinance your home to take a family of 4 to a theme park, museum, water park, or zoo? Seriously, do the people who run these places sit down and think "how can we get people to have to steal from their kids college fund in order to get them here??" And all of that money just to have to leave within 2 hours because jr. peed his pants, sissy is cold, daddy is grumpy from lack of food and mommy was in charge of packing everything for everyone for the entire week with no freaking help from anyone because she is always in charge of everything no matter if she is at home or half way across the %&^*#@* country!!!! (insert throat clearing and shirt adjustment here)
ok, so enough about my vacations...
Lets hear about yours!!!
We will even give a set of
"travel essential"
Earth Monkey gear to a random commenter with a great addition to this post!
Bring it home sisters! (literally!)
Facebook Login Labels: challenges, chaos, family time, funny stories, vacation

Friday, July 8, 2011
... DIY deliciousness from pretty in paint...
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{Even Drying Towels Can Be Cute With A Simple DIY} |
1 piece of pine from lowes or a discount store like your local builders bargain center about 3 ft long or
however long you want to make it $3.00
1 piece of trim same length as your board about $5
3 hooks (or however many you want on there).. i got mine at Craft Warehouse for 2.99 each.
{Step 1}
All you do is take your trim and cut it with a saw (or you can have the lumber store do this for you for free!)
1 piece of trim same length as your board about $5
3 hooks (or however many you want on there).. i got mine at Craft Warehouse for 2.99 each.
{Step 1}
All you do is take your trim and cut it with a saw (or you can have the lumber store do this for you for free!)
{Step 2}
then use gorilla glue to glue it on. I have done this before, but i actually nailed this on from the back. glue will do the job just as well though.
{Step 3}
Paint your board however you like then spray it with a clear coat spray paint.
Paint your board however you like then spray it with a clear coat spray paint.
{Step 4}
Screw your hooks onto your painted board.
Done and Done!!!
Leave a comment on the blog and let us know about any DIY that you've done that's gone awry... cutting hair... painting.... cooking... we want to hear... THEN make sure to "LIKE" her on facebook! This is one DIY can even do so it's pretty safe to try! And oh so cute!!! I'll pick a random winner tomorrow morning!

You can Also follow Mindy on facebook at:
Wednesday, July 6, 2011
{The Mommy Funk}
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...psst... she has three boys too... so she's familiar with the funk! |
" have to..." |
It was two years ago this past Sunday that my husband CJ and I moved our family back to Southern Oregon. We left our house still on the market just outside of Portland and lost every dime of our savings we had invested in that place. It was the lowest point in our lives together... a newborn baby and two special boys who had just been diagnosed with PDD-NOS (a form of autism). We were broke, broken and honestly at times I felt hopeless... A lot of you already know this story... already know my heart ache of mourning the sons I thought we were going to have and learning to love and celebrate the amazing boys God made them to be... many of you already know that we lost everything and lived with my parents for nine months relying on food stamps and family to help us through one of the darkest chapters of our lives. It was humiliating and earth shattering and beautiful all at once.
It's amazing how things can change in two years. I wish I could say we weren't still reeling from the aftermath of that disaster. What I can say is that if I had the chance to wipe it all out.. to get to skip that portion of our lives... I WOULDN'T THINK OF IT.
While I don't wish dark times on ANYONE... ever... I have to say it's what grows us... it's what gives us perspective and grace for people and situations we may have stood in judgement of before. Without pain I don't think we can fully experience compassion... without struggle and suffering we really have no reason to grow. love... |
I love remembering the fact that it was only two short years ago that I was praying for this very home... even knowing about the black mold, old windows, draftiness and bug "situation"... I dreamed of how our family would grow and thrive in this place... and we have. It's remembering July 3rd, 2009 that brings me out of my "mommy funks" and reminds me to celebrate all the the things I GET to do for my friends and family and amazing boys who are doing better than ever.
Perspective is everything... it's so easy to lose... and sometimes so painful to gain. What do you GET to do today?
Facebook Login Labels: challenges, family, growth, life, marriage, motherhood, perspective

Monday, July 4, 2011
Oldie BUT goodie... {OMG! I will NEVER do that!}
That was a glimpse into my past…before motherhood. Those may not have been my exact words but they were definitely things that I just knew I would never do when I was a mother. Now let me tell you what I have become.
Sometimes I look at my children (mostly my toddler, my 5 year old can now clean herself) and I think really, how long has that been stuck to your face? Hunter went to bed tonight with sharpie on his and I frequently wonder what most of the gunk could possibly be! We do try to clean up before entering public life, but even in his car seat he somehow ends up a mess.
Which brings me to my next topic…Messy cars. So ya, I have become that mom that is mortified to even have the gas station guy look into my car. I even wonder if it smells to him when my window is rolled down. I’m telling you that I fill my arms with as much stuff as I can every time I get out and its still a mess! I took out a floor mat that was caked with dried milk a few months ago, I should go clean that thing. Think I’ll wait, its 2:45 am! And lets not even talk about car seats! I’m sure my kids will need therapy someday to deal with that issue. I have just given up on getting those clean!
My toddler can throw a fit the size of Texas if he drops his “bar” and I’m sure that by blowing on it after I pick it up, its clean enough to eat. I’m convinced, and that’s good enough for me! Dare I admit that I am now occasionally eating dropped food too???
And yes I have become the mother with the screaming kids. I try my best to be respectful, and I have removed us from a few places because of crying, but come on, if I went home every time one of my kids was screaming, I would never be anywhere outside my home! Sorry is the best I can do.
I saved to grossest (I’m sure that’s a word somewhere) thing for last…I do it…I use my shirt often to wipe snotty noses. I hope at least one person can relate and the rest of you should try it! Its convenient, eco friendly (think of all the tissue you save) it dries quickly and washes out easily. What? You don’t think those are good reasons??? I’ll just give you a tighter hug next time I see you.
Here are my top 5 most annoying “NEVERS” ever…Drumroll please…
1) I WILL NEVER COOK MORE THAN ONE MEAL…if you’re a picky eater…you’ll have to starve. Now, I’m sure there are good moms who can stick to their guns on this rule…but I am not one of them. I cook anywhere from 2-4 meals three times a day most days. I should clarify that my kids are on the GFCF diet AND God blessed me with not only the pickiest kids on earth but also kids with the worst gagg reflexes ever…thank you for that one. Sawyer has thrown up in his plate more than once …sometimes he gags just looking at food. And the whole starving method only works if you can put up with hours of whining crying and tantruming … I can’t - so I will cook!
2) MY KIDS WON’T WATCH TV…. ahahahhhahahahahahahahahahahaha ….. ahahhahahahahahahahah…. excuse me, I mean hmmm…yeah right. TV is my best friend simply because it’s the only thing that can paralyze and mesmerize my children for more than 10 minutes…the only time I get to go to the bathroom by myself is when the kids are sucked into curious george or shawn the sheep. Do they watch too much?? Absolutely…Am I going to do anything about it in the near future?? Uhhh not likely. Don’t judge…try it, you’ll like it…all of your friends are doing it:):)
3) I WON’T ALLOW SIBLING RIVALRY… I wish I could go back in time and slap myself for that one… ALL my children do (besides watch TV:)) is FIGHT…not just arguing or screaming at each other either… things usually end with someone being punched, hit, bit or bludgeoned with a golf club…they’re furocious… And they’re all under 6 … ohhh mamas got a long road ahead of her!
4) MY KIDS WILL NEVER JUST RUN WILD AT HOME OR IN PUBLIC…seriously my mom used to say, “I just can’t have nice things”...I decided yesterday my line is “I just can’t have things!” because they destroy everything!! Sawyer didn’t earn the nickname “SAWYER THE DESTROYER” for nothing. They are all three animals…AN-I-MALS! Last week sawyer pulled down his pants and peed not once but three times in the spray park…next to other kids!! Good thing they’re so cute!
5) I WILL NEVER TAKE MY KIDS INTO PUBLIC LOOKING LIKE TRASH… Not that we venture into public often…but I will tell you it’s rare to have teeth brushed, shoes on, hair done and nothing sticky on faces when we leave the house. I had a friend post on facebook that she and her husband had done what they said they would never do…they took their children into town looking totally dirty and trashy…I told her it gets easier after the first time and earlier that day we went to the store shoeless because my kids just didn’t feel like putting them on:) Ohhh so classy!
What are some of your “NEVERS”? We want to hear from you…
Facebook Login Labels: funny, kids, motherhood, Nevers, parenting

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