Friday, July 29, 2011

Because I said so...our favorite EM grandma dishes up some good kick in the butt!

Some "mom-isms" of my mother 

and words I SWORE I'd NEVER say 

to my own children went something like this:

* "Stop that crying before I give you something to cry about."
* "Do that again and it will get you a damn good whipping."
* "Big girls don't cry."

(Seriously she said that, and anyone who knows me understands the irony of saying those words to me because I am both big AND a cryer)
But my personal favorite would come right after I would take a 
major face plant that would include pain, fear and blood, sometimes 
much blood. My mother's standard reply to such an occasion:
*"Get up, you aren't hurt."
I truly hope I have been successful at keeping those particular one-liners, warm and fuzzy as they are, out of my vocabulary.

     My own kids must have had one of those sibling pow-wows (behind my back) and came to some kind of unanimous conclusion that they would never say one of my own (unoriginal) one liners: "Because I said so!". I used to have a picture hanging in my kitchen of a mother hen with a lot of babies under her wings and the caption read: "I'm the mommy that's why." They didn't give me grief over that one but evidently they really disliked 'because I said so.' Who knew?? I'm fairly sure when your little ones grow up they too will throw some of your mommy-isms back at you. I, for one, am hoping they do. :o)

Parenting is rough. And the bummer is, kids have the ability to remember. Right now, while it is hard, they are building memories. Now I don't mean to throw a big ol' guilt trip on you but what are your child's memories today, last week? What will they remember about this summer? A young man I have known all his life with a family of his own, made a comment that he wasn't camping with his family because it was too hard. (editors note: crap...I say this! arg!) This was a boy that I personally accompanied on countless camping trips throughout his childhood. His mom and I worked really hard to pull off those trips. Camping isn't fun! The Children's Festival isn't fun. Going to the fair and riding rides.... guess what? Isn't fun!!...Unless you are a kid. Times are hard and going and doing the simplest things can be a monumentally expense; but a blanket and some clothes pins can make a tent in the backyard, or if your'e a big chicken it also makes a great tent in the living room. It doesn't matter what you do, just do something with your kids that includes laughing together. Make them know you want to hang out and play with them. Don't send them out the door with a popsicle, grab one for yourself and sit in the wading pool with them. Make a memory. Why? you ask... Because tomorrow will be too late and..... Because I said so!

This is a sweet video about "mamas" that will bless your heart! 
 Grab the kids and dance (I dare you not to cry!)
So...what are you going to do with the kids this weekend???  Let us know below in the comments!  Blessings!

Earth Monkeys is always lucky to have the amazing, stunning, super duper fab. EMG...our very own Earth Monkey Grandma! !  Aka...the lady that shows up and gives us a big dose of kick in the butt.  Cindy is a wife, self titled "farm girl", the mama of our own Lindsay (and a handful of others) and grandkids galore.  Her "advice" is compelled by "been there done that", so hold on for a good ride!!  or at the very least, a good laugh!