Monday, July 18, 2011

Glamour 101...more like Glamour 911!!

     I headed out on saturday with the family on a little jaunt to a local park feeling pretty good about myself...Not because I had done anything too amazing that day, but because I had showered, washed my hair, and even dried it!   Crazy hu?
     I sat on my little patch of grass while my daughter was on a swing, and my son ran in the water and as I did, I saw a vision of angels!  Across from me sat two beautiful mommies, in beautiful dresses, with beautiful hair, and beautiful smiles.  One had the glow of an expectant mother under her perfectly placed makeup and curls to die for!  Her flowy top that perfectly covered her growing baby bump, blew in the breeze as she laughed with her equally "glowy" friend in the sassy red dress, and perfect french twist in freshly colored hair!  As I looked down at my much less impressive wardrobe, all of my pride from this mornings shower was completely gone!  My brown khakis, white tank and tennies started to look more like prison garb!  My hair that I managed to leave free from its usual bond of a tight rubber band, was driving me nuts and if weren't for the fact that my lip gloss was long gone, my hair probably would have been stuck on them!   As I started to become very jealous and down on my frumpy self, it hit me...they only had one child each!  Oh.....flash back time...

     When my  first born was about 3 months old, I remember sitting in the living room with a good friend, and while our one (each) angel slept, we dreamt of a blog that we wanted to start all about helping moms to not become frumpy moms!  We knew how easy it was, since we were moms, to stay fabulous and we wanted to teach others all of our tricks.  So we decided it would be filled with "how to's" your mommy makeup in 5 min, put together great stay at home mom outfits, look refreshed and beautiful before your man walks in the door..."(I just threw up a little bit in my mouth!)  All of this inspiration came as we sat around,  dressed in perfectly matching cute yoga type outfits (we would NEVER wear sweats!) swearing we would never become frumpy, stay at home moms!  
     Need another flash back or are you already rolling your eyes???  Well you get one anyway!
Lindsay and I, PRE-KIDS, were out walking one day as I told her about my "mom" hair clients that were driving me crazy wanting to keep their long, boring hair because "all they ever do it pull it back in a pony tail!"  I can't believe I am admitting this, but I seriously used to tell them "you can surely find 10 minutes to do your hair!"  REALLY!  I said that!  Now, I have become that mom...I start with good intentions by washing my mop, and as I pull out the drier to plug it in, I am undoubtedly summoned by a "mom, he is pulling my hair..ahhh he is biting me!!"  Hence, the tight pony that has become part of my daily uniform!   
     I remember going to the grocery store in heals with my new baby on my arm, taking time to curl my hair into perfect pieces.  Lipstick was my favorite accessory, and my outfits were imaginative and fun.  My fingernails stayed polished, and my makeup stayed fresh.  My jewelry was well thought out and I actually worried about what other people thought.  But here's the deal...I had time, I had different priorities and I cared about different things.  I know that some women can have it all together all of the time and do it flawlessly, but that is just not me.
     I do my best to take care of myself on the inside because I feel better that way, but as far as the outside?  Here is the deal...Now I just like to try to make it to the grocery store alone (this usually means 10 PM in my sweats, with my hair pulled back into that ever famous pony...)  My lipstick comes off after only a few sweet little kisses, my outfits have to withstand goopy hands and playing tag.  My fingernails practically melt from all the dish water, and my makeup comes off with the first "tickle monster match".  My jewelry has to hold up to  prying hands, and comforting hurt bodies...and now, I could care less what anyone else thinks!  Well...I do have to admit to putting on something sassy for the hubbie when I know he is going to be around, or putting on a little makeup for a GNO!  But besides that, I'll trade fancy makeup, pretty hair and funky clothes for the unglamorous life of mommy-hood in a minute.  So for those that can do it all...rock on sisters!  for those that can only do some...join the club, because it's worth it!  

Wanna hear the latest, coolest news from Earth Monkeys???  We have started a cool new "baby shower gift club" for all of you that love to give us as gifts...its easy to sign up and recieve monthy specials on the coolest on-the-go baby and toddler gear on the planet (and its good for the planet too!)  Click on Earth Monkeys to sign up for exclusive this months "buy one gift set get one set FREE!"  Yep, I think we are a bit crazy too!  See you there!

And one more thing..we love to hear your stories and comments below...and could you share us with your friends?? We love ya for it!!