Friday, July 8, 2011

... DIY deliciousness from pretty in paint...

{Even Drying Towels Can Be Cute With A Simple DIY}
I found this hook plaque in an antique store and paid way to much for it, but i wanted to copy it and make some of my own!! (is that bad?) I knew these would be perfect to hang out on the back patio to dry my kids towels! I hate when I find them in wet wadded up balls on the floor after they have been running in the sprinkler!! So this is a cute way to let them air dry outside!


1 piece of pine from lowes or a discount store like your local builders bargain center about 3 ft long or

   however long you want to make it $3.00

1 piece of trim same length as your board about $5

3 hooks (or however many you want on there).. i got mine at Craft Warehouse for 2.99 each.

{Step 1}

All you do is take your trim and cut it with a saw (or you can have the lumber store do this for you for free!)
{Step 2}
then use gorilla glue to glue it on. I have done this before, but i actually nailed this on from the back. glue will do the job just as well though.

{Step 3}

Paint your board however you like then spray it with a clear coat spray paint.

{Step 4}

Screw your hooks onto your painted board.

Done and Done!!!

Leave a comment on the blog and let us know about any DIY that you've done that's gone awry... cutting hair... painting.... cooking... we want to hear... THEN make sure to "LIKE" her on facebook! This is one DIY can even do so it's pretty safe to try! And oh so cute!!! I'll pick a random winner tomorrow morning!

Mindy is the mother of two children, a wife and creator of all that is beautiful~along with her business of making any piece of unloved furniture amazing, she inspires others to try their hand at adding character to their own homes. Her blog "Pretty in Paint" is a fun and inspiring look into her world.

You can Also follow Mindy on facebook at:


Nicole O'Hare said...

Let's see... I once tried make apple pie for Thanksgiving. While following the recipe I asked my MIL for the salt, she says it's right here, I told her it wasn't enough because I needed 1/4 cup. She asked for the recipe, I only needed 1/4 tsp I ththought I needed cups of everything. So I also had 1/2 cup of cinnamon measured out. Good thing I hadn't combined anything! They still ask for my "special "recipe lol!

M.j. said...

O.k. I really am a good cook and baker, but I don't know what got into me to do this.I ran out of oil for brownies. I only had Olive Oil so I said "what the heck, let's try it"...All I can say is ewwwwwwwww......Let's just say I always have vegetable oil handy when making

Kriste said...

I love to paint! Every room in my house is a different color. When I was doing my little girl's room, I knew that I wanted something NOT pink. I picked orange. I was going for an inspiring sunset-coral color. It ended up looking like The Home Depot.

decaturmamaof2 said...

Trying to knit (in my school's home ec class)... let's just say that all the other kids were making gloves while it was gently suggested to me that I stick to mittens. LOL. dagmar67 at hotmail dot com

Hillary T said...

Great idea Mindy! I was just to Morrow's yesterday looking for an old piece of moulding to hang hooks on. One was $40 and falling apart, the other was $60 and covered in lead paint. I'll be going to Lowes today for supplies. Thanks Mindy!

Brit said...

Love it Mindy! True confession: Banana Cream Pie could have been the death of me! Yes, I am a baker, but for some reason I couldn't(for the life of me) get my hubby's favorite dessert right! After many, messy...sloshy...disasters, I finally created a winner! Thanks for your post Min!!!

Chloe said...

I loved this DIY!! I did a project while babysitting called "Hot Rocks" that I got from a blog I had been following where you put rocks in the oven and take them out and peel the paper of crayons and draw and the rocks and crayons will melt and make cool colors, well it would have been great, but as I am pulling the baking sheet out of the oven one the kids grabs one of the rocks, needless to say we didn't decorate the rocks that day! He was okay though! Love this project though!!

Secret Mommy said...

Most of my DIY's go awry at some level because I'm AWFUL at following directions and like to forge my own path. :) Thankfully I can often salvage my mistakes (such as the nightgown I tried making yesterday that I think I can fix...) I definitely want to try this one for my laundry room!

Earth Monkey Moms said...

OK and the Winner is...... dah dah dah!!! Miss Brit!! Congrats my friend! Numero seis (6) was the lucky number today!! wahoo... mama's jealous!!:) Just message Mindy on facebook on how to pick it up:):) Or let me know and I'll hook you two up:)

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