Monday, August 15, 2011

children are like farts...and other sayings we just cant live without! And one more thing, you complete todays post!!!!

      I got to go on a little "vaca" with my kids this last week...I thought about writing a post on how vacations are so not fun for moms, but I don't want you all to think that I am a total loser mom who cant handle the heat.  So instead I came up with this brilliant idea to make this a post that you, yes you, have to participate in.  I know, cool hu?  This idea came when I was thinking about this hilarious magnet (that I wish I would have got for Linz) that said "there is no such thing as fun for the whole family".  I about peed my pants laughing as I thought about the 15 hours that I had spent watching my kids swim in the hotel pool wishing I was doing something else on this vacation.  So the rules today are, I am going to post a few funny things I found, and it is up to you to add your own under the comments.  Put down a "magnet saying", something on your fridge right now, or just something that makes you laugh every time you think about it!  You are only going to get full pleasure out of this though (that sounds kinda nasty) if you take a peak at what everyone else has here we go some things I think we can all relate to!

and this one is for specially for Lindsay...


 I found these magnets at cafe press  along with a ton more..check them out! 
Remember to share us!  You will have good luck if you do (ok you might not, but your friends will thank you!)