Wednesday, August 3, 2011
If "Hell is other parents"... what is getting your face puked on at 2 am?
I have been wanting to read this book called "Hell is Other Parents" for a while now. It sounds hilarious and honestly I think sometimes we can all relate to this statement to some extent! Unfortunately, it isn't available in an audio book format yet and I don't really read read for fear that if I concentrate too hard on anything for too long my children will shank each other with a broken duplo or flush a full box of tampons down the toilet. It did get me thinking though, while people can be super annoying, sometimes I bet there are other examples in parenthood that more accurately describe HELL...
So here is my list of what "parenting hell" really is...
So here is my list of what "parenting hell" really is...
- Waking up to my 2 year old puking in my face (yes it went in my mouth) at 2 am... and then having to cut my nose ring out a few days later because the vomit had so enflamed my piercing that my nose was swollen up to my forehead... ahhh good times!
- Almost sitting on a tree frog that's resting on my toilet seat in the middle of the night... I still throw up a little bit when I relive that one!
- Being 30 minutes late for an appointment and realizing that my child has pooped up his back and down his legs as I put him in the car ... AND... not having one single other pair of undies for him to put on because I haven't done laundry in three days... sure hope re-diapering doesn't scar children!
- Sitting down for a nice Easter dinner with our closest friends and family and having my sensory child puke in his plate at the table... I think we can add Christmas and Thanksgiving to the list too!
- Having my little guy come snug me in the middle of the night only to wake up in the puddle that he left on my side of the bed because apparently kids don't EVER EVER EVER crawl in bed on daddy's side!
- Seeing the look of utter shock and disappointment on my little one's face when that $%^&#* tooth fairy forgot to come!! Dumb Broad!
- Trying a new church for the very first time and as I hand my little one over he pukes all over me, himself and the floor...THEN... turning around to see my hubby booking it down the hall for fear of throwing up himself... always fun to deal with puke and strangers!
- Having to admit that it was my child that just pulled down his pants and peed in the middle of the water park... and possibly on your child's leg. Sorry about that!
- Not being able to stop my oldest from saying horrible things he observes about others like asking a guy we were standing in line next to why his teeth were green... seriously how do you recover from that??
For all of the HELL we go through as parents, (most of mine dealing with bodily malfunctions), I think we can all agree that it's worth every second of it! Because HEAVEN is getting an unexpected hug or "thank you" or the coveted random "I sure love you mom." My boys are the BEST! Everyday they amaze me with their growth and kindness and love. Even in the height of chaos and sibling rivalry and poop and puke and did I mention poop??... I love my job as their mom and truly would go through any type of HELL for each of them, I think we all would... but just for the fun of it, tell us what your parenting HELL is:):)
Just in case you're new around here I thought I'd introduce myself.... I'm the scattered crazy Earth Monkey Mom Lindsay:) And this is my family. My kids never have clean faces, my house is always dirty and I always have 3-15 loads of unfolded laundry sitting on my couch. I post here on Wednesdays ... Gena the "with it" organized but still whacky EMM posts on Mondays... and then each Friday We have a different guest contributor... always a mom... sometimes funny sometimes inspiring and always real. We're glad you're here and we hope you'll stick around... More than anything we want you to know that none of us have it all together... and wether your kids are 40 or 4 you're not alone in your journey through motherhood!
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If "Hell is other parents"... what is getting your face puked on at 2 am?
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