Monday, November 8, 2010
Wile E and Sponge Bob...True heros!!!
I grew up in a family full of great traditions, but one of my favorites occurred on friday nights. Our family would eat at our favorite asian restaurant where we filled up on greasy food, and green tea and then raced home to our beloved "Dukes of Hazard". If you are old like me, you can relate to the excitement of sitting down with Bo and Luke..Daisy didn't do much for me but you get the point. Saturday mornings then consisted of cold cereal and our favorite cartoons. Cartoons then, were much different than they are now. Most of the time they were about someone (or something) blowing up, burning, smashing, dropping off of a cliff, or just a lot of good old fashion "maiming". I suppose it's a good thing that my kids are learning so much from their cartoons now a days, but sometimes I miss a good old fashion Wile E, Road Runner beating!! I have recently been inspired to give these "new" cartoons a piece of my mind...
Dear Mickey Mouse, first of all, I love Disneyland. It is a magical place of smiles and fun and some really great memories... but COME ON! A clubhouse that comes up out of the ground, totally set up, organized and clean? Then you further insult my intelligence by ALWAYS being in a good mood, no matter who royally messes up; you then take Tootles along on your adventures to fix the problem. How in the world does "he" always know what kind of "tools" you will need anyway? Please would you stop singing, counting and smiling. Sometimes life is just not that cheery!!
Mr. Cailou, Where is your hair for god sakes! You are 4 years old and totally bald??? It's probably your completely neurotic and crazy mother that does that to you. And speaking of your mother, please let her that if she keeps talking in such a sweet voice to you and your sister all of the time, I might drive over and punch her. (is she medicated or something??) I don't know any boy (or girl for that matter) that gets along with his sibling, uses manners and never talks back to his parents!!! GET REAL!
Sir Thomas, (or should I address this to Sir, Topin that his name??) you totally freak me and my children out. Please be honest here...Does some crazy man have a scary little railroad city set up in his backyard pretending to make you all real and then filming it? If so, please let him know that more things need to move than just your crazy eyes! He is NOT fooling anyone!
Also, you all could use some not so boring voices, and your narrator, omg...he puts me to sleep.! Could you please tell your crazy captor you want to do something a little creative or fun or get off the t.v!!!
Dear Barney, the Wiggles, Imagination movers and Dirt Girl....I don't even want to waste my time writing to you all individually! If I even think you are coming on, I will change the channel! You are poisoning my children with all of your "positivity and happiness!" Your cheerful songs, endless lessons and lack of any real fun...I just can't handle it.

Mr. Sponge Bob, I love you. You are a hard worker, a responsible home owner and a good friend to all. You make me laugh and cry and you challenge me to be a better person. I love how you occasionally loose your skin in an unfortunate hot grease accident, I cry when your eyes get popped out of your head from a run in with a jelly fish electrocution. I am sorry for the times that you fall off cliffs or drop from the sky (aka the water) and when you get pommeled by your dense friend Patrick, I feel for you! Thank you for bringing me back to the simpler times of my childhood where we didn't have to learn how to count from tv but got to just mindlessly enjoy it for the pure joy of it!

Also, you all could use some not so boring voices, and your narrator, omg...he puts me to sleep.! Could you please tell your crazy captor you want to do something a little creative or fun or get off the t.v!!!
Dear Barney, the Wiggles, Imagination movers and Dirt Girl....I don't even want to waste my time writing to you all individually! If I even think you are coming on, I will change the channel! You are poisoning my children with all of your "positivity and happiness!" Your cheerful songs, endless lessons and lack of any real fun...I just can't handle it.

Mr. Sponge Bob, I love you. You are a hard worker, a responsible home owner and a good friend to all. You make me laugh and cry and you challenge me to be a better person. I love how you occasionally loose your skin in an unfortunate hot grease accident, I cry when your eyes get popped out of your head from a run in with a jelly fish electrocution. I am sorry for the times that you fall off cliffs or drop from the sky (aka the water) and when you get pommeled by your dense friend Patrick, I feel for you! Thank you for bringing me back to the simpler times of my childhood where we didn't have to learn how to count from tv but got to just mindlessly enjoy it for the pure joy of it!
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I love you, too, Spongebob. I really, really do. I might strangle Dora, or scream if I have to watch another episode of Kai Lan where they worship the moon. What?????
Dora needs to stop asking 6 yr olds for directions and get a GPS.
I have a real problem with Yo Gabba-gabba!
They mostly speak in gubberish and the charaters are freakin scary!!
I agree 100% on every account - except for spongebob.
He is 100% banned in my home.
THANK YOU! I once did a rant on my blog about Curious George, after the comments i thought I had some sort of a problem, so nice to see it isn't just me! They drive me absolutely crazy and lately I just haven't allowed anything but Phenius and Ferb and Penguins of Madagascar, the kids love them and more importantly I DO TOO, they are hilarious!
Richard... I'm with you... even if we had cable Sponge Bob would not be our friend... I love Gena enough to look past this one fault:):) ahahahaha... Lindsay:)
this was hilarious!
And Sponge Bob is a total family favorite here. Much to my chagrin. I fought the good fight, but I'm overruled considering I'm the only girl and Sponge Bob is TOTALY boy humor! And I found that if you watch it long enough, it does get kinda funny. haha!
Caillou annoys the CRAP OUT OF ME b/c he whines so much. I have found that my kids whine more when watching him too. He's a pansy. There, I said it. ;o)
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