Monday, February 28, 2011
Oldies but goodies! Diggin into the archives...
You know those moments where your plate is so full that if someone put one more thing on it, you would throw it across the room it would tip over? Well, for me, I had one last week. I texted Lindsay something to the tune of "I am tuning out before I loose my mind. I can't blog, facebook, email, or do anything Earth Monkey related. My kids, my husband and my house need me. I am fried" And after she pulled out some more of her own hair (without telling me of course) she graciously and lovingly "gave me the week off". I'm sure that none of you noticed I was MIA or even missed me for that matter, but like it or not, I am back! So now that Lindsay is completely fried from caring the burden of single handedly entertaining millions, she came up with a great idea. So here it is...
Oldies but goodies
For those times when crazy just needs to be turned down a notch, (I'm stealing her words), we will pick a post from the archives that for some reason or another, we liked...because this is a much simpler solution to one of us loosing our minds! So excuse me a moment while I go find something!
Ok, I'm back. So apparantly my post today is going to be full of plagerism because I am inspired to just share a short post that I did last year, and it is just a saying. I guess "just a saying" doesnt do it full justice. I think this is so important that if we all believed it and lived by it, our world, or at least our homes would look a lot different. So today I am reminding myself of what is important, and I hope that you all get a little punch in the gut gentle reminder too.
The longer I live, the more I realize the impact of attitude on life. Attitude, to me, is more important than facts. It is more important than the past, the education, the money, than circumstances, than failure, than successes, than what other people think or say or do. It is more important than appearance, giftedness or skill. It will make or break a company… a church… a home. The remarkable thing is we have a choice everyday regarding the attitude we will embrace for that day. We cannot change our past… we cannot change the fact that people will act in a certain way. We cannot change the inevitable. The only thing we can do is play on the one string we have, and that is our attitude. I am convinced that life is 10% what happens to me and 90% of how I react to it. And so it is with you… we are in charge of our Attitudes. Charles R. Swindoll
So there you go. Put it on your bathroom mirror, email it to your husband (although that could backfire...) put it in the staff room at work. Today, I am committed to this, and tomorrow I will wake up and try to live it again....after coffee! And if you have a saying that inspires, motivates, or makes you laugh, could you "comment" it below for us??? We all need it!
Just a couple of reminders...check out the "casting call" announcement to the right...we are looking for one adorable monkey to represent Earth Monkeys! (we figure you are tired of seeing ours all the time!)
Friday, February 25, 2011
EMM's Mom of the Month... With Giveaways Galore!!
From moms who feed the homeless on the weekend like Kim from Saucy Sisters, to raising 8 kids as a single mom... like our friend and guest blogger Delores, Earth Monkeys has been blessed to know some truly amazing moms. It seems like sometimes in our chaos we forget to thank and recognize people/women/moms who do out standing things... Well no more. Once a month we want to recognize a mom who has gone above and beyond the crazy call of motherhood and reached out to help others in her community... There are so many moms who simply amaze me, It's honestly all I can do just to survive with my three monkeys, and while I wish I could volunteer more and help others in my community sometimes it feels impossible. We thought a great way to end a week of "MOTY Moments" would be to recognize a mom (who has actually posted a flippen hilarious MOTY moment on Monday's post BTW) for all of her efforts outside of the home. Our first Earth Monkey Mom of the Month is a mom who's helped hundreds of families while raising three boys of her own... one of which experiences autism... Some of you have met her before here on EMM... Emilie Sampson!
I met Emilie almost 5 years ago... She's taught me how to fight and be an advocate for my boys even when it feels hopeless. But I'm not the only one she's been there for, she's started (and currently runs) two non-profits, Parent to Parent and Families for Community, that serve families with kids who experience disability. She also moonlights with Sparrow Clubs (another children's charity her husband runs) and in her spare timeahahahahaha she sells "Thirty-One"... She encourages and empowers so many ... we wanted to take this opportunity to give a little sumpin sumpin back to her. And all that we got is this here not so fancy blog... hehe... poor girl:) Anywhooo Emilie wrote a post thinking we were hosting a blog party for 31... and that's just what we're going to do! We love you Em and we appreciate your heart and passion for serving the overlooked in your community!!
Hello, my name is Emilie and I am a purse and bag addict. And not just bags, but wallets and totes as well. It is not healthy. But last summer I found a company that changed my life (or something slightly less dramatic). It is called Thirty-One and it was filled with product that I could stand behind and get excited about! The company was founded by Cindy Monroe on the belief that we are all put here on this earth for a reason, and that each of us has a unique purpose. Her concept is that each of these products will help to make your life easier and more positive, and that each of them has several purposes. (Amen, sister!)
Our faithful EMM leaders, Linz and Gena asked me to introduce you to Thirty-One and so I tried to think of the best way to do that. First I thought, I would invite you all to one of their houses…but I still wanted them to love me. ;) So since I can’t have you all over, I decided what is better than a blog party - COMPLETE WITH PRIZES.
So grab your beverage of choice and shop with me for purses and bags, which have never yet been puked or peed on.
Let me introduce you to a few of my favorites:
This is HANDS DOWN my MOST POPULAR ITEM. Perfect for the mom on the run, with monkeys in her arms. This wallet has a large pocket on the opposite side, perfectly sized for my iPhone. Just clip my keys on the strap and I can run into the store hands free! LOVE IT!
If I had another baby, this would be my diaper bag of choice. I love pockets. I am of the belief that the more pockets, the more organized I can be (wishful thinking perhaps). This Organizing Utility Tote comes in 8 different prints and has 5 outside pockets and one pocket on each side. Even though I am passed the “diaper bag” stage, I am still in the “I-carry-a-lot-of-junk-for-a-day-out-with-the-boys” stage, and this is my go to bag. Sippy cups, water bottles, or sunscreen fit perfectly in the outer pockets and make me look WAY more organized than I really am.
I am in LOVE with this purse. Fashion forward, yet totally functional for the mom who needs both hands available when out and about. What this picture doesn’t show you is that the bottom unzips (with the coordinating fabric) to expand.
So, this is how this will work:
Check out the catalog and tell me what your favorite item is, and you will be entered to win a ZIPPER POUCH in ONYX MEDALLION
Place an order on the EMM party HERE (or message me with your order) and you will be entered to win a THERMAL TOTE in FLORAL CELEBRATION
{click “Direct Ship” and have the products sent directly to you}
The EMM BLOG PARTY will close FRIDAY, MARCH 4th at midnight and the winners will be chosen then!
If you want to nominate a mom doing something great in her community for next month's feature, please e-mail me at!! We would love to help you say thanks!!
I met Emilie almost 5 years ago... She's taught me how to fight and be an advocate for my boys even when it feels hopeless. But I'm not the only one she's been there for, she's started (and currently runs) two non-profits, Parent to Parent and Families for Community, that serve families with kids who experience disability. She also moonlights with Sparrow Clubs (another children's charity her husband runs) and in her spare time
Hello, my name is Emilie and I am a purse and bag addict. And not just bags, but wallets and totes as well. It is not healthy. But last summer I found a company that changed my life (or something slightly less dramatic). It is called Thirty-One and it was filled with product that I could stand behind and get excited about! The company was founded by Cindy Monroe on the belief that we are all put here on this earth for a reason, and that each of us has a unique purpose. Her concept is that each of these products will help to make your life easier and more positive, and that each of them has several purposes. (Amen, sister!)
Our faithful EMM leaders, Linz and Gena asked me to introduce you to Thirty-One and so I tried to think of the best way to do that. First I thought, I would invite you all to one of their houses…but I still wanted them to love me. ;) So since I can’t have you all over, I decided what is better than a blog party - COMPLETE WITH PRIZES.
So grab your beverage of choice and shop with me for purses and bags, which have never yet been puked or peed on.
Let me introduce you to a few of my favorites:
This is HANDS DOWN my MOST POPULAR ITEM. Perfect for the mom on the run, with monkeys in her arms. This wallet has a large pocket on the opposite side, perfectly sized for my iPhone. Just clip my keys on the strap and I can run into the store hands free! LOVE IT!
If I had another baby, this would be my diaper bag of choice. I love pockets. I am of the belief that the more pockets, the more organized I can be (wishful thinking perhaps). This Organizing Utility Tote comes in 8 different prints and has 5 outside pockets and one pocket on each side. Even though I am passed the “diaper bag” stage, I am still in the “I-carry-a-lot-of-junk-for-a-day-out-with-the-boys” stage, and this is my go to bag. Sippy cups, water bottles, or sunscreen fit perfectly in the outer pockets and make me look WAY more organized than I really am.
I am in LOVE with this purse. Fashion forward, yet totally functional for the mom who needs both hands available when out and about. What this picture doesn’t show you is that the bottom unzips (with the coordinating fabric) to expand.
So, this is how this will work:
Check out the catalog and tell me what your favorite item is, and you will be entered to win a ZIPPER POUCH in ONYX MEDALLION
Place an order on the EMM party HERE (or message me with your order) and you will be entered to win a THERMAL TOTE in FLORAL CELEBRATION
{click “Direct Ship” and have the products sent directly to you}
The EMM BLOG PARTY will close FRIDAY, MARCH 4th at midnight and the winners will be chosen then!
Wednesday, February 23, 2011
You might be an EMM mom if...
It's time once again to make you feel better about yourself as mothers! We do our best to corrupt you with our true sometimes icky confessions so you won't feel like you have to
- Your sink is not only full of dishes, but also a ball, a toy car and color crayons...
- You think you brushed your teeth this morning...wait, was that yesterday?
- You can't remember your name, but your pretty sure it's not , mommy, mommy, MOMMY!!!
- Every time you reach into a pocket it contains a used snotty tissue.
- Your idea of exercise is showering with a toddler on your hip.
- Your favorite extra curricular activity is sleep!
- Your favorite accessory is a Mr. Clean Magic Eraser.
- You consider going to the grocery store alone better than a day at the spa!
- The artwork on your wall looks like a 5 year old did it; wait, a 5 year old did do it!
- You don't remember the color of your fridge, carpet or couch and we don't have to explain why...
- You have a sign in your entry that reads "I cleaned my house 5 minutes ago; sorry you missed it!"
- You pick out your outfit for the day from what's laying on the ground beside your bed and you may or may not have had to scrap the kid crusties off before wearing it...
- You have to use a spatula to scrape your counters off before you can wipe them down.
- You've ben wearing the same toenail polish since October and just keeping painting layers over the chips.
- Not even Mr. Clean Magic Eraser and fingernail polish remover can get the permanent marker of your wall and fridge.
- You know what a "mommy tuck" is. (See this link if you are skinny and don't know what that means like flippen Gena!)
- You've ever said, "Ugghh!! Who just pooped on the floor?"
- You and your kids have had a "pajama day" for two or more days in a row.
- You've re-worn the same make-up two days in a row... (Don't judge me...)
- You're car smells like McDonald's French Fries and spoiled milk.
- You've ever found an older dirty diaper in your purse, trunk or dirty clothes hamper.
- When you clean your house your family asks "Why?" or "Is someone is coming over?"
- You're husband has to ask you to "please shave your legs."
- Your children ask when you are going to be "nice mommy again"
- And Finally YOU MIGHT BE AN EARTH MONKEY MOM if your child has ever yelled the unsavory word/phrase in public that you said in the car right before you took them into a very busy store... (you'd think I'd learn after 2 or 3 times... noop)
This is just the start of our list... if you have others to share, post them here or on our Earth Monkeys Facebook Page!! And don't forget we still want to hear your about when you lost your MOTY (Mother Of THE YEAR) Award... you could win a thousand dollars... ahahahah yea right... but you will get a pretty sweet set of our Earth Monkeys Baby/Toddler accessories:):)
Facebook Login Labels: earth monkey moms, funny, having kids, humor, motherhood, parenting

Monday, February 21, 2011
Have you lost your M.O.T.Y??? You just might win cool EM stuff for it!!
We both lost ours long ago. It's not somehting to celebrate, or brag about, or honestly ever even proudly admit to. But today, we are coming clean about here it goes...we have both lost our;
"Mother Of The Year Award"
Here is how it all went down...
GENA: I lost mine when my daughter was about 3. Just a quick story about how it happened....
It was a normal day until something amazing happened! My daughter was overjoyed when a bird flew into the window, and to make a long story short, after her pro negotiator skills kicked in, she was able to convince me that it would be ok to hold the dead bird and lovingly name him "Petey". I could stop there and you would totally get why I lost my MOTY that day, but it gets better. I let her take him to a family event (I know! GASP) and we only "sent him home to be with his family" when my sister in law about had a conniption!!! I thought it was all over until I ended up on the phone with my mom at 2:00 AM because my daughter woke up with a raging fever!!! All I can remember is begging God to spare my baby girl because it was not her fault she ended up with the bird flu!!! OK, well she didn't have the bird flu, but let me tell you, lesson learned!!
LINDSAY: I can't tell you the exact date and time I first lost my M.O.T.Y.... there have been so many... too many for me to share... and still have friends that is:) From Pajama day for days on end and feeding my children ice cream and french fries for dinner, to piling blankets on top of their dirty sheets because I forget to wash them and my 3 year old asking when I planned to clean our dirty house...don't judge me!... I've pretty much got all the bases covered.
The most recent one that sticks out is last friday when I sent my oldest to school on a Friday without his school shirt on. Don't roll your eyes it's worse than it sounds. You see when you have a child with autism, schedules and routine are what makes life function... when one breaks the routine one should be ready for all hell to break loose... and it did. On this particular Friday Sawyer's Lincoln Lions shirt was at the bottom of a VERY large pile of laundry... so I decided to put a shirt the same color on him. To my surprise he didn't notice (although he was a bit off on his days because he had been out of school with pneumonia for over a week.) Anyway, I was pretty proud of making the switch with no meltdowns... no puke inducing screaming, no doors slamming or major trauma... But 20 minutes after they left, I saw my husband pull back in to the driveway... (while I was on facebook... never good)... He had to come retrieve the missing shirt because Sawyer realized it was Friday halfway to school and had a major meltdown in the car and the school parking lot. To make matters worse I had to pull the shirt out of the laundry pile, and it had obviously been stewing in it's own au-juice under the wet towels and was stinky and wrinkled... I sprayed some downy wrinkle release on it and threw it to my husband. He just looked at me, then took it back and steamed most of the smell and all of the wrinkles out of it... Is that the worst story I have to tell... MMMM NOOOO... but it is the most recent and one that won't get me too terribly judged... so there you go!!
Are you feeling brave??? Good. Here is what we want from you...
{We want to know how you lost your M.O.T.Y.}
"What is in it for me" you ask???
Only a set of the most amazing, adorable, and coolest must have
baby and toddler accessories on the planet!!!
So here is how it works. Think of your best MOTY moment (please not the one that would make Child Protective Services show up at your doorstep!) and post it in a comment below. And don't forget to have your friends join in so we can laugh at them too! We will pick the winner at the end of the week based on which one makes us pee our pants the most and you will get to pick out a set of your fav. Earth Monkey products! Cool!
Friday, February 18, 2011
Lets get Saucy!!! (pasta that is)
Kim... is a married mother of three very "active" children. She manages an Italian restaurant and is one of the original "Saucy Sisters". Saucy Sisters is a sauce and salad dressing company that produces fresh sauces with bold flavors. Striving to make the home cook look like a genius, the Saucy Sisters will take your kitchen to a whole new level!
With March fastly approaching we Saucy Sisters are gearing up to what we think, and hope will be our biggest market season yet! Why you ask? Well, this year in addition to the Thursday Market in Medford we are adding Tuesdays in Ashland...and Ashland will be big!

Today I am giving you a super simple Saucy recipe that even Lindsay can do!
(editors note: thats rough Kim...Lindsay can
And the best part is you only need 2 things:
1 bag of frozen or fresh cheese tortelini
1 tub of Saucy Sisters Creamy Pesto ….mmmmmmmmm
Cook the tortellini as directed, and Linz that means boil water and let the little guys float. (little guys, now that is something Lindsay knows about!) Strain them, and run them under cold water until they are cooled down. Add them to a bowl, scoop in some Creamy Pesto, toss together and Wa-la! A super easy pasta salad that the whole family will eat. Now if you want to get adventurous you could add some diced bell pepper, broccoli, or even chopped chicken….whatever you like!

So remember you can get our products every day at Redrock Italian Eatery (after 4pm), Starting March 15, Tuesdays at the Ashland growers market and Thursdays at the Medford growers market!
Come down and support your local growers and of course the Saucy Sisters!
Want to win the Saucy Sisters' Creamy Pesto from the recipe?? One reader can win if you "like" Saucy Sisters' Facebook page and then share that you did so on the Earth Monkeys Facebook page...
Get Saucy! Go Local!
Editors note: For those of you not familiar with our super cool valley, growers market or have access to the amazing Saucy Sisters... We want to know about your favorite "local" things you love in your area!!!
Want to win the Saucy Sisters' Creamy Pesto from the recipe?? One reader can win if you "like" Saucy Sisters' Facebook page and then share that you did so on the Earth Monkeys Facebook page...
Get Saucy! Go Local!
Editors note: For those of you not familiar with our super cool valley, growers market or have access to the amazing Saucy Sisters... We want to know about your favorite "local" things you love in your area!!!
Wednesday, February 16, 2011
{Making Memories}...The good, the bad and the crazy...
Nothing in me wants to write this post... I even put a little note out on our facebook page asking for ideas to write about, just to avoid what has smacked me in the face like a bag of bricks this week. But, as with most things I don't want to do, the gnawing guilt in the pit of my stomach won't allow my conscience to skip over an opportunity to be judged by other mothers something that will no doubt make you feel better about your parenting skills.
This past weekend I was walking into Wal-Mart with my youngest two and almost got stuck in the middle of a brawl. An upset customer walked out ... well, stormed out smashing her cart through the door almost hitting my cart. A woman and her daughter on the other side of me (not even in the angry customers path of rage) started yelling at her for her rude behavior. As the mom blasted the woman for leaving the cart in her way, the 14(ish) year old daughter joined in. I just stood there, mouth open, staring in disbelief... I was appalled that the mom let her daughter talk that way to another adult (rude or not)... Yes, this weekend I was a "judger"... ewe it feels icky being on this end... I think from now on I'll stay on the "being judged" end of things, it feels way less squiggy (don't worry it came back to bite me in the butt)... Anyway, as I was walking through Wal-Mart on my very high horse, thinking about how my kids would be splats on the sidewalk if they acted like that ... I also thought about the ten million other things I do everyday that could and maybe already have negatively affected my children in some way.
I like to think of myself as a semi-good person... sure I swear like a trucker, but I help others and I don't cheat on my taxes... I love God and try to be a good example to my boys... most days at least. I have to be honest though, as I weighed out the good and the bad, these are the questions I asked myself...
Will my boys remember me as a mom who loves them more than anything and sacrificed so much to serve them??? -OR- Will they remember my lack of patience, exhaustion and even sometime bitterness that my life isn't what I planned?
Will they remember parents who were passionately in love, best friends and totally united even in the rough stuff?? -OR- Will too many bouts of bickering and fighting be what they take with them as they grow older.
Will they remember the forts and wrestling and train track building?? -OR- will they remember me sitting at the computer working, getting frustrated and telling them to hold on for one more minute?
Will they feel empowered and confident from having a mom who fights endlessly for their rights?? -OR- Will they remember a grouchy mom who didn't stop often enough just to enjoy who God made them to be (disabilities and all.)
Will they appreciate how hard I work to help provide for our family?? -OR- Will they only remember a work-a-holic who only wanted to feed her ego?
I could go on... but I think you get the picture... my only hope is that they will take most of the good stuff with them... that even in the past few years of suffocating blows to our family I hope they will be able to remember the love that has bound us together...
Tonight when my hubby got home I was in a dark place. I was fed up with the kids fighting... the screaming... the playing one minute and someone hurt and crying the next minute... I was done. He came in and asked what was wrong and I mustered up a very dramatic "It's just been a HARD day" (insert sigh and victim face here.) Then he asked "Yeah but did something specific happen? Why are you so upset??" I was a bit P.O.'d at his response and was about to flip the "crazy mommy" switch when I remembered Wal-Mart... and thought about what kind of mom I want my kids to remember.
I'm not saying the "crazy mommy" switch will never get flipped again... I'm not even saying that tomorrow at dinner time I won't be ready to eat my young. But I am going to try to remember that they are boys... loud, messy, wild boys and I am going to force myself to celebrate the fact that they are at least interacting with each other (a dream for parents of kids with autism.) And I'm going to take the crazy down at least a notch to "only slightly crazy mommy"... baby steps people!!! I live with 4 boys!!!
I'm not saying the "crazy mommy" switch will never get flipped again... I'm not even saying that tomorrow at dinner time I won't be ready to eat my young. But I am going to try to remember that they are boys... loud, messy, wild boys and I am going to force myself to celebrate the fact that they are at least interacting with each other (a dream for parents of kids with autism.) And I'm going to take the crazy down at least a notch to "only slightly crazy mommy"... baby steps people!!! I live with 4 boys!!!
Monday, February 14, 2011
AHHHH...Valentines day! What these EMM's REALLY love!
Valentines day. What a special day it is! It's that one amazing day a year when your man is forced into being romantic; and never disappoints (pffffff....thats a "ya right" kind of sound) the day your children walk around thanking you for your love, your kindness, your thoughtfulness and then proceed to clean your house and rub your feet. The flower delivery van never passes by your house on this day, and even the dog sits at your feet and stares at you with longing in his heart! (or maybe that is because his food bowl has been empty for 3 days??)
Today we wanted to share with you some of the things that Earth Monkey moms love. We all know that a page could easily be filled with talking about the love for our kids, our hunky men, our families or even having the best business partner in the world! (that is from Gena) But today, we want to draw you into a deeper love, the type that can only come from the joys of motherhood!!!
I love...
- When it only takes me 3 trips to get all of the garbage out of my car (for real!)
- The exercise I get when I walk circles around my house picking up, time and time and time again
- Anyone that replaces empty toilet paper or paper-towel rolls
- The light in my bathroom that turns on by itself when I get up in the middle of the night
- Shorts that reach my knees
- Long t-shirts...wait, sensing a theme...
- crock pot meals! No last minute rushing or intense clean up
- Garlic, coconut oil and chia seeds! {Umm this is obviously from Gena... I have no clue What a flippen "Chia Seed" is..L:)}
- Considering its not just an urban legend; I love the bottom of my laundry bin!
- Nap time, bed time, or any other time that is defined by kids being asleep.
- An empty sink (again, only if this is not another urban legend!)
- Finding a tissue in my pocket and realizing its not full of boogers.
- Lysol wipes, lysol spray, lysol cleaner, lysol air freshener. {Note: we are both potty training boys!}
- Underwear that don't ride up, and that my husband just might want to see me in! {Editors Note:if you find any of these, please let us know what they are!}
- Coffee at 6:00 am...Americano at 2:00 at 6:00 pm
- Toms shoes! This is a for real LOVE!!! Seriously, no mom should be without a pair...or ten!
- The mini vacation that I get when I go to my drier and I have to add 20 more minutes before I have to fold it.
- Shampoo with a pump
- Kleenex that actually pops up when you pull one out
- Clean sheets (pfffff...that't the "ya right" sound again!)
- The two times a year my windows are clean for 3 minutes so I can enjoy our view. {Warning: don't move into a house with floor to ceiling windows and three young boys... it will drive you to drink}
- Nap time... sweet unadulterated nap-time!
- When my pants actually fit and I don't have to do the "mommy tuck" everytime I sit down. {Oh what's that ? You don't know what a "mommy tuck" is? It's a term my friend Lauren coined for adjusting our flabby guts over our too tight jeans when we sit} {Note added onto the note: this is obviously from Lindsay because I have no idea what a "mommy tuck is! HEHEHEHE!...G} {NOTE added to Note added to Note... Gena shut your skinny trap... that does not endear you to our readers... it makes them want to break your twig legs!}
- Anything dipped in batter and deep fried... hence having to do the "Mommy Tuck".
- When my two year old actually makes it to the toilet and doesn't just stare at me while he takes care of bidness on the living room floor!
- The sound of kids laughing, singing, or saying "I wub you sooo much!"
We want to know what you love, share with us below!! And as always, we appreciate it when you pass us along to your 500 best friends! And one other favor...could you click the 2011 link on the side and vote for us! We really want to win this one...THANKS!!!
Friday, February 11, 2011

Our guest contributor Delores, has been a single mom of 8 kids since 1998, when her marriage of 22 years ended. Since that time, she has completed a Masters in Early Intervention/Early Childhood Special Education and began working with Child Development Services in Medford, Oregon in September of 2000. Her message is one of optimism, hope, and tenacity. She tries to be easy on herself, and not take things too seriously, and so humor is the vehicle she rides every day through life. She is currently working on planning the "Next Best Thing" in her life.... hoping to develop her own blog and pursue professional speaking.

Noah is my 19 year old who experiences Down Syndrome and Autism. For those of you familiar with either challenge, you can certainly appreciate this scenario. The bottom line with Noah is that he is clear about what he likes, and doesn't like. He also loves the familiar.... especially his favorite shirt and jeans. He will make a choice about what he wants to wear, and will want to wear it EVERY SINGLE DAY. Oi Vey !!!!!!! (or Ai Yi Yi, or Holy Crap !!!) I have to be honest here and confess that this used to drive me CRAZY. I have had to sneak the clothing away while he was in the tub in order to get it into the washing machine... he has even picked through the clothes hamper to get his uniform out before I've been able to wash it.... he has also pulled it out of the dryer before it was dry. YIKES !!!

But wait, it gets even better than that!!!!! One day not too long ago, the unthinkable, the unimaginable, the unfathomable happened. Noah walked up to me, uniform jeans in hand, full of holes, threadbare, strings hanging at the ankles..... held them up to me and asked for NEW JEANS !!!! "WHAT????", I yelled in astonishment..... "You want to go shopping for new jeans? Quick, put your shoes on, Dude.... we're goin' to TJ Max !".. This was HUGE. This was a FIRST. Noah made the choice, on his own, to change, to grow, to break out. I was thrilled beyond thrilled because this was not MY idea. But on his own terms, in his own time, Noah made a huge forward leap... and growth happened. I was so proud of him.
Ok, ok, here's my point. I called this little rant "Choices, Choices, Choices" because I can. But also because life is full of choices every single day. We can choose to fight the same battles in the same ways and end up with the same results (by the way, this is the definition of insanity...been there, done that), or we can choose to adjust, change our battle plan and experience a better outcome. Growth happens when we choose to actively participate in life. I chose to address my frustration over the uniform fiasco by appealing to my son's love of Diet Coke (sneaky) and his appreciation for being a "Cool Dude". I learned something about him, but mostly about myself.... that I needed to chill out and find a way to make peace with the uniform in a mutually beneficial way. WHEW ! Sure am glad it worked out, cuz I was hating that battle. I also learned that Noah could come to a good decision on his own if given the right encouragement. I am so impressed with him.
You guys have opportunities to make choices about how to do things with your children every single day. The possibilities are dizzying !!!! But the best part is that you even get to have a choice to make. Think of it... you ALWAYS have a choice.... that should help you feel so empowered. It certainly helps me to know this. I like being the one to have that much control in my life. During the crumb gobbling growing up years of my 8 monkeys, I didn't always realize I had so much power. As a result, I would feel discouraged, frustrated, out numbered, unappreciated, exhausted.... well, not all the time, and not every day, but hopefully you get my point. It was HARD !!! But, I did start to learn that I could feel differently just by choosing to work on my attitude, looking for the good in little things, and taking the time to smell the roses (not just the poopy diapers). You are all doing a GREAT job... keep up the good work. And remember, your days can be brighter, funnier, more fulfilling, and lots more just as a result of your choices; and don't forget that Noah got new jeans, 'cuz he made a choice.
Are you an Earth Monkeys' Friend yet on facebook? The giveaway today is posted there... so you have to be a friend to win... I know we're sneaky that way huh??:)
Wednesday, February 9, 2011
Antics From The Anti-Martha... Adventures in all Things Domestic... Brace Yourselves!
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In case you can't tell those little dollops of cement are actually burnt cookies. |
You may have heard me refer to myself as the "Anti-Martha" before. It's not a badge I wear proudly, and it's not by choice... it's by DNA. Growing up I think the best way to describe my mom is "June Bundy-Crocker" All of the domesticky goodness of June Cleaver and Betty Crocker with a little Peg Bundy smooshed in the middle to account for her funny sassiness. My sisters are clearly Betty and Junes but apparently Peg was the only one home when I was born ...
I am the first one to laugh at the sad state of my domestic abilities, although my family is not far behind me. I am the one that gets to bring chips and napkins to all of the family functions because I can't be trusted with food people will actually have to consume. Wait, I take that back. I did bring the veggie for Christmas dinner this year. But in true anti martha fashion I forgot I was bringing it and the only think I had was a small head of broccoli to feed about 14. (honestly I was sure my mom had a back up... I mean really? Who would trust me to make "THE" veggie for christmas dinner... I'm sure Mrs. Bundy-Crocker won't make that mistake again:)
Anyway, I thought it might be funny to start a new series called "Antics from the Anti-Martha" here at EMM, where I will actually try to do "Cleaveresk" stuff and document it for your amusement... and also to make other "domestically challenged" women feel better about themselves.
For my first project I wanted to do canning... but Mrs. Bundy-Crocker reminded me that canning is done in the fall... apparently you can after you grow your garden... Then I thought of setting a festive valentines table for my family... until I remembered that we own one dollar store wine glass, a mason jar and about 27,000 kids "black rock" plastic cups.... not real table setting material.
So after about a week and a half of kids puking, coughing and snotting all over the place, a light went off and I knew I needed to start with the basics... Spring Cleaning 101... I was determined to de-germ, de-grime and de-yuckify every square inch of my house. How hard could it be?? Have you seen me? I'm built for hard labor.
{PROJECT #1: De-Funkify my very Funky home}
The morning started by shampooing the carpets and even my son's mattress (yes, that's how bad it got). I felt empowered and ready to conquer more. I did my dishes and wiped my entire house down with hot bleach water. Ok, by this point, honestly I was over wanting a clean house. The only thing that kept me going was knowing that this was my blog post for the week and if I quit I had nothing. So I moved on to the bathrooms...wew I'm getting tired just typing this. After mopping the floors I was just about to throw this stupid "Antics" idea out the window, but a triple americano helped me pull up my big girl undies and start to tackle the three baskets of over flowing laundry.
By 3:00 that afternoon I had decided I really needed to pace myself so I sat down for some quality facebook time until my kids started climbing up my legs 30 seconds later and I realized I had kinda neglected them all day... I resigned myself to putting off the window and wall washing until the next day... I mean really what kind of mother would I be if I let a "clean" house get in the way of me being a caring, nurturing mother... can I get an AMEN... Someone?? Anyone?? Yeah, the laundry still isn't finished and the windows and walls will probably get washed next time we have someone over for dinner.
By 3:00 that afternoon I had decided I really needed to pace myself so I sat down for some quality facebook time until my kids started climbing up my legs 30 seconds later and I realized I had kinda neglected them all day... I resigned myself to putting off the window and wall washing until the next day... I mean really what kind of mother would I be if I let a "clean" house get in the way of me being a caring, nurturing mother... can I get an AMEN... Someone?? Anyone?? Yeah, the laundry still isn't finished and the windows and walls will probably get washed next time we have someone over for dinner.
In my pre-kid days I always bragged that I might be messy but underneath it all was clean... but 3 kids and a hundred pound dog later I am seriously thinking of revoking the 3 second rule (the 10 second rule was revoked years ago)... my house is grimy and gooky and I really don't think my dog should even eat off my floor most days. Challenging myself to deep clean for really no reason at all gave me a sense of satisfaction and a kind of motherly superiority about providing a sterilized germ free(ish) home for my kids to play in. Those 5 minutes my house was actually clean almost makes me want to try this experiment again... almost...
Picture are purposefully small so you can't see the actual fifth that had taken over my home...
Yes, I am afraid of your judgement...Carry on...
Yes, I am afraid of your judgement...Carry on...
Facebook Login Labels: cooking, crafts, funny, life, Martha Stewart, motherhood, spring cleaning

Monday, February 7, 2011
If you can make infertility a bit funny...this is it! Just don't tell my hunky man!
Babe, do you want me to help???
This is a question I never thought that I would have to ask my husband. Not when it came to us getting pregnant anyway....
Oh what a journey it was; trying to start a family... tests, turkey basters, adoptions falling through, and countless broken hearts!
I remember the morning like it was yesterday. It was "the day"! The sun was shining, the birds were singing and I was OVULATING!!! It was our first try at artificial insemination and my sweet husband (oh he is going to kill me for this one!) had to "do his part". I'm sure a lot of men would love having to do this, but not my modest man...he wont even say words like "fart, diarrhea, or gas" so for him "collecting sperm" was not at the top of his to do list that day! I offered to help, but it was either out of embarrassment, or the fact that he got to act like a teenager again (tmi?) that he hung his head and went into the other room to do his business by himself. I wont go into much more detail here, but lets just say he darted out the door with a glass jar full of his little swimmers, in a triple wrapped paper bag with masking tape locking it shut, tucked under his armpit to keep them warm. I'm not sure if all the extra wrapping was out of embarrassment or because he thought they might try to escape? Anyway...
Apparently, the embarrassment only got worse when he entered the lab and was greeted by a very attractive lab tech, who asked if she could help him. According to him, he said no thanks, and sat down to wait around for a slightly homelier tech that he wouldn't mind handing the glass jar of his goods to! Oh how I would have liked to have been there for that one!
I ceased to feel sorry for him though when a couple hours later it was my turn. I guess in the lab, they do some fancy schmancy separating of the sperm and get the good ones...the nurse was especially excited about the one with the 2 tails or something crazy like that! She was pretty sure, as I laid there spread eagle with a turkey baster up my Hoo Hoo that that one was going to be the one make it to the prize! Guess she was wrong...
After 3 tries, I had had enough. Every month before and after the Dr. trying to "help", it was the same thing. I'd start "my special girl time" (thats what we call it around here) the tears would break loose, and my heart would do the same. I would cry to God, or more accurately, to my shame yell at him at the total unfairness that a 16 year old drug user could conceive, but me this perfect person (um ya right) could not! Honestly, there were a good many times, I am surprised lightening didn't blast down onto my head as I sat there on my toilet cursing God! Oh man how I wish I didn't have to admit to this!
My journey is one that I could tell an entirely too long of a story about, this is just a tiny fraction of it, and if you have been there, you know words could never fully capture the true struggle.
I am more excited to tell you about the two children that we did end up with through adoption. Their stories are ones of miracles and blessings, pain and tears. I will tell them as best as I can someday...but today I just wanted to throw this part out there to all of you who have struggled with infertility, or do currently. It is hard. One of the hardest things I have ever been through. I will not be giving advice, or trying to make it all better; I don't think thats even possible. I just want you all to know that there are a bunch of us out there and we need each other. I wish that I could have had someone who truly understood what I was going through! If you know someone on this journey, just listen. Don't try to give great doesn't work. If you are going through it, I send you a hug that would maybe be tight enough to squeeze out a bit of your hurt!
We would love for you to share us with anyone you think needs a good dose of mommy reality! Thanks for your support!
We are excited to announce that we will now gift wrap and direct ship your Earth Monkey treasures to your favorite mama to be (or mama is)!!! To celebrate, this week we are offering free gift wrapping!!! One week only, so don't wait!

Facebook Login Labels: adoption, challenges, family, getting pregnant, infertility, struggles

Saturday, February 5, 2011
Super Star Saturday!!! Let your voice be heard!!!
It's here again...time to highlight you!!!!
Simply go to Earth Monkeys facebook page and post a link on our wall...tell everyone about your business, blog or just your favorite product that we can't live without. Whoever gets the most "attention" for the day, gets a week of free advertising on Earth Monkey Mom blog! Now go...we want to see you there!
Only two more days to take advantage of this weeks special
at Earth Monkeys...Don't miss out!!!
Friday, February 4, 2011
DIY Photography: {How to create memories of your kids in an artistic way}
Alex was born in Lima, Peru. When she was sixteen when she moved to Central Point, Oregon. A few years after graduating high school she met, fell in love with and married her husband. Together they have two very active girls. She is an amazingly creative photographer, and we are excited to have her share her "brilliance" with us!! Make sure to go to her FB page and "like" her! She deserves it!!
I've been having a blast documenting my little ones lives by taking pictures and video taping them. Even though I live to imagine, invent, and create, I have never been a fan of scrap booking. Nothing against it I think it is a great way to preserve pictures and memories. I just have never gotten into it, however I do love to put pictures up on our walls.
In this post I will give you ideas of fun ways to personalize your kids rooms in a way that they will always remember. You can decide what you would like to do for this project, by coming up with an idea that best fits your family.
I have chosen to take a picture of my daughter Jennah and her best pal in the world. Her name is baby. I know it is not very original -- she did name her when she was one, but she loves her so much. She has been in our family since Jennah was born. We do not dare to leave her anywhere because she won't sleep without her; literally! We left her in Seattle once and we did not sleep until grandma overnighted her!!! I have also decided to take a picture of my youngest daughter Isabella and her weiner dog Twinkers, who is her best pal.
For this project you need:
An idea/ vision like the one above
A camera ( it does not need to be a fancy one )
Some sort of editing program such as Photoshop elements, or Picasso ( it is free I believe)
[editors note: EMM's use's easy for those not too smart :) ]
Frames to hang the pictures in.
Step One
Decide what background you want to use for your sure to pick and area that has plenty of natural light. I chose my girls playroom because I like the pastel tones in that room.
I've been having a blast documenting my little ones lives by taking pictures and video taping them. Even though I live to imagine, invent, and create, I have never been a fan of scrap booking. Nothing against it I think it is a great way to preserve pictures and memories. I just have never gotten into it, however I do love to put pictures up on our walls.
In this post I will give you ideas of fun ways to personalize your kids rooms in a way that they will always remember. You can decide what you would like to do for this project, by coming up with an idea that best fits your family.
I have chosen to take a picture of my daughter Jennah and her best pal in the world. Her name is baby. I know it is not very original -- she did name her when she was one, but she loves her so much. She has been in our family since Jennah was born. We do not dare to leave her anywhere because she won't sleep without her; literally! We left her in Seattle once and we did not sleep until grandma overnighted her!!! I have also decided to take a picture of my youngest daughter Isabella and her weiner dog Twinkers, who is her best pal.
For this project you need:
An idea/ vision like the one above
A camera ( it does not need to be a fancy one )
Some sort of editing program such as Photoshop elements, or Picasso ( it is free I believe)
[editors note: EMM's use's easy for those not too smart :) ]
Frames to hang the pictures in.
Step One
Decide what background you want to use for your sure to pick and area that has plenty of natural light. I chose my girls playroom because I like the pastel tones in that room.
Step Two
Dress up your little ones or whoever is going to be in the picture. It looks best when all of the colors flow together. I chose to dress my girls in fun, colorful shirts and pink tule skirts. I also made sure that Baby and Twinkers got their bath and looked as good as they could from being loved/abused for as long as they have!
Dress up your little ones or whoever is going to be in the picture. It looks best when all of the colors flow together. I chose to dress my girls in fun, colorful shirts and pink tule skirts. I also made sure that Baby and Twinkers got their bath and looked as good as they could from being loved/abused for as long as they have!
Step Three
Turn off the flash and take a couple of test shots. You may need to turn the flash on if the pictures are not clear. You can use your editing software to make it look more natural and artsy.
Set your subjects up in the planed area, and snap away! (the more you take, the better chance of getting a GREAT one!)
Step Four
Pick your favorite pictures and edit them to taste in the program you like. Always start by fixing the light, sharpening ( not too sharp ) then you can play with the colors, textures or whatever effects you like.
Step Five
Order your prints!!! Yea! ( or print them yourself)
A photo lab will be able to make your pictures look much better than your home printer. I refer all of my clients to Total Camera in Medford where you can get a CD or order the pictures online and pick them up or have them shipped to you. You can even call and ask them to make adjustments to assure the best results. No they are not paying me to advertise ... I just really like the quality. Gena knows what I am taking about ;)
Step Six
Shop for your frames and hang them up :)
Here is my finished product
Turn off the flash and take a couple of test shots. You may need to turn the flash on if the pictures are not clear. You can use your editing software to make it look more natural and artsy.
Set your subjects up in the planed area, and snap away! (the more you take, the better chance of getting a GREAT one!)
Step Four
Pick your favorite pictures and edit them to taste in the program you like. Always start by fixing the light, sharpening ( not too sharp ) then you can play with the colors, textures or whatever effects you like.
Step Five
Order your prints!!! Yea! ( or print them yourself)
A photo lab will be able to make your pictures look much better than your home printer. I refer all of my clients to Total Camera in Medford where you can get a CD or order the pictures online and pick them up or have them shipped to you. You can even call and ask them to make adjustments to assure the best results. No they are not paying me to advertise ... I just really like the quality. Gena knows what I am taking about ;)
Step Six
Shop for your frames and hang them up :)
Here is my finished product
And here is what my kids thought about it...
No need for words :) Have fun!
{This Week's Giveaway!}
This week Alex's giveaway is a customized piece of photo-art. One reader will get to choose any object that is special to you and Alex will photograph it and turn it into a work of art for your home!! She's amazing at this and it could really be a fabulous keepsake for your family!!
{How to Win!}
Personalize this project and post the picture on Maria Alexandria Photography facebook page and at Earth Monkeys and we will pick the winner next friday...we know your busy, and this seems like a big deal... but you can do it!! We want to see!! AND... it's a big prize so you're going to have to d a little work... (just submit your pics, you don't have to take a picture of it hanging up or anything:)
{Want Alex to photograph your family?}
Contact her through her website:
or find her on facebook!
{Want Alex to photograph your family?}
Contact her through her website:
or find her on facebook!
Facebook Login Labels: activities, contest, creating, DIY, guest contributor, home, photography

Wednesday, February 2, 2011
Autism Is Our Fourth Child... Wanting more kids in the midst of chaos!! (no I'm not smoking crack!)
"Autism is our forth child" has been our mantra since our third son Crew was born. With two special needs kids we knew the dream of having 4 kids would have to die as we poured our life, love and energy into therapy for Sawyer and Thatcher and learn how to live with three very high maintenance boys. But now that they are getting older and doing phenomenally well... that sneaky little yearning for another baby has popped up and slapped me across the face.
Some of you probably know (because I plastered it all over facebook) that I got pregnant this past September. It was an accident, but I was so incredibly excited. Family and friends who heard the news... not so much. They knew my plate was full, and I think some were even a little frustrated with us for being "irresponsible". I didn't care though, even knowing how miserable my pregnancies are, knowing that bed rest and big blistery grossness could take over my body at any time (seriously that's how bad my pregnancies are) knowing I was prolonging the years of lack of sleep and sure to pack on another 60 pounds (cause that's how I roll) I was still so excited. I had geared up for the crazy and was ready for another big eyed, chubby poop factory!! I lost the pregnancy in October and while I had to pretend to be fine and relieved (because it really wasn't an ideal situation), I was pretty heartbroken. It wasn't my first miscarriage, and the last one was a lot farther along and about 100 x's more complicated... so I felt like I had to just shrug it off... we'd been though this before, it was no big deal... only it kind of was to me.
Since then I haven't been able to shake the baby bug. I was ooing and ahhing over something cute and baby the other day and Gena said, "Shut-up, I'm going to punch you in the face." I should share Gena is smack dab in the middle of terrible two's with her little guys and has absolutely no desire for another one at this point. AND she's right ... she knows first hand the drama and all out pandemonium that goes on around here!! Anyway, everywhere I turn I see cute baby clothes... or someone is about to pop pregnant and I feel a tinge of jealousy...
A lot of you may be screaming at your computer right now wanting to remind me of past posts talking about the craziness and mayhem of my life and not even being able to go to the bathroom by myself. It's weird, even as I type my kids are going nuts and fighting and hitting... and I still want another one. My mom said she wanted another baby another my older sister got pregnant the first time, I don't know if I can't wait that long for these feelings to go away.
The bottom line is, my husband doesn't even remotely feel the same way... so I'm pretty sure there is no hope of owning these spectacular little girl's boots. (you can stop hyperventilating now mom:)
I'm just wondering why I feel this way and when these feeling will go away. Am I just being stubborn like usual and want one because no one in the world thinks I should continue to procreate??? Do I just really love little girls clothing and want to play dress up??? Or would a fourth child really complete our little family???
Are you done having kids??? If so how did you know AND if you are done do you ever question your decision... mama needs help.. or there may be a fourth baby picture to add to this set...
Some of you probably know (because I plastered it all over facebook) that I got pregnant this past September. It was an accident, but I was so incredibly excited. Family and friends who heard the news... not so much. They knew my plate was full, and I think some were even a little frustrated with us for being "irresponsible". I didn't care though, even knowing how miserable my pregnancies are, knowing that bed rest and big blistery grossness could take over my body at any time (seriously that's how bad my pregnancies are) knowing I was prolonging the years of lack of sleep and sure to pack on another 60 pounds (cause that's how I roll) I was still so excited. I had geared up for the crazy and was ready for another big eyed, chubby poop factory!! I lost the pregnancy in October and while I had to pretend to be fine and relieved (because it really wasn't an ideal situation), I was pretty heartbroken. It wasn't my first miscarriage, and the last one was a lot farther along and about 100 x's more complicated... so I felt like I had to just shrug it off... we'd been though this before, it was no big deal... only it kind of was to me.
Since then I haven't been able to shake the baby bug. I was ooing and ahhing over something cute and baby the other day and Gena said, "Shut-up, I'm going to punch you in the face." I should share Gena is smack dab in the middle of terrible two's with her little guys and has absolutely no desire for another one at this point. AND she's right ... she knows first hand the drama and all out pandemonium that goes on around here!! Anyway, everywhere I turn I see cute baby clothes... or someone is about to pop pregnant and I feel a tinge of jealousy...
A lot of you may be screaming at your computer right now wanting to remind me of past posts talking about the craziness and mayhem of my life and not even being able to go to the bathroom by myself. It's weird, even as I type my kids are going nuts and fighting and hitting... and I still want another one. My mom said she wanted another baby another my older sister got pregnant the first time, I don't know if I can't wait that long for these feelings to go away.
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I'm just wondering why I feel this way and when these feeling will go away. Am I just being stubborn like usual and want one because no one in the world thinks I should continue to procreate??? Do I just really love little girls clothing and want to play dress up??? Or would a fourth child really complete our little family???
Are you done having kids??? If so how did you know AND if you are done do you ever question your decision... mama needs help.. or there may be a fourth baby picture to add to this set...
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