Monday, December 13, 2010

The 12 Days of Christmas on Mommy Crack... hmmhmm I mean Earth Monkey Mom-ized

This song is dedicated to our 5 mischievous monkeys... we love you... 
you're lucky we love you... here's why:

 Ethan - 12 Days of Christmas .mp3
Found at bee mp3 search engine
(Click the play button... )
On the First day of Christmas
my kids gave to me 
A nasty diaper full of poopie.

Yup that's the real deal... 
On the Second day of Christmas
my kids gave to me
Two snotty noses
and A nasty diaper full of poopie.

Mmmm snotty and dirty.. our fave!
On the Third day of Christmas
my kids gave to me
Three lost pacis
Two snotty noses
and A nasty diaper full of poopie.

She really needs an Earth Monkeys Paci-Pack ... hehe
On the Fourth day of Christmas
my kids gave to me
Four staring eyes
Three lost pacis
Two snotty noses 
and A nasty diaper full of poopie.

An oldie, but goodie!
On the Fifth day of Christmas
my kids gave to me 
Five cold viruses
Four staring eyes
Three lost pacis
Two snotty noses 
and A nasty diaper full of poopie.

Should we feel guilty that we get a little giddy when our kids are too sick to move?
On the Sixth day of Christmas
my kids gave to me
Six nice things broken
Five cold viruses
Four staring eyes
Three lost pacis
Two snotty noses 
and A nasty diaper full of poopie.

This lasted 5 kids and 35 years in my mom's, it took my kids 30 second to decapitate a wise man at mine.
On the Seventh day of Christmas
my kids gave to me
Seven loads of laundry
Six nice things broken
Five cold viruses
Four staring eyes
Three lost pacis
Two snotty noses 
and A nasty diaper full of poopie.

Don't worry... I'll fold it... you just go right on watching TV.
On the Eight day of Christmas
my kids gave to me
Eight poops on the potty
Seven loads of laundry
Six nice things broken
Five cold viruses
Four staring eyes
Three lost pacis
Two snotty noses 
and A nasty diaper full of poopie.

4 months later we're still in diapers... but remembering this day gives mama hope... someday... someday...
On the Ninth day of Christmas
my kids gave to me
Nine voices whining
Eight poops on the potty
Seven loads of laundry
Six nice things broken
Five cold viruses
Four staring eyes
Three lost pacis
Two snotty noses 
and A nasty diaper full of poopie.

Can you hear it?? It's coming... 
On the Tenth day of Christmas
my kids gave to me
Ten fights with brother
Nine voices whining
Eight poops on the potty
Seven loads of laundry
Six nice things broken
Five cold viruses
Four staring eyes
Three lost pacis
Two snotty noses 
and A nasty diaper full of poopie.

Well OK they're not brothers... but I'm pretty sure that's a bat in Crew's hand so you can just use your imagination...
On the Eleventh day of Christmas
my kids gave to me
Eleven early mornings
Ten fights with brother
Nine voices whining
Eight poops on the potty
Seven loads of laundry
Six nice things broken
Five cold viruses
Four staring eyes
Three lost pacis
Two snotty noses 
and A nasty diaper full of poopie.

He doesn't know it yet, but daddy's getting up with you so mama can get some rest... what? We can dream...
On the Twelfth day of Christmas
my kids gave to me
Twelve crusty kisses
Eleven early mornings
Ten fights with brother
Nine voices whining
Eight poops on the potty
Seven loads of laundry
Six nice things broken
Five cold viruses
Four staring eyes
Three lost pacis
Two snotty noses 
and A nasty diaper full of poopie.

OK EMM's what would you add to our list?? Keep the days coming, we want to hear from you!!:):) 


Brandy said...


I also have that EXACT SAME NATIVITY!! I've superglued Joseph back together for the last several years, the cow, parts of Mary, and I think the angel. Yeah. It was also my moms nativity and I remember always wanting it.... and yes, she too gave it to me in good condition. She also only had girls. ;o)

Shauna said...

LOVE it, can't think of one thing to add, maybe fossilized chicken nuggets in my car....Oh and I need a paci pack! Hook a mama up!

Earth Monkey Moms said...

You got it shauna... Next time I see you... I love mine... seriously it's a life saver!

Bran... we have no chance at ever having nice, old or antique things with boys... EVER!!! NEVER!!:):)

Lori Turner said...

Well my kids are a tad older than yours (13 and 9) so mine would be a little different in that it would have to have 3,000 days of Christmas - as in 3,000 text messages on my bill!! (don't worry we have unlimited so we will be eating this month!) and for my son, 12 footballs flying - as in across my living room....back and forth, back and forth!! This is kinda fun, I might have to write my own song!! :)

Earth Monkey Moms said...

Love it Lori...Make sure to share your song with us!!! At least so we know what to look forward to in a few years!!!

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