Friday, December 3, 2010

This aint your mama's bruschetta... it's your sisters!

[A Note From the Earth Monkey Moms...]

I've known Kim since high school... and let me tell you, she's always been saucy:) We were so excited when she agreed to be an EMM contributor, partially because she's an awesome mom and friend and I knew she would do a great job... and selfishly because I am addicted to her sauces and any excuse I can get to consume said sauces I will take.

I tend to be a little gun shy of fancy sounding recipes... and as the self proclaimed "Anti-Marthas" Gena and I had to psych ourselves up to take on the daunting task of (dah dah dah) following a recipe. In true monkey fashion, we thought we could set the 5 kids up with glitter glue and markers and they would decorate their ornaments angelically while we made the bruschetta. Let me just say, Bwahahahahahahahah.  HmmHmm excuse me, anyway that didn't quite work so after an hour of hardcore crafting and 5 kids covered in glitter, we started cooking. And here's the thing... it was sooo easy, and SUPER yummy!! If the Anti-Marthas can do it, you can do it too. So, just in time for party season, here is the bruschetta recipe that will make you look like a gourmet chef and possibly add 5 pounds of junk to your trunk if you down 14 pieces like yours truly...

Saucy Sister's Easy Bruschetta Recipe...

You will need:

1 tub of Saucy Sister's Pesto

4 good size tomatoes 

I small can of black olives

Shredded parmesan

1 baguette

First slice your baguette in half inch slices, place on a cookie sheet and put in a 350 degree oven until lightly toasted

Dice your tomatoes and olives, put in bowl and toss together

Add 4-6 heaping spoons of pesto and a 1/4 of your shredded parmesan

Mix up well

Spread  a little Pesto on each bread slice, spoon topping on, and wa-la, you have an Easy, Super Delicious Appetizer!

Want to win one of the four AMAZING sauces Saucy Sister's makes? All you have to do is "like" them AND Earth Monkeys on Facebook... then comment on the post ON facebook.. We'll announce the winners at 7 pm tonight... Obviously only Southern Oregon residents will be eligible to win since the sauces have to be refrigerated... 

You can find Saucy Sisters on facebook and at Red Rock Italian Eatery in Downtown Medford.


ristowswife said...

Sounds yummy! I'll be trying that!

Earth Monkey Moms said...

One thing you missed on the recipe...set a timer when you broil the bread or you will remember to take it out when you start to smell a burn...not that we did that or anything!!!...nooooo not us!!!...G

Brandy said...

Kimbo needs to set up something so those of us who live in the arctic can ORDER ONLINE!!!!! ;o)

Shauna said...

YUMMO!! Can't wait to try it!

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