Friday, December 10, 2010
Construction Junction: Crafts from Trash... How Recycley!!
Emilie... is a mom of three boys. She is the founder of both Jackson County Parent to Parent and Families For Community, non-profits that exist to equip parents who have children who experience disability to be the very best advocates for their kiddos that they can be. She began her advocacy work both locally and at a state level in 2007, when her youngest, Parker, was diagnosed with autism. She is immensely passionate about empowering and equipping families experiencing disabilities. She is also a consultant for thirty-one, a company that sells super cute purses, and organizing accessories.
“Almost all creativity involves purposeful play.”
-Abraham Maslow, American psychologist
Construction Junction was something that my mom used to have in her elementary program and she introduced it to my boys this past summer. I am all about providing opportunities for craftiness (I am kind of a craft-whore, don’t judge), and ALL of my boys go nuts when I bring out the Construction Junction box.
Construction Junction is recycling meets adhesive. It is low-temp glue guns, rolls of colored tape, scissors (optional) and whatever you choose to save. Favorites in our house are toilet paper tubes, washed out applesauce cups, corks, egg cartons, frozen juice lids, etc. Occasionally, I will purchase pom-poms, pipe cleaners, or googley eyes; but we try to keep Construction Junction about giving the boys opportunities to be creative with things that we would normally throw away. My house ranges from an almost 11-year-old down to a 5 year old that experiences autism. EVERYONE loves Construction Junction and it can mean HOURS of entertainment and creative play.
Some of you are sweating right now at the idea of setting your child loose with a glue gun. Never fear!! Today, low-temp glue guns are easy to find at any craft store and while the glue is hot, it will not burn. Just as we take the time to teach our kids that we use a fork to eat with, and not to shank your brother with (What?! Only in my house?!), we should also teach our kids that glue guns are for gluing stuff (paper, tubes, pipe cleaners), not siblings, the dog, or furniture.
Construction Junction is not a new concept, but sometimes as a mom I need to be reminded that certain activities are a great idea. This is one of those great ideas! Construction Junction is the ultimate cold/wet weather indoor activity in our house, and hopefully soon it will be in yours!
Creative people are curious, flexible, persistent, and independent with a tremendous spirit of adventure and a love of play.
-Henri Matisse
Think you have the guts to set you're kids free with a glue gun?? Leave a comment on theEarth Monkey's facebook page about the biggest mess your kids have ever made!! The messiest most creative post wins a FREE Construction Junction starter kit!!
If you're from Southern Oregon and interesting in getting involved with Emilie's advocacy work or supporting Families for Community you can get more information at:
Facebook Login Labels: autism, construction junction, crafts, eco friendly, family, guest contributor, kids, life, recycling

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Does taking his diaper off and pooping at the doorway of his room....and then stomping in and running around the room (seriously had poop footprints similar to the picture with the verse footprints in the sand) count?
Ugh!!! Yess!!!! Wow... was one of my kids at your house??? Ahahaha
well, I think that poop story definitely needs the prize for biggest mess, but here is a craft related one from my house: I finally bought the kids a bucket of melty beads (is that what they are called? The ones you can iron...) They had been begging for it every time we passed them at Walmart and I figured it was time to let them try them. So a morning later that week I let them get the bucket out and cookie sheets with strict instructions to keep their crafts on the cookie sheets only to avoid big messes. What happens? Not much later they've dumped the whole bucket of 850 melty beads all over our floor - on purpose!! Not a happy mommy, and the kids were definitely not happy either when I made them pick up the bead by hand. No vacuuming the beads and letting them get a cheap way out of the mess. Needless to say it took them all day long to get it done, and we have not played with melty beads since.
Ahhh! Sig!! that scenario is exactly why I will shank anyone who tries to bring melty beads into me house!!! If dumping things out just to dump them out was an olympic sport my guys would all have gold metals... good "consequence" though... you're so smart!!:)
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