Monday, January 17, 2011

From fashion victim, to Figuring it out...a funny journey to finding myself!

Fashion should be a four letter word...oh I've fallen for it, or better said, "fallen victim to it"! I have, as shameful as it is to admit, followed a good portion of the trends in the last 38 years. As ugly as it was, I think it started with that second grade picture in the green velvet dress with flower lacy thing over it. I thought I looked great!  The bangs though, were growing out and why my mom thought they should be parted down the middle and curled is still one of my biggest life mysteries!!!

      I have fallen victim to florescent pink socks, with the matching earrings, bracelets,belt and eyeshadow! I wore my jeans pegged so tight I could barely get into them, and thought I was pretty cool topping them off with a lacy type shirt and jean vest...OHHH do not laugh at ME, because if you were at your peak in the 80's, you know exactly what I am talking about! Lets do a little journey through time shall we? Starting with the sweet look of corduroy bell bottoms and clogs, leather fringe, fur vests, rinestones, studs and bleach spots, leather pants (yep I had 2 colors!) huge baggy jeans,  jeans so tight it made it hard to breath, and more recently, those awe-full seriously pointy toed shoes! Please, if anyone out there is still wearing those, for god sakes STOP!!!  Maybe it's just me, but personally want to be able to stand on normally shaped feet and toes when I am 63!


Prom pictures could be my all around favorite.  Oh how we all think we look like beauty queens at the time! But that dream is shattered a few years later when you look back at pictures and realize that 15 yards of shiny blue silk covered in black lace (with the matching blue shoes) was maybe not the best look.  Ya, I did that one.  I designed it for my Sr. prom...nuff said.

Sad thing is you will notice a picture of me at New Years Eve, and I wish that I did not have to admit that this was only about 5 years ago, when as a full grown adult,  I sported a shiny silk black skirt, a bustier type tank and a long black knitted scarf!  All I can say about this look is what the @%&*$#!!!!  Seriously, I should have known better!!! ( I think this might still be one of my husbands favorite looks! gasp!)

      Now that I am pushing 40 ( I just threw up a little bit in my mouth) I think I finally figured it all out....ok well maybe not ALL...but  I know what looks good. I know what feels good. I know what fits and what works.  I no longer follow trends, unless of course they fit into my simple style.  This is how I can  best describe my style (not that I am compairing myself to this person by the way...) you know how Jennifer Aniston always looks the same...same colors, same shapes, same styles...even if its on the red carpet.  Her hair is even almost always the same.  Well that's me, minus the red carpet!  (and gorgeous hair, hot body and loads of money) I like Jeans that are basically the same fit, I like black, white, and grey t shirts.  simple ones.  I like to put on a scarf for color, or when I'm feeling really sassy, a blazer or vest.  And thank goodness for  Bohemian jones Jewelry to keep me from looking stale!!!  My shoes are limited to brown, black, tan, grey and I love them all.  I no longer force myself to wear things that are uncomfortable or scratchy...or for that matter, colorful!!!    Stacy and Clinton would "gasp" at my lack of creativity and I no longer care!!!

   So here is my great advice for today...put a bag into your closet and if you put something on and don't LOVE it, toss it!  Stop worrying about if you are totally on trend and just be you!  Be the best version of you that you can making sure you have the right cut of jean and the right size of tops and jackets!  I have a friend who is a personal shopper and she says that most people buy the wrong size clothing (including me I guess!)  Figure out your own personal style then rock it like a cowboy (k, that made no sense but I can't think of what rocks???)

We would loooooooove to see your worst fashion moments!  Post a picture on our Earth Monkeys facebook wall if you are feeling brave enough to show the world!  We will pick our biggest fashion victim and give you a big prize (like our undying love and sympathy gratitude)

And once again, my plea to share us!  We want the world to know how smart and wonderful completely random and embarrassing we are!  Thanks Lady!!! You rock like a cowboy!!!


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