Saturday, January 29, 2011


Its here once again...Super Star Saturday!!!

Go to Earth Monkeys Facebook Page and shamelessly promote your blog, websight, product or anything that as a woman or mom, we just can't live without!!!  Remember that whoever gets the most "attention", gets one week of free advertising on Earth Monkey Moms blog!!!

Post away!!!


Miss Judy said...

My latest review:

Naptime Nanny is a fun, clever, professional set of recordings of some of the best children's stories ever written. The author/performer has mixed in music, sound effects and witty contemporary references into such nap time standards as The Grasshopper and the Ants; Rumpelstiltskin and The Tortoise and the Hare. Parents and their children will find the performances amusing and easy listening. For those parents and teachers who have a rough time initiating nap time for their students or children, or who just don't want to read that much, these recordings may well be what you're looking for."

Steven Horwich
Author, Connect The Thoughts curricula (ages 5-adult)
Emmy & Dramalogue award winning author/composer/director

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