Monday, January 31, 2011
Toes, sun, self tanner,a shower and your butt...all things to get out of winter blues!
I don't know about you all, but for me, this is the time of the year when I start to think "seriously". Not "seriously" as in seriously...but "seriously" as in "seriously, is the sun every going to come out, is the rain ever going to stop, will I ever wear shorts again???"
The Holidays, aka "the most wonderful time of the year" are over, spring break is still months away, and the prospect of wearing something other than a jacket, boots and scarf feel like light years away. I feel like a caged lion pacing my floor peering out my windows, praying for a glimpse of sunlight, or a spot of color from a spring flower peaking its little head from beneath the snow (ok so that part is just a little bit of drama, but you get the point)....
Iv'e had to get creative recently to get my mind and body to a more summer kind of a feeling, and get out of this winter blues trap. So here it goes...none of this require much time, much money or much creativity, but doing any or all of them may just brighten all of our days!
1) Polish your toenails. During the winter, this part of me is severely neglected. Because of the fact that no one sees them unless they are in the shower with that would limit it to my 2 year old. Although he could care less about the condition of my toenails, I am amazed at what a bright cheery color can do for me. Note: I did not say "get a pedicure". If you have the time and money for this, by all means go for it! If you don't, pick up some Sally Hansen quick dry in a bright color (no dark colors). It dries in minutes (for real!) and makes you feel like you should be on a beach in Hawaii!, I guess thats a good thing?
2) Get outside! I don't care if its crazy cold. Bundle yourself and the kids up and go run around for 15 minutes. If you are lucky enough to have glimpses of the sun, make up a picnic, sit in the backyard and pretend like its 80 degrees! My kids love this! And I have to admit that it brightens my day too. It makes me slow down, chill (sometimes literally) and just "be" with my kids. And just a side note, what is up with our crazy fear of the sun??? (stick with me here). I get it, wrinkles, cancer, burns. It's all scary! But do you know that sun is essential to our health???? Small amounts at a time (15 min a day) is very beneficial...if you don't believe me, do a bit of research! Save the sunscreen for a full day at the lake, but especially this time a year, it is completely necessary for us...why do you think so many are people are sick this time a year? Bring on the Vit. D!!! AKA...sunlight!
3) Get off your butt and move! If you can, go for a walk, ride a bike, or just a stroll to the mailbox, you and your kids need to move around. A day stuck inside, watching tv, is enough to put anyone into a depression! The other night, I pulled up some dance music on the computer and we went crazy. I'm sure the neighbors thought that I was having some sort of a weird seizure, but we had a hilariously good time and got our heart-rates up in the process!! Movement and laughter...perfect "medicine"!!
4) I love to do a simple face mask once in a while that makes my skin feel so yummy, and takes away that dead dry it is, made from stuff from the pantry...
1T. Oatmeal (grind it up very fine)
5 Aspirin (yep, the stuff for your heart) ground up totally
1T. Honey
I sometimes throw in a bit of avocado, blueberries, or yogurt...whatever I have around!
Put it on your clean skin for 20 min then "scrub" it off gently with a bit of water and your fingertips. Your face will feel like your babies butt! Minus the poop smell!
5) Take a shower. A real one. Minus the child. Lock the door. Shave. Condition.
Finish with coconut oil! The smell will make you feel like your in the tropics...maybe at this point you should just go to bed. Ya. Don't look out of the bedroom door. Just pretend like there is not a huge disaster waiting on the other side....
6) My last "tip"...don't be afraid of a little self tanner. The gradual stuff is fool proof, and even the hard core kind is hard to mess up. I like to do my neck, forehead, cheeks and arms at night, and in the morning, I wake up to a nice glow. Oh how it makes me feel sooooo much better. If you are too nervous for it, get a good bronzer and just put a little on the spots that the sun would normally hit! Your kids will wonder why you are walking around singing like Snow White!
I would love to know what you do to brighten up the dull days of winter..."comment" below and give us some more tips!
And as always, share us with those you love!!

The Holidays, aka "the most wonderful time of the year" are over, spring break is still months away, and the prospect of wearing something other than a jacket, boots and scarf feel like light years away. I feel like a caged lion pacing my floor peering out my windows, praying for a glimpse of sunlight, or a spot of color from a spring flower peaking its little head from beneath the snow (ok so that part is just a little bit of drama, but you get the point)....
Iv'e had to get creative recently to get my mind and body to a more summer kind of a feeling, and get out of this winter blues trap. So here it goes...none of this require much time, much money or much creativity, but doing any or all of them may just brighten all of our days!

3) Get off your butt and move! If you can, go for a walk, ride a bike, or just a stroll to the mailbox, you and your kids need to move around. A day stuck inside, watching tv, is enough to put anyone into a depression! The other night, I pulled up some dance music on the computer and we went crazy. I'm sure the neighbors thought that I was having some sort of a weird seizure, but we had a hilariously good time and got our heart-rates up in the process!! Movement and laughter...perfect "medicine"!!
4) I love to do a simple face mask once in a while that makes my skin feel so yummy, and takes away that dead dry it is, made from stuff from the pantry...

5 Aspirin (yep, the stuff for your heart) ground up totally
1T. Honey
I sometimes throw in a bit of avocado, blueberries, or yogurt...whatever I have around!
Put it on your clean skin for 20 min then "scrub" it off gently with a bit of water and your fingertips. Your face will feel like your babies butt! Minus the poop smell!
5) Take a shower. A real one. Minus the child. Lock the door. Shave. Condition.
Finish with coconut oil! The smell will make you feel like your in the tropics...maybe at this point you should just go to bed. Ya. Don't look out of the bedroom door. Just pretend like there is not a huge disaster waiting on the other side....
6) My last "tip"...don't be afraid of a little self tanner. The gradual stuff is fool proof, and even the hard core kind is hard to mess up. I like to do my neck, forehead, cheeks and arms at night, and in the morning, I wake up to a nice glow. Oh how it makes me feel sooooo much better. If you are too nervous for it, get a good bronzer and just put a little on the spots that the sun would normally hit! Your kids will wonder why you are walking around singing like Snow White!
I would love to know what you do to brighten up the dull days of winter..."comment" below and give us some more tips!
And as always, share us with those you love!!

Facebook Login Labels: attitude, encouragement, enjoying kids, working out

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I typically just walk around in my bikini top...sorry couldn't even TYPE that one with a straight face! I was going to say drink fruity "adult" drinks with little umbrellas but maybe that's not appropriate at 10 am?! We are forecasted 10 inches of snow here - while I am flying down the hill on our sled covered in thermals and knee high socks, just knowing my toenails are pretty in pink will make me smile! ;)
Funny on many levels!! Thanks for the laugh!!
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