Wednesday, May 11, 2011
16 Things A Mom Should {NEVER} Do...
I think I've shared before... or maybe my mom (the E.M.G-Ma) has... but growing up my mom's mantra was "Do as I say, not as I do..." and it's still the running joke in our family. If you've read this blog at all, you know that I, Lindsay, am never the one to really write about advice or how to's ... mostly because my life is a series of "woops probably shouldn't try that again's".
So today's post is written mostly by some of you... last night on facebook I asked readers to finish this statement: A MOTHER SHOULD NEVER... and this is what YOU came up with...
{1} From Gena M... ~A MOTHER SHOULD NEVER~ Refer to a tampon as a "push pop" it might cause confusion...and your child *might* dig one out of your purse and ask you to open her"ice cream" (not that I would know from experience or anything...) ;)
{2} From Shaneen... ~A MOTHER SHOULD NEVER~ Leave her breast pump where her 3 year old son might find it and try to use it....and have a rage when his " boobs just won't work"...
{3} From Krystal... ~A MOTHER SHOULD NEVER~ Smell things.... like if you find something brown in the car seat or in pants - accept that it's probably poo and resist the urge to smell hoping it's never is! Like when we find wet spots, why we sniff is beyond me - just wash it.
{4} From Lacie & Kriste ... ~A MOTHER SHOULD NEVER~ "SAY NEVER"... because you never know what kind of kiddo you'll end up parenting :) AND the moment you do, it always comes around to bite ya in the tush! ;)
[Editor's Note: True Dat... yeah I said it]
{5} From ME...~A MOTHER SHOULD NEVER~ Ignore silence... it's never worth it, EVER !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
{6} From Tricia.... ~A MOTHER SHOULD NEVER~ make their child eat liver!
[Editor's Note: I would like to add green peas and benadryl... all things my son pukes on site from... literally...]
{7} From Ceisha... ~A MOTHER SHOULD NEVER~ Wear White.... really that needs no explanation:)
{8} From Mindy... ~A MOTHER SHOULD NEVER~ assume that there isnt spit in her lipgloss tube...(i know...disgusting.) my daugter sneaks my tubes and somehow spit ends up them.. gag.
{9} From Jill... ~A MOTHER SHOULD NEVER~ have long acrylic nails and change a poopy diaper...
[Editor's Note: Did anyone else just throw up a little??]
{10} From April... ~A MOTHER SHOULD NEVER~ Mix red wine and chocolate martinis the night before Easter... and then get so sick she can't be the Easter Bunny...
{11} From Me Again... ~A MOTHER SHOULD NEVER~ Leave the car door open near a hose... because little boys see that as an open invitation to "wash" the inside of your car... we're talking hose full blast in the back seat "wash"...
{12} From Emilie... ~A MOTHER SHOULD NEVER~ Shop for swimwear sober...
{13} From Cindy... ~A MOTHER SHOULD NEVER~ Accidentally take too much Tri Mag (a natural laxative) ...the night before assisting at a school field trip...
{14} From Kim... ~A MOTHER SHOULD NEVER~ assume that a child would "not" crawl in bed with mom and dad during "close" time, without being noticed!
{15} From Anonymous (obviously)... ~A MOTHER SHOULD NEVER~ Forget to lock the door while taking care of some "personal grooming".... [Editor's Note: this is not the original phrasing... I wrote the more socially acceptable version... the original knocked me out of my chair in hysterics... I didn't want anyone to get hurt.]
{16} From Christina... ~A MOTHER SHOULD NEVER~ Think you have more time to be with them, Time is to precious. Enjoy every moment....They grow up too fast...
I thought I should end with a nice one:) hehe... I hope this made you laugh today... I love hearing from so many amazing moms everyday!! Thanks for sharing and making the rest of us smile!!! Have a happy Wednesday!
PS If you have one you'd like to add please feel free to leave it in the comment section!!
Facebook Login Labels: advice, dressing kids for pictures, funny, motherhood, poop, sex

16 Things A Mom Should {NEVER} Do...
advice|dressing kids for pictures|funny|motherhood|poop|sex|
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