Monday, May 16, 2011

Mothers should not get sick...a look into why...

 This has been just a lovely last week.  I have been sick.  Not just your average "walk around with a tissue box in your hand" kind of cold...but a "knock you on your butt,  have to have mom come over to save the day" kind.  I haven't had coffee for a week, or even been able to taste my food!  That is sick people!   I think my favorite moment in it all was when Lindsay had to stop by to pick something up and I had been telling her for days that I was ok....she literally looked at me, winced, said something like "oooooo".  She then grabbed my destructo dude, ( did I mention he's been sick too?  ya!)  threw his clothes on (for the first time in days) and said "Im taking him, don't argue".  I didn't.

     I'm now in the clean up process of hacking up things that would disgust  a 16 year old boy,  I will have to work an extra day this week to pay for all of the kleenex I've gone through, and I'll need a forklift to rid my counters of all the "meds" I've tried.  I even have a friend coming to clean this week considering my home now resembles a toxic dump sight and mr. destructo will be getting a "shower by  pressure washer" to remove all of the dried on crust.  I'm at least grateful for my princess that requires little cleaning up on my behalf!  Lets not even talk about teeth here people...I think I've brushed mine, oh, I hope that wasn't just a dream?  My few showers were prompted by destructos comments of "you pell mommy"...not good when your 2 year old thinks you stink!  My husband is even sleeping upstairs...he says it's because of the germs on the bed, I'm hoping it's not long term.  There is a permanent dent in the couch where my butt has been planted, and my son now sings "nationwide is on your side" (a bit too much tv!)   I'm beginning to wonder, if it has evolved into a sinus infection because now I have a raging headache, stuffed up nose and my teeth hurt.  Not good signs.

     So this is where is gets a little funny....My sweet husband took the kids this afternoon so mommy could sleep (well mommy has to write a blog post so no sleep for her!).  So I decided to go get a Neti pot.  Have you heard of these?  Well Dr. Oz and Oprah say they are the best thing for eliminating allergies, preventing colds, and caring for those sweet little sinus canals.  And if they say it's a good thing, well, IT'S A GOOD THING!  :)

     So I got home with my precious, healing pot, and loaded it up with salt water and began to pour.  In the picture, the lady is smiling while water pours in one nostril and out the other.  So I put on my smile and went to smile didn't last long.  By the time I had salt water running down the back of my throat and into my mouth, all over my chin, and none flowing freely out the other side, the smile was replaced by gagging and spitting.  I was diligent though  I tried time after time (even though the salty taste reminded me of the time I got strep throat at camp and they made me gargle salt water, of which I swallowed half and threw up!)  I finally got a few drips to come out the other side, and considered it a success.  Oh, I will go back for more, I'm determined to conquer the Neti!


 So no deep thoughts lessons, no ooo's, or ahhhh's.  Just a nasty look into my week.  Honestly, my brain can't function to bring you anything of value today.  I hope you got a little laugh at my expense...

I'm going send a FREE Earth Monkey product of your choice to the best (or worst) sickie story!  Post your best one in the comments below!