Monday, May 9, 2011
Behavior that makes me see red...dye that is.
I feel like most days I spend that majority of my time cleaning up after the tirades of a two year old. My vocabulary often feels limited to "don't put your pee pee on the dog...boogers go on tissues not in your mouth...and you can't eat off of the ground!' Chaos feels like a permanent resident here; but it wasn't until last week that I actually experienced that mortifying, everyone is staring at me, I'm "that" parent, moment.
Our day started innocently enough at music class when my dude took a vacation from reality. He became the kid that everyone looks at and either says "thank God he is not mine, or that parent should not be allowed to have children". Let me just preface this by saying that even though he can be out of control at times, I can almost always distract him, or figure out some kind of a discipline to snap him into reality. But not today. He was charging into closets, out doors and doing exactly the opposite of every activity we were supposed to be doing. He was laughing hysterically at himself as he pulled my hair, climbed on everything (climbable or not) all the while getting the attention of every adult (and not in a good way!). We managed to survive music class and I apparently lapsed into a total state of bad judgement when I attempted the post office! (Earth Monkey products had to be mailed rain or shine, sweet or psycho toddler!) About 15 seconds into the door, it started down hill fast...
I have managed to burry a lot of the details but for the sake of my final point, I will relive them now...
1 time pulling cards from the display
2 times throwing his dinosaur at the oh so patient man who worked there
3 laps around the counter that forms the line
4 rolls on the ground (under said counter)
5 bolts to the door (only one time trapped by a nice woman!)
6 head throws backwards as I
7 items on the counter that had to be moved as I waited to mail our products
8 screams of delight at his insanity
9 beads of sweat on my brow
10 sets of eyes staring
Maybe that does not sound too insane, but it is all I can relive. The rest is just too painful.
Oh more dad all the years of my life (even now) has said to me, "think about what you say before you say it". Well, that advice escaped me that day because as I carried him back to the counter after the 5th escape attempt, a woman commented (I think trying to make me feel better) "wow, he is fast" that I jokingly replied "ya, we call him birth control". This is the point where I wish my dads advice would have been at the forefront of my mind because the other 10 customers, well lets just say that not one of them got the joke! At this point, I finished my business, buried my head; or should I say my son had my eyes covered with my own hair and his hands; and I left.
You ready for the moral to the story? This is what I learned that, best friends that can relate to this totally rock...and two, people that know lots of things are my super heros. Did you know that red dye in our foods are directly related to ADHD???? I didn't, but now I do. We eat super clean around here so we don't come into contact with much overly processed food, but the night before we had pink cupcakes at a birthday party, and the next morning, my son check out of reality. So heres the deal, maybe it was, maybe it wasn't, but for me its just one more thing that we all need to know about. There are so many dangers in the things we eat and this is just one. So I challenge you to check all the processed food in your pantries and get rid of anything with red dye in it. ESPECIALLY if you have a child who struggles with "post office type behavior", or a child that your sure might make you loose your mind. Then do some research. Don't take my word for it...just educate yourself!!!
Behavior that makes me see red...dye that is.
attitude|being judged|embarrassment|frustration|hyper kids|struggles|
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