Wednesday, May 25, 2011
{The Way I "Work}... it's just who I am

Mostly I joke about my inability to read directions, follow a recipe, pay bills on time or EVER have a clean house... but the truth is I honestly don't even know where to start. Every part of my life is so out of whack it feels completely overwhelming to even think about changing... so I just don't.
Yesterday I started my first coaching session with Kriste from Coaching Toward Empowerment. Not surprisingly one of my three goals is to work on is getting organized... I like to say I just don't know how or I'm too tired or my kids are rabid monkeys that make more messes than I can keep up with... but that's only a small part of the truth. Kriste mentioned something though that really kicked me in the guts, she said that maybe I am subconsciously using my messy, unorganized chaotic self as a fall back... an excuse... ultimately keeping my from success, I justify it as being "ok" because, "it's just how I am."
I think if I was ok with my cluttered, flakey self... it really would be OK. But I'm not. I hate it. "The way I am" magnifies small problems and turns them into catastrophes. It complicates everything, it keeps me from my kids and enjoying my husband and ultimately it makes me a lousy business partner.
She's so right... and I can't wait to dig deeper into why I'm such a total freak of a mess... there's something beautiful about talking to someone who can give it to you straight and who wants to see you be successful... and I'm ready for a change... my family's ready for me to change... I'm sure Greg... I mean Gena, is ready for me to change... and just in case Kriste's eye opening statement wasn't enough to propel me to get my Shhstuff together... here are 5 more signs it's time to put on my big girl panties...
{1} My laundry is so backed up my two youngest went commando two days last week.
{2} My refrigerator is so disgusting I try not to open it when people are over (because it stinks soo bad)... and it's been this way for weeks.
{3} One of our showers is leaking and not usable but I haven't called the plumber because my house is so messy and I don't want to have to get it "company clean".
{4} I keep finding bills I've stuffed filed away so I wouldn't forget to pay them... 2 months ago... (eek!)
{5} The piles of dirty towels and blankets on my bedroom floor have been there so long we have started using them as in-tables...
It gets worse but I want you to still like me so we'll leave it at that... Is there anything in your life that is out of whack, but you justify it as "Just being how you are"?? Are you brave enough to put on your big girl panties (not to be confused with granny panties) with me and take the plunge.... I'm scared but I know it will be worth it...
P.S. If you'd like to know more about how you can have Kriste as your coach, check out her site at:
P.S.S. Not this isn't a paid review of her services... we're not that kind of blog... we just like what we like and we pass it on:):)
Facebook Login Labels: choices, coaching, goals, kids, kids motherhood, marriage, organized, personality, work

{The Way I "Work}... it's just who I am
choices|coaching|goals|kids|kids motherhood|marriage|organized|personality|work|
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