Friday, September 30, 2011
Magnus es, domine, et laudabilis valde: magna virtus tua, et sapientiae tuae non est numerus. et laudare te vult homo, aliqua portio creaturae tuae, et homo circumferens mortalitem suam, circumferens testimonium peccati sui et testimonium, quia superbis resistis:
Wednesday, September 28, 2011
Jami Ronda shares..."Why I LOVE Temple Grandin"
"When everything seems to be going against you, remember that the airplane takes off against the wind,not with it."
Henry Ford
Having Temple Grandin in the "neighborhood" made me even more excited to share the reasons why I love this woman so much! I got to see her last year at a Future Horizons Autism seminar, where she and Tony Attwood (the leading Asperger's expert in the world) spoke to us all. Being in a hall with so many people who "get it" and hearing from the most knowledgeable and gifted speakers on the topic of ASD and Asperger' was a special kind of heaven. Like a blissful classroom. (Never before could I put those 2 words in a sentence!) It was the best couple of days I've had since we got our son's autism diagnosis.
When I first discovered Temple a couple of years ago and watched some of her teaching videos on You Tube, I was blown away. I didn't know of anyone who'd accomplished so much in the face of adversity and has taught so much to countless others. If you are not familiar with Temples story, check out the short You Tube video below where Claire Danes did a great job bringing her to life on the big screen for us in the movie "Temple Grandin".
So, here's my list of "why I love Temple"
1. We have a couple things in common: I was surprised when she described how she thinks in pictures, like Google Images, her brain pulls up pictures for things brought up in conversations. I sat there thinking, yes, I do that all the time. As she continued to share I realized that not everyone does that. After that talk, I had to start wondering about my other idiosyncrasies and wonder if I am on the spectrum.
Another thing in common is that I do not mind-and sort of love the smell of a farm, livestock, and stalls.
2. She designs and embroiders her own shirts: That impresses me to no end!
3. Her mother is a hero in her life and incredibly strong: After reading her book titled, "A Thorn in My Pocket", a book written from her mothers perspective, I understood far more about why Temple is the amazing woman she is. The movie left her father out and for good reason; he was not supportive and often agreed with the doctors about institutionalizing Temple. Her mother had to battle constantly for her daughter, often against her own husband.
4. She was a little averse to rules while in college: and for fun tried to see if she could make a master key for her campus (including her dean's office)...she did. I think she made it out of an aluminum can. She had rule-breaking behavior that gives me a lot of hope as we raise an "Aspie" with similar tendencies.
5. She finished college, something I did not do: She had so many obstacles and never let the struggle stop her. Her perseverance and drive (the gift part of her autism) are admirable and she lets us see that there can be good parts to being on the spectrum. She has said, if she could snap her fingers and take away the autism, she wouldn't. I wish I could say the same thing. I'd give anything, to include the use of my legs, if I could take this struggle away from my child.
6. Her life gives me such hope: She is living, breathing inspiration. I think of her on my hard days, when I just want to hide and cry. Thinking of her makes me remember that I can keep putting one foot in front of the other.
7. She is the mightiest advocate for those on the spectrum and is an excellent teacher to layman and professionals. Her life is a gift to us, for without her, I do not think we'd be where we are now in terms of the awareness of autism and it's impact on children. She is full of answers and suggestions and she is living it. She doesn't say..."here are the challenges, wow, autism sure bites"! She has written books filled with valuable advice for parents and teachers. One of the best is The Way I See It. It's full of short and very helpful chapters on topics we (and our kids) deal with every day.
8. She advocated for herself before she ever advocated for our sons and daughters: I'm still learning to advocate for myself, as a neurotypical! (A status that can be argued on any given day.) Her life has so much to teach me.
9. She goes outside her comfort zone for the good of others: People who do that inspire me so much I seriously get warm fuzzies when I see it.

10. She knows and fully accepts who she is: Her life is the life of a hero and I will always be grateful to her and to her mother for being the amazing women they are and being models of how to succeed on both sides of the autism factor!
Jami... is a mom to teenaged quadruplets and wife to her best friend, her knight in dented armor. Her "almost 15" year old crew consists of one girly tomboy and 3 strapping young men, one who was diagnosed with Asperger's Syndrome in 7th grade. Her passion for God/teens/sports is a perfect combination for her position as a Fellowship of Christian Athletes weekly Huddle Leader.
Check out Jami's Blog at and don't miss out on her fabulous Bling Mugs on FB!!!
Monday, September 26, 2011
How to: Make a beautifully simple burlap banner that will wow your friends and make your enemies love you!
I usually start surfing the blogs at this time of year, looking for easy projects to do with my kids,ones that look good hanging through thanksgiving. I do love the projects that come home from school, but lets be honest... the glued feathers and pine cones to paper plates usually fall off and start looking shabby a few weeks in. :) (not that I don't LOVE them)

burlap banners and
I have fallen in love with them!
The great thing about this project is you can customize the banners to be your own easily! You can make any word, or name.. you can embellish them or leave them simple.
Here are a couple that I love!!
What you will need: (I know...can you believe this is all???)
~1/2 yard of burlap- you can get this at Joane's fabric for around 3 dollars a yard!
~any color of neutral craft paint and foam brush
~black sharpie (Lindsay will have to buy a new one since these are stricken from her new home!) ;)
~Jute or black ribbon
~glue gun
Cut the burlap into triangles any size you want,
I cut them into about 7" tall and about 3" wide triangles
Get your craft paint and wipe on the paint in a triangle shape in the middle of the burlap with your foam brush. I used a tan color....this is so you can use a marker on it without bleeding on the burlap.
Let it dry for about 15 minutes..
I chose to use the word "Fall" so I could use it through Halloween and Thanksgiving...I free handed the letters on each banner; I did use a pencil first to make sure they all were the same size, then I just filled them in with the black sharpie. (you can free hand it) my kids just told me my 'L"looks upside down.. but I left it anyway!
When all the letters are done, you can roll out your jute or ribbon and then place your letters about 12" apart, with the letters facing the table, fold the upper part of the banner around the jute or ribbon and glue it down like sealing an envelope. (editors note...don't glue your fingers into the fold like I would do!)
After each one is dry, hang it so all of your friends can ohhh and ahhh in jealousy!!
You can make these for your kids rooms with their names, or for birthdays, holidays, or even weddings!.. so fun and easy!
Mindy is giving away a Joannes Fabric gift card for $10 for one lucky Earth monkey mom reader so you can buy the supplies to make this project!! It's simple to enter...1) "like" her Pretty in Paint FB page, "like" Earth Monkeys FB page (if you don't already) and leave a comment below that you did, and one lucky random reader will be chosen to win!!!
Happy crafting!
For those of you that don't know Mindy... she is the mother of two children, a wife and creator of all that is beautiful~along with her business of making any piece of unloved furniture amazing, she inspires others to try their hand at adding character to their own homes. Her blog "Pretty in Paint" is a fun and inspiring look into her world. You can also find her on facebook at
Facebook Login Labels: crafts, holidays, pretty in paint

Friday, September 23, 2011
{An Extreme Journey}... Why Us?
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Photo by Tara Behnke |
To my wonderful, amazing, incredible, talented, family, friends and community...
Hearing the amazing stories of out of work contractors who volunteered and sacrificial giving in it's purest form almost makes me weep... Why us Lord? And even now as I type in the most amazing living room I could have ever imagined... I am thinking ... this is too much... Why Us Lord?
There were so many people who came and served with their own inspirational stories... so many who came gave more than they really had to give. At least one amazing angel I know for sure was actually homeless, she made a cross necklace for us out of nails and wire as she watched a home being built for a family she didn't know... Why Us Lord??
Of course I don't have the answer... your comments and emails have been so encouraging but I feel like I should make it clear ...we know we're not deserving of such a gift... no one really is. My friend Nikki put it so well the other day when she said, "receive & enjoy it for the gift that it is from God, all grace from his endless goodness, not because you deserve it."
My mom just read me a devotional about 2 Samuel 23... where David is so thirsty his men cross enemy lines to get him water from the well at Bethlehem... when they came back he couldn't drink it because it was too great of a gift for himself... he had to pour it out for the Lord.
This idea of pouring out a monumental blessing has consumed me... this house... this gift ... your sacrificial blessing for our family... is not deserved, but it has been received with overwhelming joy and gratitude. Now all we can do is continue to "pour it out" as a blessing for our friends and family... our community and most of all for our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ and his Kingdom.
I get that not all of you who read this share my faith in such a mighty and forgiving God... but you have to know I couldn't share this experience without sharing what he has done in me through it. Seeing each of you in photos and on the news working for our family is like watching God's love in action. I don't know why God chose us for such a tremendous gift... just know this is only the start to the EXTREME Journey we GET to be apart of, and we are so immensely blessed to see where He will take us next!
I also want to give a HUGENORMOUS thank you to all of you amazing EMM's. You can't know how amazing it feels to be loved and supported by so many incredible moms! I love you with all of my heart!!
Ark Built Renovations headed up by Rush Behnke and Ken Snelling and The Dream Team thought up this up this lavishly beautiful amazing breathtaking project... These men are the most amazing examples of God's grace, love and mercy... not only are they so incredibly talented... but they are people we should all strive to be like. We love you and your families so much, seeing God in you has changed us at our core and inspired us in ways you'll never know!
We have made some amazing friends from the Extreme Team, and we are so blessed that you considered us worthy of such a gift... we won't let you down... we will pay it forward. God has used you in a mighty way to change our family's legacy and to unite the most amazing community on earth! Thank you!
Love With All Of our Hearts and Souls,
The McPhail's
I also want to give a HUGENORMOUS thank you to all of you amazing EMM's. You can't know how amazing it feels to be loved and supported by so many incredible moms! I love you with all of my heart!!
Ark Built Renovations headed up by Rush Behnke and Ken Snelling and The Dream Team thought up this up this lavishly beautiful amazing breathtaking project... These men are the most amazing examples of God's grace, love and mercy... not only are they so incredibly talented... but they are people we should all strive to be like. We love you and your families so much, seeing God in you has changed us at our core and inspired us in ways you'll never know!
We have made some amazing friends from the Extreme Team, and we are so blessed that you considered us worthy of such a gift... we won't let you down... we will pay it forward. God has used you in a mighty way to change our family's legacy and to unite the most amazing community on earth! Thank you!
Love With All Of our Hearts and Souls,
The McPhail's
Facebook Login Labels: community, Extreme Makeover Home Edition, faith, family, friends, god, gratitude

Wednesday, September 21, 2011
Their younger years! (disclaimer: if you are one who does not like to talk about poop or anything relating to poop, do not read!)

"The Story of Jack"

How you ask?
And then came problem 3: This is when I realized, "this thing is wayyy too big to flush!!" So I pull myself together, exit the bathroom and ask my friend if she has anything I can cut it with.......Yes, I was going to cut up the "ball"! And let me tell ya, Jeni, was quite accommodating, even through her and Stacia's laughter.
I took my plastic knife and went in and tackled the "ball"! In disbelief that this is what my life was, I was cutting up my child's crap. Anyway I left her house that day in tears, mentally exhausted! I remember feeling like it was one of the worst days in being a parent I had experienced...
But now I can tell that story and laugh nearly every time,
because it IS funny.
It just wasn't at the time. These difficult days may possibly break you, at the time, but they will leave you with a memory of that child FOREVER! Also, those difficult kids have their own timing. That is one thing I have learned about Jack, he will do it, but it will be when he wants to. (example: potty training, bike riding, swimming etc. getting dressed,pretty much anything!) And they will strike again! This Memorial weekend I had to cut yet another turd in our trailer, somehow this one came out sideways! The first to get a text from me, Jeni and Stacia, because I knew they would appreciate it!
Honestly without the difficult times, what would we have to talk about? This is such a short time in your life, and one day you will look at that child and think he is the smartest, funniest little turd in the world!

For those that are new around here...our guest contributor Kim,
Is a married mother of three very "active" children. She manages an Italian restaurant and in one of the original "Saucy Sisters". Saucy Sisters is a sauce and salad dressing company that produces fresh sauces with bold flavors. Striving to make the home cook look like a genius, the Saucy Sisters will take your kitchen to a whole new level!
You Can find Saucy Sisters products at:
Redrock Italian Eatery
The Rogue Valley Growers Market
(during Market season)
Soon in a grocery store near you!
Visit their website at: and
"Like" Saucy Sisters on FB
Every post is more fun with a giveaway! So share this EMM blog on your page, "like" Saucy Sisters, come tell us that you did both and one lucky random winner will win one of our great sauces!!!
Facebook Login Labels: funny, having kids, poop, Saucy Sisters

Monday, September 19, 2011
Extreme Makeover's real hero's...nope, it's not the actors...guess again...Yep! It's the locals!!! Now it's time to support THEM!!!
I got to witness a miracle this week. It had nothing to do with a house built in 5 days (although that is unbelievable!), or the famous people milling around with us commoners, it wasn't about the logistics of what it takes to organize 3000 people or the fact that the McPails are blessed more than there are words with this gift of a new home. What blew me away this week was the fact that hundreds, even thousands of "local" people came together and donated time, money and "things" to build an Extreme Makeover home. I have been contemplating what would move so many people to give to this cause, to help people that they don't even know...what I am overwhelmed by is the fact that people do it because they want to be involved, and make something huge happen for the simple reason of wanting to help. (aside from the ones that were there just to see TY :) ) "OOOOOO" you say..."your deep! Nice observation dummy". So it may not be a huge revolution but it is a cool thing to contemplate...You see, I saw Rush from Ark built, hustling around every time I was there, the ladies from Terra Firma were there one night when I left and 2:00 AM and they were already there working away when I came back the next morning. Four seasons (and other nurseries) created a landscape fit for a castle, while Food for Less donated crates of water and Gatorade for the workers. Gates furniture donated so much furniture its unreal (Ill be there next time I need something!!!) Almost all of the building materials were donated, the vehicles that were used to drive around, and the trailers were loaned, local book stores and toys stores helped out...and honestly there are so many more businesses that donated that it would take days to list!!! And they all did it just to help!!! CRAZY!! One more thing I have to mention...I put a call out to a few women who I knew would pull through and donate an item of something they sell to a silent action to benefit the family build fund...before I knew it, almost 100 "moms" had posted things to auction from their businesses!!! I am still blown away by the fact that a group of awesome women raised around $7000!!!! So stinking cool!!!
I had a chance to get involved in rounding up a few last minute donation needs and what I realized is that it was totally easy to find local business people that were glad to help, but a big corporation?? Their hands are tied. I was discouraged every time I called a big chain store and got the same answer about the fact that it would have to go to corporate and...bla, bla, bla...but the minute I got a local business owner on the phone, they were excited to help! This has left such an impression on me that I am giving myself a challenge...
And as a thank you...we are giving you %10 off
I had a chance to get involved in rounding up a few last minute donation needs and what I realized is that it was totally easy to find local business people that were glad to help, but a big corporation?? Their hands are tied. I was discouraged every time I called a big chain store and got the same answer about the fact that it would have to go to corporate and...bla, bla, bla...but the minute I got a local business owner on the phone, they were excited to help! This has left such an impression on me that I am giving myself a challenge...
For the next month, I am only going to shop either small local businesses, or from actual people selling their own stuff online, or in crafters markets, and definitely I'm going to support "mom based businesses"!...I've always been a huge fan of locally owned grocery stores, and growers markets, but this month I'm stepping up my commitment to saving my grocery shopping for those places.
(one case the paparazzi catches me, I will still buy my peanut butter and bread from
cost-co because mama would go broke not buying those in serious bulk!)
* I already started by buying some new running shoes a local store for a half marathon that is this weekend that Lindsay roped me into and is now trying to get out of (did I just tell everyone that???)
* I recently had fun shopping all mom owned business for baby shower gifts (I have to give a little more than just our own Earth Monkey gear)
* and we are working on utilizing people here to help with the next items to be added to our Earth Monkey line.
So who is in this with me???? Up for the challenge??? Im not asking you to give up every big store that you love, (I might even die without a trip through Target!) I'm just challenging us all to think about how we can help our own communities, and our own hard working business owners...Let me know if you are in!
of the entire line of "pumpkin" print.
and let us know what other mom business you like to shop from!!!
Friday, September 16, 2011
Hands off your peeper...and a few other things we never thought we'd oldie but goodie!!
I'm sitting here trying to write some snappy paragraph to lead you into the reason why I am copping out and posting "an oldie but goodie" and not posting one of our Earth Monkey special contributors, but honestly I am so crazy tired, I can hardly here it goes...I reached way back for this one but I though we could all use a little laugh...All of the Extreme Home Makeover stuff with surface again, but tonight, stick a fork in me because I am done!
I still cant believe most of the things that come out of my mouth on a daily basis...amazing the crazy things that kids do that make you say things like.....
DONT drink's been sitting in the car for 3 days! Ok, so maybe I'm the only one that has ever said that, but I have to be honest that it is not uncommon to find a half drank chocolate milk floating around in my car! Oh how I wish I didn't have to admit that!
Because I said so….Honestly this is the one I REALLY cant believe that I actually do say. I thought I would be the parent that would calmly explain the reason for everything I ever said…now I fully realize that there was no possible way I could ever give enough of an explanation to my children to satisfy them. … Ever!
Stop touching your peeno (dont ask me where that name came from) seriously boys, how in the world do you come out with an instant obsession with that little thingy hanging between your legs??????? Can it really be THAT exciting! sheesh!!!
I said…..I just knew that my children would be so well behaved that there would never be a time that I would have to ever repeat myself. (oh come on you used to think that the mom that couldn’t get her kids to listen to her the first time was a looser too!!) But I will admit that maybe once or twice a day (ok maybe 103 times) I do have to say “I said…” But I’ m sure when they are teenagers, I’ll only have to say things once! (Riiiiight)
No one can know the down and dirty of being a parent…until you become a parent… sometimes throughout the day I stop and think to myself…”did those words really just come out of your mouth?” They are words that form sentences I never imagined anyone saying…
Forks Aren’t For Stabbing…Maybe it’s just my kids…but they can turn anything into a weapon and often try to shank each other…
We Don’t Touch Poop… I still remember the day Sawyer came down the stairs proudly yelling ewwe poooop… he had pooped on a toy cell phone and brought it down proud to show us his accomplishment… that was the day the poop war was waged in the McPhail household and we battle on even today…
Don’t Drink the Bath Water… your butt is in that water….Stop drinking it!!! What is the draw?? Seriously, I can’t imagin what is so thirst quenching about merky soapy butt water?? But still they drink…
Hands Off Your Peeper… (I know peeper sounds I little creepy but I can’t say penis or wiener…) If you have boys, you have to be familiar with this one. day or night rain or shine, they have to make sure their friend is still attached… apparently it will be that way until the end of time…
Is That My Toothbrush In The Toilet??? Oh the glamorous life of a mother…
Please, please add yours below!!! Remember,we love it when you make us feel normal!!!
And dont forget to check out our cool Earth Monkey gear!
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