Wednesday, November 3, 2010
10 Signs that you might be addicted to facebook...
I get a lot of crap for the time I spend on facebook. I like to use the excuse that it’s for work or it’s my only way to socialize with two special needs kids at home… but the truth is, it’s just addicting. Never have we had access to so much information (aka gossip) right at our fingertips. I think our society is addicted to technology as a whole but when you can’t imagine your life without things like facebook, twitter or even our cell phones, something is WRONG. SO here are 10 signs that you might be addicted to facebook… (PS these are not all about me… some of them I got from you… ahahahaha)
You might be addicted to facebook if…
1. 250 of your closest friends and family know exactly what you’ve eaten for the past 24 hours…
2. You get on to check out status updates ”real quick” right after breakfast and you don’t stop until you here your kids crying for lunch.
3. You get depressed when no one comments on your status.
4. You’re completely annoyed with someone you haven’t seen or talked to in 20 years.
5. You post the news that your pregnant on your page before you tell your family…Not me by the way…
6. The fact that your high school boyfriend hasn’t accepted your friend request keeps you awake at night.
7. You know exactly how many “friends” you have and you notice when someone un-friends you…
8. You have a Facebook app on every mobile device you own… and can’t NOT check your phone when it dings that someone posted on your wall… no matter what you’re doing… i.e. bathing the kids, working out or having sex…
9. Your kids start crying and try pushing you out of the chair when they see you sit down at the computer.
10. You use the initials “LOL” and “IDK” when having an actual person to person conversation.
They say the first step is recognizing you have a problem… So, Hi my name is Lindsay, and I am addicted to facebook…. in an attempt to overcome my addiction I am going to be facebook free for the weekend… I’m even going to change the settings on my phone… I love facebook I don’t want to stop using it… but mama does need a little balance… so, see ya Monday!!
Facebook Login Labels: addiciton, facebook, friends, funny, motherhood, socialize

10 Signs that you might be addicted to facebook...
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