Monday, November 15, 2010
Firehoses are not for putting on the dog, and other little boy issues...

I'm gonna jump ship for a quick minute...I "work" one day a week. I call this my vacation day, because 12 hours doing hair is much easier than the same amount of time with my children. Anyway, on these days, I get to have real conversation with real adults and it feeds my soul. I am lucky to have some great people that I love and respect, and sometimes I even get some great advice from. A couple of weeks ago, a client that I adore was telling me a story and unbeknownst to her, it turned into some almost life changing (at least attitude changing) advice. We were talking about her grown son and his beautiful family when she made a comment that went something like this; "...I would give 5 million dollars to have my son be little and call me mommy again..." It didn't mean much to me until the next day when my son walked up to me, lifted up his arms, and asked me to "tuggle". My first reaction was just to say just a minute, but that is when it hit me... I looked into his huge brown eyes and saw a man. A man with his own life, and his own family. Not my little boy calling me mommy! It broke me (in a good way). I know there will be a day that I will want to give 5 million for my son to need me like he does now.
So my point is this...he is a boy, a crazy little boy!!! I may never fully get why he kicks everything, pees on anything, loves farts and only talks for a reason, but he is my boy that will be a man someday. I want to do my best to enjoy every moment of his littleness! (my little girl is included in this) It is hard to be a mommy, it is frustrating and demanding but some day my job at this level will be over. We are raising "men" and "women" but for now when they look at us with those big brown eyes...lets drop everything, because someday, we will be looking up into their eyes!
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Facebook Login Labels: adoption, advice, enjoying kids, family

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LOVE THIS! My littlest daughter can't get enough "boobies" either, she always has her hand down my shirt, wonder what that's about?!
On a side note, I don't have boys, but I am so grateful to those mom's who do put their all into it, (nurturing the differences in their likes, dislikes and rambunctious nature)for one day these boys will be married to my girls, and how they feel about their moms has a lot to do with how they will treat their wives. Same with daughters and fathers, let's raise respectful kids!
Great post!! As a new mommy to a 7 month old little boy I loved reading what I get to look forward too. I think the best thing you said was to take the time to enjoy what's happening right now....Last night as my son woke up for the 4th time(I was over it too) boyfriend said to me " he is only little once" and that hit home. I am so wrapped up in schedules, bedtimes, and worrying is this the right decision that I forget to enjoy my baby. So thank you for the reminder. :)
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