Friday, November 19, 2010

How to take a great picture of your monkeys...

Alex owns Maria Alexandra Photography and is our guest contributor here at EMM today. She is inspired by the beauty each individual has, by the innocence and happiness of every child, and by the love each couple feels for one another. She cherishes capturing those special moments and the ability to create a treasure for her clients to keep forever.

Photography is all about good light, nailing the exposure of each picture by choosing the right aperture and shutter speed. Mix all that up with a little creativity and you have got yourself a great photograph. I wont get technical about it in this tutorial. This is for the regular mom with the regular camera to learn how they can easily take a great picture of their kidos. 

1) Go outside. Overcast days that are not dark are best. That way your monkeys are not squinting or have shadows on their faces. Or if it is sunny find some shade. You can even make shade. Get your husband off the couch by divoing his game    and threatening him with his life and have him stand out there with you to hold the large patio umbrella. Believe me it works ;)

2) Pick a good background. Be aware of weird foreign objects that may draw too much attention. Your monkeys should be the main focus

3) Think of a fun thing/ toy that would make your kids happy that could be used as a prop. Having everything set up and prepared for your mini shoot before taking the kids out is best. Kids get tired super fast, having them stand around while you set up and decide what you are going to do will waste time and you will have little to no time to actually take their pictures.


4) Threaten... I mean ask... your husband one more time and have him stand where you are planing to take the pictures and do a few test shots to make sure the light is good and everything looks good.  ( turn your flash off to avoid red eyes) 

5) Bring the kids out to your set up area and let them play. Get in front of them and wait to catch your favorite moments and cute faces they naturally make.  Try different angles. If your kids are not looking at the camera try talking to them, tell them a story for a cute serious face, tell them a funny story for a cute smile. I have to make fart noises for my girls so if you know what makes your kids laugh do it even if once again you have your husband help and act as the clown.

I was making fart noises 

I was telling her a story

Moms Please do not bribe your children with their favorite candy and threaten them with not getting any if they don't smile. This will only make them give you a cheesy smile or upset them, however you may reward them after the shoot is over and tell them they did so good. This makes the experience a positive one and they will be happy to have you take their pictures again.

Have fun :) 

[editor's note: Today Alex is giving away a free mini shoot for one lucky reader's kiddos! It's a big prize so you have to do a little work... don't roll those eyes at me young lady:) have to "share" this post on facebook and "share" and "like" Maria Alexandra Photography and Earth Monkeys  facebook pages and THEN post on our Earth Monkeys Facebook page that you did so. you can do it... just a few clicks and you could be the lucky winner! ] 

Don't forget to check out Alex's facebook page and website:


I Saw a Squirrel said...

So my babies are all grown up and I've already shared and "liked" Alex's site. I'm out of the running for the prize. So I'm commenting just because I genuinely LIKED/LOVED this post! Great and useful advice. Loved the "fart sounds" advice :o)

The Moriarity's said...

YAY, loved the post Alex. I have "liked" and "shared" the heck out of you and EMM- such inspiring ladies, thank you for your creativity and humor- crossing my fingers I win the mini shoot;) my pics of my new baby all look like he is doing a poop or something...just can't seem to capture him like I know Alex could! said...

Ok, so now I've shared and liked you all! =) My facebook friends must be wondering what's up. I've never posted this many links before. Hehe. I was sitting here thinking "ahh! I really would have liked for my kids to get some good photos, but I'm sure she's not going to offer to fly to Colorad as well" when it dawned on me that "hey, WE are going to Oregon!" (at least so my husband says) hehe. Now I'll just wait and see! I'd LOVE to win this one!! =)

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