Wednesday, November 3, 2010

My shoes are filled with good intentions…


GENA…. I know…I am dissapointed that it is me writing again today too…Linz is on a MUCH NEEDED vacation with her hubbie!  I have just a bit of business to take care of before I inspire you with my amazing knowledge (ya right!!!)  
     We are so excited to have so many moms connected through earthmonkeymoms.  We have had almost 5000 page views, and we are growing rapidly!  Thanks so very much for passing us on to your friends.  We love you for it!  So I’m just begging, I mean asking 25 (or 2500) of you awesome moms to like us on facebook right now…My goal is to have over 200 friends before Linz gets back.  Thats not asking too much is it???  So click the “F” on the side and like us…Pretty please??
     So now after 13 hours working on my feet with little food, I’m going to try to say something that makes sense!
     Oh how I love shoes…I love heals with platforms, heals with wedges and heals with stilettos.  I love straps, buckles and ties.  I love a shoe that makes my legs look long, my butt look good and my calves look shapely. I like how I feel in good shoes,  I stand straighter, walk taller and swagger just a bit.  I love shoes!  This is why I have a closet full of shoes…that I never wear! 
     On any given day, the most glamorous thing that I do is pick up my daughter from kindergarten, and for this event, no one could be even the slightest bit concerned with what I have on my feet!  My sweet husband who takes me on the occasional date, usually plans something like golf, tennis or the park…all events totally inappropriate for a great pair of heals. 
     I buy shoes always with the same intention, to wear them.  I think of the right occasion for each one and even what I will wear them with.  Oh the grand plans that I have for each little treasure!  (I don’t name them, just in case you think I’m getting weird)  What I am realizing though, is that my shoe collection resembles my life…I am stuffed full of good intentions and no follow through!  I plan out thank you cards to send, encouraging phone calls to make and “just because” gifts for friends…Then guess what?  Those things never happen.  Just like my beautiful shoes left on the shelf, that thank you card gets ignored!  I always use the reason that I forgot, or I’m just too busy, and while those may be legit reasons, they are still not good ones. 
    Its so easy for me (and maybe im the only one here) to get so focused on myself and my family that I forget about those around me.  When I get a chance to get out into the world and talk to people, I realized there is a lot going on out there that I need to pay attention to.  I don’t want to be so self absorbed that I miss out  on others lives.  I want to be involved, I want to help, and mostly I want to teach my kids to have compassion and help others.  So I guess this is all a random, round about way of saying that I want to send that card and be present to offer whatever I can to others.  My life is not so busy that I cant take time to care about others…So Im going to get those shoes off the shelf and do something with them!  OK that makes no sense, but you get what I am saying or not saying???  I am going to take my good intentions off of the shelf and use them.  I am going to focus on others and do something positive for someone else.
     This sounds a bit silly reading over it, but It is my personal conviction to not be so absorbed in my own life but to reach out…I’d love to know…what is your personal conviction???