Wednesday, November 3, 2010
5 things I never thought I’d end up sharing when I became a mom…
Making the decision to become parents was the most amazing decision of our lives. We thought of all of joy, laughter, cuddles and completeness that kids would bring to our lives… and they have!! But there were some things I wasn’t prepared to share… things that as a young, carefree 25 year old, I took for granted…

This is a daily sight in my bathroom… the kid has 15 toothbrushes but prefers to chew on mine and then leaves it hidden in different places around the house when he’s done. I hunt for it forever when I finally get around to having 2 seconds to brush my teeth and find it in places like between the couch cushions… or in the dog’s bowl…
You would be surprised what fun things little boys can think to do with underwear… they can be bugs, super heroes or even a chef on occasion (white underwear make great chefs hats.) I used to steal my moms good Victoria Secrets bras all of the time in high school… somehow, as the mom of three boys I thought my underwear would remain my own… I guess no ones safe:)
#3 MY BED…
My kids are early risers… so somedays when I can’t muster up the energy to pull my fat butt out of bed at 4:30 am, I just pull them back in bed with me. Unfortunately their “snug time” arrivals just keep getting earlier and earlier. We finally made the decision to get up and put them all back in their beds after a freak accident last weak when Crew peed MY bed while laying on top of ME. It was a bit traumatic as I was walled in by the other two boys (while my husband slept soundly on his side) and I was trapped in a claustrophobic nightmare.
Growing up with four siblings and usually and extra kid of some sort, our house was chaos. My dad is a pilot and worked out of town most of the year so my mom had to deal with us on her own most of the time. I remember the one rule set in stone was that my moms purse was her space and off limits to us… we weren’t allowed to dig through it or look around to see what treasures were hidden beneath the trash, loose change and receipts … and that’s how it should have been, now I understand why… because NOTHING and I do mean NOTHING is your own anymore when you become a mom. To this day I still feel squiggy when I have to grab something out of her purse… like I’m going to get a time out or something… if only I could teach my monkeys the rule… maybe I wouldn’t have to replace debit cards and make up quite so often…maybe:)
OK I LOVE… LOVE LOVE LOVE snug time (portrayed in picture above) it’s what keeps me going, it’s like a magic pill that changes me from crazy psycho mommy into fairly nice, semi-sane mommy again… what I do miss is going to the bathroom by myself, getting dressing by myself, having uninterrupted sex, eating dinner without kids crawling up my legs asking for bites even when they’ve just eaten, and my all time favorite making dinner with out a 1 year old screaming and trying to scale my body like he’s conquering Mt Everest by digging his nails into whatever flesh of mine he can find.
Sometimes I dream about sterile toothbrushes and going pee by myself with the door closed… to be able to finish a meal or even a phone call are things I can only dream about at this stage of life……….. oh what? you thought there was more? You thought I was going to end it with a flowery “they’ll be gone before you know it” … ugh OK, if I have to… I guess it’s not that bad to be peed on, puke on, pooped on and smothered in bed on a daily basis… I guess it’s not that bad to have little people who love and adore me more than anyone else on earth… I guess I can share every part of me and who I am with 3 grubby little monkeys… because these days will be gone before I know it…
Don’t miss our guest contributor this Friday!!! The first post by our official EMG(earth monkey grandma)!! Her series it called, “Do as I say, not as I did” (which, consequently was her modo while we were growing up:)) I’ve read already read it.. it will make you laugh, it will make you cry… it will rip everything I just wrote to shreds…PLUS one lucky Earth Monkeys Facebook Friend will win a little sumpn sumpn of the coffee variety… We are soo soo excited !!!!
Facebook Login Labels: funny, love, sharing, took for granted

5 things I never thought I’d end up sharing when I became a mom…
funny|love|sharing|took for granted|
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