Wednesday, November 3, 2010
What’s Your Guilty Pleasure?
I never thought being a mom would be a glamorous life…that’s probably why I didn’t even want kids for the first 5 years of my marriage. Now I’m in the thick of it. I can’t even go to the bathroom by myself and “Is that poop or…” is the phrase I most often use throughout the day. (Seriously I’m not kidding, my house is not a “5 second rule” house, with three young boys there always seems to be poop somewhere…mmmm excited to come over for our next play date now aren’t ya:))
Anyway, these days I dream about grocery shopping by myself and actually getting both legs shaved before I have to bolt out of the shower to see whose screaming/bleeding/pooping/puking ect. … So what’s my guilty pleasure??? I wish it was something really bad or fun or glamorous…but I’m afraid you’ll be disappointed…It’s only a “guilty” pleasure because I’m embarassed to admit that I do it. I love and I dare say I can’t live without……drumroll please….Days of Our Lives ON HULU… ya baby!!! I LOVE Sammy and HATE Nicole…that conniving &^%*… why can’t she just leave Brady alone??
I love that no one really works and even if they do have money problems they are wearing designer clothes and they’re makeup is always perfect when they wake up in the morning. It’s so ridiculous, it’s true entertainment!!! Most of all I love that for exactly 43 minutes (that’s about our average nap length these days) I get to sit and veg and not wipe anyone’s butt, or nose…It’s just me and the Brady’s, the Kiriakis’ and the Horton’s…and then a baby cries and the day starts again:)
My husband and my daughter get more date nights than he and I do…Of this I am occasionally jealous, unless it’s a Thursday night. At 8:00, I put our son to bed, pour a glass of wine (slightly fuller than normal) and sit down with my date…the remote to the TV. Doesn’t sound exciting? Well this leads me to admitting my guilty pleasure…The Real Housewives of…………..I’ll take them all! Ney York, New Jersey, Atlanta and my favorite, Orange County.
My husband and my daughter get more date nights than he and I do…Of this I am occasionally jealous, unless it’s a Thursday night. At 8:00, I put our son to bed, pour a glass of wine (slightly fuller than normal) and sit down with my date…the remote to the TV. Doesn’t sound exciting? Well this leads me to admitting my guilty pleasure…The Real Housewives of…………..I’ll take them all! Ney York, New Jersey, Atlanta and my favorite, Orange County.
My husband doesn’t get my love of these shows, and frankly I don’t really either. What is it about winey, rich women who are obsessed with shopping, yelling at everyone and now singing?? I think that most of the time I am totally discussed by the excess that surrounds them and the shallowness that consumes them, but then I wonder maybe I’m just jealous of their fabulous clothes, fancy cars and always perfectly maintained hair and makeup. If I really thought about it, I’m actually saddened by their apparent selfishness and lack of concern for anyone or anything. It is a shame that their children are seemingly being raised to be the same shallow people as their parents. But you know what? It is a flipping TV show!!! So who cares???
All I really know is that I have seen every episode and every time a new one is on, I can hardly control my excitement! I love these women like they are my best friends; ok so maybe not, but just like a train wreck, I can’t look away! One more thing, Gretchen, if you are reading this I would love to come to the OC and burn a hole in my black Am Ex with you!! Ya like I have one of those!…Well anyway, back to cartoons!
What’s YOUR guilty pleasure???
All I really know is that I have seen every episode and every time a new one is on, I can hardly control my excitement! I love these women like they are my best friends; ok so maybe not, but just like a train wreck, I can’t look away! One more thing, Gretchen, if you are reading this I would love to come to the OC and burn a hole in my black Am Ex with you!! Ya like I have one of those!…Well anyway, back to cartoons!
What’s YOUR guilty pleasure???
Facebook Login Labels: days of our lives, guilty pleasure, humor, kids, life, reality shows, tv

What’s Your Guilty Pleasure?
days of our lives|guilty pleasure|humor|kids|life|reality shows|tv|
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