Wednesday, November 3, 2010

It’s ok to lie…Sometimes???

I’m not a big fan of lying to my children.  The tradition of Santa clause, the Easter bunny and the tooth fairy, are not exciting to me…and if you are like my husband and friends, I just saw you roll your eyes at me, I’ll get to my point quickly so I don’t loose you… I will continue as long as I can to lie about “mommy having eyes in the back of her head”!  I love this one!
I even wonder sometimes if it truly is a lie???  I’m sure my mom had them and now I really think I might!   I’m not sure exactly when it happened, I think they grew sometime around my second child’s first birthday. Before then, I think I just didn’t need them.  It just hit me; is this how a mom evolves???  Oh please tell me my extra arms will be budding soon, puulleeezz!
Anyway…I can tell exactly what is going on with my back turned or even in the next room just by the sounds, or lack there of.  Daddy runs at any scream, any cry and any thud.  But me?  Somehow those eyes of mine see it all.  Now that I think about it, I’m kind of like super man, because I’m sure I have x-ray vision as well!   (I think I’ll start lying about being a super hero too!)  I know if one of my kids is just mad or if there is a legit injury (even how bad it is…thud, silence…..scream=not good) or just fighting over a toy. I know who the culprit is, who the antagonizer is, or who did the damage simply by using my special senses…I could even tell if it’s just a common hair pulling competition or a true Ultimate fight to the death!                                                                                                                                 
So I don’t have anything deep or challenging today, just the simple realization that us moms truly are super hero’s.  Not only because of our lightning speed to take away dirt before its consumed, our ability to ignore “mom, mom, mom, mom” or being able to say “no” in a single breath, but it all boils down to those amazing set of eyes…So if you already have yours, congratulations.  If you don’t yet, your day is coming.  And even if it never really happens, at least become a good liar so your kids think you do!