Wednesday, November 3, 2010
The color white… and a few other things MOMS would have never invented…
We are pretty sure as we look around our homes on a daily basis that our worlds are loaded with things that make any mom cringe…These are the things that “no mom would ever invent” . So today we are inspired to share with you those things that are so ridiculous that we can safely assume some grey haired man in a suit and tie came up with these terrible inventions as he sat secluded behind his desk!
GENA… First of all I am considering changing EVERYTHING in my house to a murky brown, this includes couches, curtains, walls, floors, cabinets, towels and of course light switches…I’m pretty sure that no mom would ever make anything white! (need I say more???)
For moms that are still trying to create a “sterile” environment for there children, you will not agree with me here but…I think that vacuum cleaners with that little light that shows you if you have gotten your carpets totally clean are ridiculous! It takes me long enough to get my floors clean without some light making me feel guilty if I move on before it tells me I can. I just don’t need that kind of pressure when I vacuum, people!
And speaking of vacuums…really, why are they louder than my car engine???? A mother would never invent anything that wakes up a sleeping toddler from 2 miles away, or even worse, blocks out the sound of Sponge Bob (ya, I let my kids watch it)
Cloth care interior…don’t even get me started on this one! I hope that there is at least one other mom out there that can relate to attempting to scrape loads of cheerios, dog biscuits, and other dried up unidentifiables off of the seats of your car! The last thing I need is one more piece of fabric to have to try to clean. And lets not even talk about the stench left behind by a spilled milk bottle! Thank you God for leather!!!
And one last thing…couches with removable cushions. So I know they are fun, but really, I pick mine up at least twice daily! Maybe I should just let them be forts, trampolines, and slides full time…NA.
1) OK can I just say $%^&$ Carpet?? Seriously… It may just be because I’m SUPER grouchy today… but carpet just makes me angry!! It’s a germ catching, fruit snack grabbing, always muddy when it rains pain in my big butt.
2) Toys that are unreasonably, obnoxiously loud… like the flippen popper mower thingys with the colored balls… my kids always want to push them when my husband and I are having a “discussion”
4) Cheapy “washable” crayons and markers that don’t really wash off… I have actually removed permanent market easier than these so called impostors… now if only I could stop being wooed by the $.50 savings and stop buying them!
3) Body By Victoria Commercials… Ok I know this is technically not an invention, but I am so annoyed right now I can’t stand it. When the 15 year old girl with a boob job says, “I love my body.” I’m like I’m sure you do princess… you’ve never gained 60 pounds in 9 months and shot out a water melon only to be rewarded by saggy boobs, cellulite and stretch marks…
OK end of rant… I’m going to finish my coffee and see if I can’t wash of the cup of b*&^# that someone spilled on me this morning… What would YOU have never invented??
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The color white… and a few other things MOMS would have never invented…
funny|moms would never invent|motherhood|
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